Raquel Squelch

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Raquel Squelch


a sort of rhyme & a sucking sound

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Warning Warning your shit is not together. Your shit is currently spread out further than the per square kilometer population density of canada
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Fortunes on kazoo paper, humming on cookies. "What. It's bring your parallel universe to leisure day."
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"You're never lonely playing amongst the atoms" thanks famous quote but I was even ignored by a single macro particle clique theory
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A shark cage overgrown with vines "Let's see if the attacks are thwarted by feeling squirmy about what might be crawling around in there"
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no guys you’re both wrong when i was a kid it was the barrentaint bears
Reposted byAvatar Raquel Squelch
a block isn’t enough we need to duel with flaming swords
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they way light mode shines on your maniacal face in the dark
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around this time of day i like to try to figure out what the fuck is wrong with me
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i look at pompeii jackoff guy and feel like i’m part of an assassin’s creed type story, a long line of heroes who jack off in the face of history’s most important events.
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find someone you can sit and watch the three stooges with and, genuinely enjoy the time with and fuck
Reposted byAvatar Raquel Squelch
[seeing the consequence of my own inaction] someone should do something about this
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my 4 winding down while watching Pink Panther cartoons warms my heart
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the inside of my brain is just that spooky sound an electric car makes when it's backing up
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thinking about the battle dicks sporting goods had to go through to secure the rights to dicks.com
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i’m about to end this man’s whole career…unless he’s an artist in which case i’m about to create this man’s whole career
Reposted byAvatar Raquel Squelch
all sales are final. look beyond the sale, there is nothing. not even light
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This attack mower came at us but it chickened out probably after its scan showed what a devastating unit we are.
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I know I’m enlightened because I was always called four eyes in school and four is better than three
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Me and the fellas thinking about being and being about thinking
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David Attenborough: Many animals have been known to seemingly freeze when encountering bright lights at night. Me: *opening refrigerator* Good thing that doesn't happen to huma-
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I don’t know who needs to hear this
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This woman on QVC is making a convincing argument that buying 3 of these Kringle Express Glass Bauble sequin light strands at $35 will make me sexier.
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Before the internet, people had to search Google using Morse code.
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deleting my post isn’t enough i need to kill anyone who'd seen it
Reposted byAvatar Raquel Squelch
show us on the globe where America touched you hm. gonna need a new globe gonna need a lot of globes. I didn't think this through
Reposted byAvatar Raquel Squelch
I been through the desert on a horse with no name. I also been through it on Jim. No comparison. Jim the Horse rocks!!!
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look i know a lot of accounts have nuked recently and it’s upsetting when it happens but don’t worry cheer up not to fret because old frances ain’t going nowhere folks i will be the last person on bluesky i will be fully federated only with myself and i will have all the labels this my solemn pledge
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famed fisting hole kermit the frog has been found guilty of insider trading
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The Duolingo owl hovers over my bed at night. “Suerte, muerte”, he hoots, and poof, he’s gone. “Debo matar ese pájaro”, I mutter, and fall back to sleep. #AllBirdsGoToHell