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We're all just God's Origami. ◻️◽▫️
Enigma, full of mice, interesting thing on coffee table, she/her, LGBTQ, BLM, dog lover, ice chewer, absent-minded scholar, law, humor, politics, shitposting, disability, ADR, origami, fey, engaged to @vinminen.
Me calling around the whole county trying to find a chiropractor who takes my crap insurance after finding out the one I was trying is 1 part dangerous adjuster and 1 part transphobe/RW whatever, then hoping even harder the next one isn't! 🤞 Cross them harder!!!
Happy anniversary to the day I realized there was no amount of visual evidence and lived experiences that can overcome the sheer rhetorical power of fascism.
Ahhaha I feel this 😞
When I get a DM & they call me “Dear”
I told my fiancee going to another country was a bad idea bc we are codependent and she needs snuggles and affirmations, and now she is like a piece of gum on me. I love it. 🥰
If I do not cuddle my wife soon I might die
Yes my darlings, you do! And... even I do too.
hey! hey, you! yeah, you! you deserve love and happiness. period.
I have COVID and I've lost count. Definitely at least the fifth time, maybe more. My immune system sucks.
LDS. I need that LDS in my life, I've run out. No, not Mormonism. Low dose naltrexone. Now for certain cases of lupus. Available only at compounding pharmacies for big prices despite doses 10x as large being covered by insurance for addiction. It's only 1/5 of a disability check. Sigh.
Anyone that follows me on Xitter! I got hacked! It sucked! My accounts are secure now, and I sent out apologies/warning not to sign into the link my hacker sent everyone. Sigh.
Reposted byAvatar Ophelia
All right, who gave Jon access to more cursed knowledge? We've talked about this, people.
Today I learned that the word spaghetti is plural and the singular version of spaghetti — AKA just one pasta noodle — is called a spaghetto. Now I’m pretty sure that a few of you who didn’t know this are pastatively upsetti about this because honestly, I’m impastably upsetto myself.
Reposted byAvatar Ophelia
I think it's time we replaced that infamous chicken sammie with the PBanana
😂😂😂 Turned out better than I planned
Wow I'm (a vanilla, monogamous) pansexual so I just searched "pansexual" on Bluesky and I guess is this why there is the bad rap? *Netvous laughter with teary eyes* IT WAS HALF DICK PICS. COME ON.
"It does not make sense" the pansexual thought to herself, about the straight I think dude being upset at gayness in his game being a *possibility*, if that makes sense. How much you want to bet in other instances he firmly supports capitalism and supply/demand.
new dragon age making every character pansexual is fine and makes sense from a “making players happy” perspective but i think it would be kind of cool if more games were a little less worried about making players happy, if that makes sense
Paxlovid makes my mouth taste like rusty nails.
Make a band Milder ABCD Refuse Wooden Pegs DragoonFarce Tom is Petty, and the Heart Patients Lady GooGoo
Make a band milder Kilodeth
Reposted byAvatar Ophelia
He is perfect for the moment. There has hardly ever been a more perfect human avatar of modern American conservatism. Everything about him is just a perfect representation of the right. Pure venality, with literally zero redeeming qualities. Toxic madness and nothing else whatsoever.
“We in the media have failed by becoming inured to Trump’s verbal incontinence — not just the rapid-fire lies and revenge-seeking threats, but also the frightening glimpses into a mind that is, evidently, unwell,” writes Eugene Robinson wapo.st/3yRnb9O
Opinion | Is Donald Trump okay?wapo.st His story about hypothetically being electrocuted is another glimpse into a mind that is, evidently, unwell.
This is the kind of out of the box thinking we need in these times.
The existence of Joyce Carol Oates would imply the existence of a Joyce Carol Hall Send skeet.
Miscalculated how many Triple Cheese Kraft Mac Cups I had left. Had to order a pizza from a new place on the phone. Traumatized. Turning 40 this weekend and spending it with Mom. Waiting patiently for the end. *Turns eyes wistfully to sky and lifts hand pointing* SMOD, I'm ready. Take me home.
She's ready to run into burning buildings to save lives, but bigotry and sameness of rank and file apparently eclipses this in import in some Fire Departments. Everyone read up on how to save yourself, since they fire the good ones. Unacceptable. blavity.com/alabama-fire...
blavity.com Blavity is a tech company for forward thinking Black millennials pushing the boundaries of culture and the status quo.
Reposted byAvatar Ophelia
This really needs to be acknowledged more: the courage of those 12 jurors knowing that they'd be potentially walking into a world with a million stochastic terrorists waiting cannot be understated. The people voted with conviction, and need to be protected for that at all costs.
Reposted byAvatar Ophelia
As a proud proprietor of Mexican Butt Heat let me say that it requires skill and talent.
Writing a script that swipes left on everyone. I’M MARRIED!
Keep on riffin' in the free world!
Yes, Trump went 0-34. But he still has a shot to win the NFC South.
Reposted byAvatar Ophelia
women are saving us from the monstrous gop
I salute E. Jean Carroll and Stormy Daniels for being braver than all three branches of our government.
"Collectively, such behavior is called impulse control disorder—an umbrella term that encompasses conditions that make it tough to control your actions. This could include everything from angry outbursts to more serious disorders like pyromania, according to the Cleveland Clinic." THANKS, OZEMPIC!
Pfft. I have a chocolate Slim-Fast and a chocolate milk and some whiskey. I can hold this position for day. One day.