Original Sunshine

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Original Sunshine


I make things. Your kinda ethnic friend. Loves fantasy, movies about people in space, fighting fascism, long walks on the beach and facts. I love facts. I Hate conspiracy theories masquerading as facts. Pronouns: Thou/We, "Race": Mixedish Humanoid.
Everyone knows that the presidency ages a man and it’s clearly aged Biden. We are in so much trouble.
KRISTI NOEM: I did the most f'd up thing to a dog ever RFK JR: Hold my brainworm ...
I seem to be reading a book by Michael Crichton isn’t he dead?
A lot of the far right want us blue states to secede and we would love to but they would lose money in federal support so they won’t let that happen. Will it be civil war? At this point so many things have happened that I never would have believed a few years ago.
Me talking to an old friend about where we are going to move after the election.
Today's Low Quality Facts are brought to you by this passport holder. I'd advise everyone to make sure their passport is somewhere safe in case they need to flee the country, since apparently the president can now just decide to have you killed for no apparent reason. www.amazon.com/dp/B09DTD4XJ...
New TIME magazine cover
I stopped watching #cnn years ago, during the Ferguson protests when their reporters were targeting freelance photographers and streamers and siccing the cops on them. There was other bullshit. Cable news sucks. I didn't watch the car crash last night. I would stop watching them again if I could.
I want to live in a world where you can be fired at will but where you are also required to have employment before anyone will be able to help you to pay for food or rent, where it is easy to evict people but it is against the law to be homeless.
If you add all their decisions this week together, what the Supreme Court is arguing is that homeless people should stop being homeless by bribing public officials and committing securities fraud.
Trump said the wildest, most insane, psychotic bilious shit imaginable and he *did* sound more coherent than Biden. That’s how disastrous it was for Biden.
The bad news is that we seem to be entering the summer COVID wave. The good news is that hospitalizations and deaths remain lower than they were last year.
🚨NEWS: Boeing’s former consultant is among the Justice Dept officials who will decide whether to follow or reject prosecutors’ reported recommendation to criminally charge Boeing. Boeing’s top lobbyist & CEO have been at White House events with Biden.
Boeing’s Old Friend Inside Biden’s Justice Departmentwww.levernews.com The Justice Department is packed with corporate lawyers who previously worked for the companies they are now charged with prosecuting.
Back in the 90s, my stepfather sold software used in Atlantic City casinos. After he finished a big installation at one of Trump’s casinos, the Trump Organization refused to pay the balance. So all those fraud stories hit home. My stepfather’s response: “fine, I’m turning this all off.” They paid.
Literally every contractor who's ever worked for Trump has a story about getting stiffed. It's the sort of thing, like his cheating at golf, that would be an automatic disqualifier among Forgotten Men and Local Diner Patrons if they really believed half the bullshit they said.
About to go gather with family for Juneteenth. Have a great day!
Reminder that Stockholm Syndrome was invented because a kidnap victim said, accurately , that the kidnappers were more concerned with their safety than the cops were.
Retrieved captives recount their experiences in Gaza. Israeli doctors say they may have Stockholm Syndrome. Source: www.timesofisrael.com/rescued-host...
Delightful conversation with a photographer who entered a real photo into an AI contest. "I was hoping that if it won, it would show that nature still outdoes the machine in terms of creativity and beauty and fascination." 🧪 www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-... by @parshallison.bsky.social
How This Real Image Won an AI Photo Competitionwww.scientificamerican.com Nature still outdoes the machine, says a photographer whose real image won an AI photography competition
Is God angry at Florida for some reason?
📚 Attention Readers & Researchers More than 500,000 books have been removed from our lending library due to the publishers' lawsuit. Have you been affected? Share your story with us and help us fight to restore access. #LetReadersRead 👉 forms.gle/G2GXK6xwMZ3t...
Share Your Story: The Impact of Losing Access to 500,000 Booksforms.gle The publishers' lawsuit against the Internet Archive (Hachette v. Internet Archive) has resulted in the removal of more than 500,000 books from our lending library, including over 1,300 banned and cha...
BREAKING: Harlan Crow Provided Clarence Thomas at Least 3 Previously Undisclosed Private Jet Trips, Probe Finds Thomas flew to Montana & elsewhere on the billionaire’s dime. Crow’s lawyer revealed the flights to the Senate Judiciary Committee, whose investigation was sparked by ProPublica reporting
Harlan Crow Provided Clarence Thomas at Least 3 Previously Undisclosed Private Jet Trips, Senate Probe Findswww.propublica.org The Supreme Court justice flew to Montana and other destinations on the billionaire GOP donor’s dime. Crow’s lawyer revealed these flights to the Senate Judiciary Committee, whose ongoing investigatio...
So when you hear these present-day secessionists talking about an independent Texas, know that they're evolving a "glorious legacy" of a fifth-column movement of proslavery landgrabbers and oathbreakers, one that had disastrous consequences for both Blacks and Natives in the long run.
welcome to our automated answering system. we understand you just want to speak to a representative but first we would like to make you really mad
Watching 2011 planet of the apes. Very prescient.