
Jesus. Automated enforcement advocates really underestimate the potential for abuse with these cameras. The amount of information they collect is staggering, as is the ability to piece it all together to meticulously track individual people.
Sacramento cops shared license plate data with anti-abortion Sacramento authorities are not only collecting drivers' information but sharing it with law enforcement agencies in other states without a warrant.
This is why I favor traffic calming through roundabouts and raised crosswalks and such, rather than with cameras. More effective + zero surveillance.
And it works better. Increasing the cognitive load on the driver slows everyone down, rather than just the ones who remember speed cameras.
The cameras in question here aren't enforcement related -- they're specifically for surveillance and passively tracking movement. If we ripped down all the red light and speed cameras these things are still there. The solution is legal we don't have a right to privacy in public (yet).
The problem is if we have a right to privacy in public the police will just use that to prosecute people for filming them doing violent crime. It seems like we can find a way to keep the government from collecting and distributing personal info without overhauling privacy rights
There's no fundamental diffrence between the two, and we're on the Eve of fascism so rerrerouting a video feed in an office costs almost nothing
From a documentary I saw: "NYC is a liberal city. The NYPD is not. Boston is a liberal city. The BPD is not." When these folks want to take over the country, they won't use the army, they'll use the cops they armed w/military gear for the last +20yrs & itchy trigger fingers.
Institutions and norms require mutual consent to run, an that's been throw firmly out.the door
I wish everyone knew and understood this, instead of showing blind deference to the blue. I guess they are either male white nationalists or fear being lumped in with the defund the police crowd
These are way different and more comprehensive than something like a speed camera though
Automated enforcement needs complimentary laws preventing storage and secondary use of data.
We can't trust fascists to do so, and that includes your lcoal democrat mayor
It's the data sharing that's the problem, although admittedly it would be impossible to share the data if they didn't have it.
I have never heard of anything like this happening in the EU, where most traffic enforcement is done via cameras. Maybe it's something other than license plate scanners at issue, such as the USA's lack of a codified right to privacy with outlined punishment for violations?
The problem isn't the cameras. It's our data privacy laws. We're like a wet sieve for malicious actors.
unlike red light cameras or speed cameras that just read a plate when they're triggered, these license plate readers scan & store data on every single car that passes by- their primary purpose is to be a surveillance dragnet for all vehicles on the road
No such thing as a "good cop".
Can we just go ahead and do what black and brown folks have been telling us for centuries and assume that no police official is trustworthy without outrageously compelling evidence that they are?
'Unfortunately, that doesn't put an end to it, as the grand jury's press release noted that "the Sacramento Police Department continues to share ALPR data with Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona LEAs."' They should be cut off until they are within the law.
Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Abuse of power is the same problem that exists with police enforcement.
Maybe let's not put a robo cop on every street corner then
If you don't like the laws then push to repeal them.
We have no real influence on the law
Minnesota doesn't do automated traffic tickets but our police do have plate tracking cameras all over anyway. I'd rather ban or control the cameras but that seems impossible so it would be nice if they did traffic enforcement with them instead of no enforcement or shooting people
Think we really need to look at this whole data collection industry, and I don't know, destroy it. Between using it as a political weapon, using it as a harassment tool, and using it to make ads ever more targeted and obnoxious, I think it's gone way beyond being a net negative for us all.
All over CA as well. The problem is the cops.
Can I be against ALPRs but still want cameras that record when and only when their radar detects a speeding/red-light violation?
There's no technical reason it couldn't work like the old versions (radar gun pops off a polaroid) where it only records detected speeders. Of course it won't without legislation to that effect and those ALPR's are already out there, NOT improving road safety 🤷
License plate readers are a real scourge. Fine if they want to ping a database that instant to see if that car is wanted for something. But then they need to delete the data!
Do they underestimate it? Or do they want exactly that and want to pretend like they’re just ignorant to the harms?
cc: - we were talking about this possibility in a thread a few weeks back I think.
This sounds like a real traitor thing to do to American people what in the fuck this can’t hold up in fucking court
America is a suck joke. If I wasn't working I'd burn a flag tomorrow
just wait til you find out what happened to said court
They don't underestimate it; they revel in it...
Yeah the State's already on putting a stop to this.
This is what I keep telling liberals and the'team incapable of getting it
They don't underestimate it at all. They know EXACTLY what they're doing. They've seen how the CCP has brought their people under complete control and they want to bring that to the US, too, under the guise of "public safety".