Social Investment! funding tax cuts with tobacco sales

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Social Investment! funding tax cuts with tobacco sales

Master of Wine (MW) - Jacindamaniac - Astronut
Briefly opened up LinkedIn intending to post something but I had to close it again before the overwhelming weight of the achievement porn put me in danger of quitting my job and going to live in a cave
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
NZ Finance Minister Nicola Willis wants us to talk of her Budget as a #GoldilocksBudget. A white girl invades the Bear family's home, eats their breakfasts, breaks their furniture, messes up their beds, and runs off without paying for damages. Sounds right. #nzpol
#nzpol How much would one have to 'donate' to NZfirst to facilitate Shane Jones wear an inflatable T-rex outfit during work hours.
Go Lily! So the kid is off to Canada to represent New Zealand at archery and I’m proud as punch and she’s fundraising so I said I’d help by sharing everywhere I go. She’s really good at it. 🏹🏹🏹
Help Lily represent New Zealand at the World Archery Field Championships in Fundraising for tournament costs at the World Archery Field Championships in Lac la Biche, Canada.
In terms of the law, I'm feeling offended by the term 'white collar'. Number one it seems to be a term used to make crimes less serious. Number two it seems to create in law a better and worse class of people.
Avatar so… next Saturday, Teresa and I (hopefully our son too) are marching for nature - would love to see you too! (and we can have an after match function, on me, I promise)
“Read The Room, Robert.” #gag #cartoon #reading As printed in NZListener. #accessibility Take it with you on a coffee mug… #findyourthing #redbubble
Why we’d prioritise a 4km tunnel under Wellington city over a vital bit of kit, the Interislander ferries, (which we’ve been told we can’t afford), I don’t know. Maybe it’s adventure tourism. Certainly a lot of the locals wouldn’t be venturing in there. My Stuff #cartoon today #nzpol
David Seymour and Shane Jones’ critiques of the Waitangi Tribunal may constitute a breach of the Cabinet Manual. My #cartoon today in the Sunday Star Times #NZpol
Operational manoeuvres in health. Hospitals have been instructed to save $105m by July. Minister says it won’t affect care. My Stuff #cartoon today #HealthCare #NZpol
Non-violent alternatives to entrenched power have been around for a long time. The other day was the 375th Anniversary of Gerrard Winstanley publishing the Diggers manifesto. The agricultural community he & others built was subsequently destroyed by Fairfax & Cromwell.
New Tide Pods just dropped.
Is this the girl version of soggy biscuit?
Yikes, New Zealand insurance premiums up 23% in a year. #nzpol
So basically almost everything Mayor Brown claims in his version of the 10 year plan is false and he should know it's false Which raises the question of who benefits? My guess is existing wealthy landowners in Auckland who don't want to contribute to the city
apropos of some things, libraries are the best, librarians are the best, borrow as many books as you want from the library, fund libraries, thank you
Wow, big news from the Sam Bankman-Fried sentencing. The judge gave him the choice of the death penalty or helping the judge figure out why his computer is running slow, and Bankman-Fried chose death
The faster you go the bigger the mess and the bigger cost to the economy (Deaths and Serious Injuries on our roads already set us back $10b a year) Going faster does not save travel times just as slowing down does not increase travel times What does happen though is pointed out in the graphics below
With Sweden's official annual mortality data out, on the understanding I am not willing to project 2013-2019 beyond 2023- While Sweden's 2023 excess vs. trend is above NZ's, it within variation in precovid years from trend, so like NZ can be said to be living with covid as ongoing threat vs acute
You literally cannot steal an AI image, they are not protected by copyright and are therefore in the public domain
No. This has to be satire. It HAS to be.
Nicola Willis is busy dropping hints that she won't reach surplus when she promised. No, you won't Nicola, because you're pushing people out of their jobs with your cuts and every construction company in the country has nothing to go on with once current contracts are completed = less tax take.