Pete, Pal To Quite A Few

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Pete, Pal To Quite A Few

I'm never doing Cat Fancy again.

in chicago, from madison & rockford, went to kansas. german. american. there ya go
some people are just hopelessly addicted to getting mad
I get occasional grief from my director about my hotel costs, because some of the other guys on the team that works with manufacturing clients are always going to, like, the outskirts of Sioux Falls SD to do a site visit whereas I'm going to meet with health systems in fuckin' California.
Federal per diem rates. In fairness they say the rates are a "guide" to hotel bookings, not the law, but still, I ain't staying at no Days Inn By The Airport.
I am using this thread as an excuse to post my own incredulous pet peeve about expenses: my company uses the GSA govt employee rates as a guideline for hotel/meal costs in each market. Which is ridiculous so I ignore it.
Does anyone happen to have any strongly-held opinions about reasonably-priced, high-quality home office desk chairs with good lumbar support?
Paused my audiobook to notice the tornado sirens going off everywhere, time to go back to listening to..., ah, yes....And Then You're Dead, a book all about different ways to die. Welp
well it's the ROYAL y'all not YOU specifically unless you want A&M in which case all yours
missouri and oklahoma belong in the big xii. the rest i dont care about
bo jackson barry big hurt griff jose canseco maybe? sosa glenallen hill I bet
not a good tooth to gum ratio
Not like anyone should aspire to reach *me* with their writing but as a reader, the coolest things are when you read something and are like 1) wow I never thought about it like that! or 2) YES! Exactly how I felt but couldn't explain it, thank you Professional Words Man. This one is #2 btw
Between this and Trump's near miss, rough weekend for 80s television staples
soccer's over, time to get back to being horny
the "cheap beer" part is crucial. gotta be american waterlagerpilsner beer.
picklebeers and pickleback shots are the best
the add a big dill pickle spear to a cheap beer trick it's essential summer drankin stuff
you have not been watching enough European soccer apparently.
Not only has the world kinda come off its axis in general, polls are worthless given the samples getting. Big confluence of stupid from every angle. Uncharted waters; my only way of handling it is: double down on making the world better for myself/loved ones/neighbors. Can't control the rest.
Plus, I feel like things have gotten so weird and unprecedented that anyone who says they know exactly what's going to happen next is totally full of shit.
i don't think it fundamentally changes that much from a macro level but this WILL get the true believer christian nationalists even more worked up since this was clearly God protecting etc etc etc
why let daddies/daughters have all the creepy purity shit to themselves?
i got a 360 that i bought in april 2020 and haven't used since may 2020 if youre interested. $5000 obo
my country tis of thee sweet land of liberty of thee i sing land where my fathers died land of the pilgrims pride from every mountainside let freedom ring
he is not a normal human being with actual human emotions but also he was just shot at and nearly killed, that'll fuck anyone up for a day at least