Catboy Slim

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Catboy Slim

37, pronouns undetermined.
I know it's literally impossible, but I think it would be the funniest thing ever if BOTH of those old shitheads lost the election. Not a 3rd party WINNING, just like... "oh, this obscure rule says that you need X amount of votes to even qualify, and both of you couldn't even get that much."
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Gonna try out the men's story mode with my new favorite wrestler Ron Normalguy. He's 5'4", he weighs 100 pounds and he is from Brooklyn, NY. His favorite hobbies include chewing on cables, eating pizza trash and coordinated group efforts His hates include rat traps and probing personal questions
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They been project 2025-ing me since I was 8 years old Can we talk more about what marginalized groups have BEEN doing to stop them. And less like another 45 presidency is a given? He had to cheat a wet piece of paper should be able to beat him if you help disenfranchised voters.
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It is almost as if we need oversight over the judicial system.
An examination of more than 1,200 federal judges and state supreme court justices turned up dozens of judges who chose not to recuse when facing potential appearances of impropriety involving familial financial connections.
Even When Big Cases Intersect With Their Families’ Interests, Many Judges Choose Not to Ambiguous — and unenforced — recusal standards mean few checks and balances for top judges when cases involve their family members.
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This whole thing has been kind of darkly bemusing because at no point am I leaving my main point, which is that anti-Black behavior runs rampant on this platform regardless of the background of the non-Black person perpetrating it and that nothing supersedes whiteness when racism is involved.
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It's not just that, I'm seeing other black leftists on here who have a track record of trans support getting slammed with it just for saying "hey this place is super antiblack often and frequently it is white trans women leading that" All of which is...just true. It's happened for over a year!
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Reposted byAvatar Catboy Slim
I'm honestly pretty exhausted with this shit but I keep seeing it and hey dog piling a prominent black political writer who A) supports trans causes and B) has been calling out the habitual tendency for BIPOC targets of said behavior with "WHY DO YOU HATE TRANS WOMEN" is absolutely The Problem
The fact that there is a long, and growing, list of prominent leftist BIPOC writers, journalists, etc. that have quit this site after being the target of a tide of directed attacks or harassment by other leftists (often, but not exclusively, white trans women) and that's treated as a win is...grim.
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I hate that not only the fate of my friends and millions of oother's, but the fate of my country and just about every other one is tied to the outcome of this circus of bullshit
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Republican president was shot by a Republican because of an environment of normalized violence that Republicans insist we all live in, and somehow this means that both sides need to tone it all the way down, which in practice means that Democrats and only Democratic need to stop talking entirely.
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You can see who has more privilege by who's allowed to be angry A wealthy cishet white dude can froth at the mouth at a cop and live. He can burn a cop car over a football game and not get villainized
Uzumaki is the story of Junji Ito's self-insert character, who knows better than everyone else about everything and has a weirdly passive, submissive girlfriend.
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New video game consoles will not impress me until they can find a way to make better grass tiles than Seiken Densetsu 3.
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Klebold and Harris notoriously turned out to have actually been bullies themselves, not the other way around, Michael. Victim-blaming horseshit.
From Angry White Men by Michael Kimmel: “Virtually every one of the shooters described their school days as a relentless gauntlet of bullying, gay-baiting epithets, physical assault, and harassment until they ‘snapped.’”
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Remember when they said death panels were bad ?
it's important for outlets to explain that when we talk about AI "posing a threat to humanity," we're talking about the rushed implementation of half-cooked automation killing your grandma with an auto-rejection of her medicare claims, not sentient industrialized planet-scouring murderbots (for now)
UnitedHealth uses AI model with 90% error rate to deny care, lawsuit For the largest health insurer in the US, AI's error rate is like a feature, not a bug.
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It is time to speak, because I can't take it anymore. I am asking for help. I live in Russia. I can't legally continue my transition, and i was visited by police. I am in need to get to a better place. price of freedom and safety is 4000$. Please help.
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Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly : Wrestling is a good way to meet bad men.
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly (I've got a few): Bitter ex-girlfriends reunite as the city of Chicago wants their blood A girl and her large, weird dog tour America doing crimes Living in Oklahoma sucks real bad What if the Big Brother house was a boxing ring
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mcgriddle me this batman
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Adobe is getting so much flack for their AI features that in sponsored social media posts they’ve stopped using the term ‘AI’ & now call it ‘text to vector art’ 🙄 Don’t let them dodge pushback because of this rebrand attempt & imo they can still fuck ‘emselves for stealing work from their customers
The biggest hurdle to transitioning is how fucking expensive it is. I'm not even talking about surgery. Clothes, makeup, shaving supplies and hair dye = way fewer video games for me.
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Once you've completed the form (takes about 2-3 min): Email to [email protected] OR Mail to TEGE Referrals Group, 1100 Commerce Street, MC 4910 DAL, Dallas, TX 75242
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Could everyone stop explaining to folks living in existential terror why it's important that Joe Biden win the election and instead explain to Joe Biden why it's important that Joe Biden win the election?
Reposted byAvatar Catboy Slim
I condensed the gear for my newly level 9 yuan-ti college of swords bard, Alti, into four main ensembles to cover all their adventuring needs! there are a lot of magical items bundled into that combat armor... #art
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Tim Horton went the way all hotshot hockey players do: driving their expensive sports car way too fast and colliding with a highway column so hard the car completely disintegrated on impact. In fact, they say you can still find Tim bits all across Canada to this very day.
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in 2013 I saw a man get a 100,000 hour probation on the SomethingAwful forums and today I saw him come off probation and immediately pick up the same argument, quoting a reply from 2013, absolute next-level hater, I can't even imagine, my man is the Count of Monte Posters