Philip Khor

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Philip Khor
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It seems clear that the US has a domestic terrorism problem.
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We are on a highway to hell 2023: “Although demand for [methane] gas remained flat, consumption of crude oil broke through the 100 million barrels per day level for the first time ever and coal demand beat the previous year’s record level.” #FossilFuels #ClimateCrisis 1/2
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Please excuse a non-nature post. This is happening now to bring awareness to Long Covid. I've been watching for half an hour and already learned a lot. Dianna Cowern is an incredible science Youtuber who's been in bed with Long Covid for almost two years. Hosted by Simone Giertz & others. 🧪
Physics Girl LIVE with long Dianna is Live streaming a day in her life as someone suffering from long COVID and ME/CFS. The purpose of the Livestream is to raise money and awareness for...
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yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
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That is WILD to me as well. Like, masks are annoying as hell and very not abstract - how can people lose the connection that all shared air flowy has risk? I've worn a mask daily since March 2020 and have only eaten in 3 restaurants with it down for a bit since. Same risks folks.
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If you are bothered by political leaders who appear to display cognitive impairment, I assume you are masking against Covid?
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Reposted byAvatar Philip Khor
Reminder (bc we have an utterly failed public health education system) that avoiding COVID isn't just for "the old." And it's "low" kill rate doesn't make it benign. Long COVID is real, debilitating and risk goes up with EVERY infection you have. If you need to work you need to avoid COVID. MASK.
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Your regular reminder that COVID is a bipartisan failure.
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By T. Ryan Gregory "Not sure how to explain this more clearly, but if you're touting the benefits of maintaining "hybrid immunity" *and* you're only encouraging vaccines for the most vulnerable, you're actually promoting *reinfection-based immunity* for most people from here on."
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'New Zealand's 6th wave of COVID-19 cases is largely being driven by people's complacency about the virus - the last 3 waves have been getting bigger.' 💯'COVID-19 doesn’t need winter, it basically causes waves any time'. Prof Michael Baker.' @otago
COVID-19: Michael Baker urges people to get booster jabs as New Zealand grapples with 'concerning' sixth wave | "Don't ignore this infection."
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this is true but I struggle with it, both with climate change and with public health failures, esp when the action you could take is so easy. “this is a systemic problem” ok but if you know that then why not do this very small thing like put recycling in the single stream bin or wear a mask inside?
"You wouldn't use air conditioning if you care about the environment" is just the new "You'd recycle your plastic if you cared about the environment." Both purposely default to individual responsibility as the cure when the real issue is industries & companies. It's. a. distraction. It always is.
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The erasure of COVID by the entertainment industry has played a huge role in sanctioning government abandonment of public health. Creatives are complicit in the ongoing harm caused by COVID. What a difference it would make if they actively portrayed the pandemic in their work.
Senior Editor Confirms Why Marvel Ignored COVID in Its Official There's a reason COVID didn't hit Marvel.
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I'm not a practicing econ so i could be spouting nonsense. But the idea that disaster-driven inflation will be met by hawkish monetary policy, reducing investments in climate adaptation... should there be a conversation whether supply-driven inflation should be addressed by interest rates at all?
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at some point ppl will realize that we should stop talking about food shortages like any other kind of good shortages
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The ruling class has given up on public health, abandoning the public at large. Everyone is in the position of having to make decisions based on their own imperfect understanding of imperfect data, refracted through their experiences, their personal risk tolerance, and their financial means.
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Everyone is at risk for long covid. It looks like each ride on the roulette wheel is compounding. There are no approved treatments, only off label drugs to treat symptoms which only leading edge doctors with wait lists will RX. SSDI is mostly rejecting claims. It’s also racialized in diagnoses.
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Covid harms EVERYONE. Olympic athletes have been physically destroyed by Covid. Using the terms "high risk" "at risk" implies the existence of people not "at risk," a dangerous myth. Even this new doc on HIV doesn't like it... (Continued)
Somehow a survey app gives better health communication than many health authorities about COVID.
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Everyone who pushed people out of isolation and back to work/school/out of safety can rot in hell.
"Most of us have complained that Covid isolation of 24 hours is too short. Now someone actually collected data. The MEDIAN time for Covid recovery is 20 DAYS! MEDIAN excludes all the LC cases (worst 22.3%). 50%, not 95% recovered in 20 days." study referenced👇
Epidemiologic Features of Recovery From SARS-CoV-2 This cohort study examines the association between certain health conditions and lifestyle factors with time to recovery from SARS-CoV-2 infection in a US
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“Ability to find power right now will determine the winners and losers in the AI arms race. It has left us with a map bleeding with places where the retirement of fossil plants are being delayed.”
AI is exhausting the power grid. Tech firms are seeking a miracle Some data centers need as much energy as a small city, turning companies that promised a clean energy future into some of the most insatiable guzzlers of power
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"Think about our judgment of China’s transparency at the start of covid,” Nuzzo said. “The current situation undermines America’s standing in the world.”"
“We’re flying blind,” said Jennifer Nuzzo, director of the Pandemic Center at the Brown University School of Public Health. With so few tests run, she said, it’s impossible to know how many farmworkers have been infected, or how serious the disease is." #H5N1
‘We’re Flying Blind’: CDC Has 1M Bird Flu Tests Ready, but Experts See Repeat of Covid Missteps - KFF Health Three months into the U.S. bird flu outbreak, only 45 people have been tested. Laboratories that are the foundation of diagnostic testing have yet to get approval to detect the bird flu virus. They sa...
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In the heat, "we assume that because [people] are not complaining, they are okay," says Glen Kenny of the University of Ottawa. "That is garbage." Some people, esp the elderly, may not know they are suffering from extreme heat before its too late.
7 Tips to Stay Cool In a Heat A brutal heat wave is bringing in the first week of summer for millions of people in the US and Canada. Here are best practices for staying safe.
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By FutureSimon @FutureSFB As an ex-clinical virologist myself, this is one of the main things I try to make people understand. Most are intellectually stuck at “it’s just a really bad cold and as long as I am relatively healthy, I will be ok.” I show them this… Source:
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On the other hand I am pot calling the kettle black here