Phil Dore

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Phil Dore

Mental health nurse. Green Party supporter. Wales. He/him. Pro-EU. Pro-Ukraine. Pro-Eurovision. Dysgu Cymraeg.

Check out my podcast Eurovision Wars on Spotify. It's about Eurovision and war.
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Costa Rica DOUBLED its natural forest cover while *increasing* food production, with huge benefits for farmers, nature, climate, + all society. How? Watch this great (short) RePlanet video to find out. We should be doing EXACTLY the same. 🌎
Costa Rica's Land Sparing One country has managed to increase wild nature and food production. That country is Costa Rica.WePlaneteer Hidde explains how they achieved this with a poli...
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Get out of here with your little borg ship tornado sensors and your sleek black trucks, evil storm chaser Cary Elwes. You're not even trying to avenge your dead father by punching a tornado in the dick like Helen Hunt. You're just in it for the money, or something.
It's been a long while since I watched that movie, but what did the corporate sponsor hope to get out of it? The tornado to fly one of their billboards high up where everyone can see it?
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JD Vance is particularly odious to me because we’re roughly the same age and from the same part of Ohio and I grew up with a hundred pasty, squishy faced white dudes like him & they’re all convinced they’re marginalized because you can’t smoke at Waffle House or say the n-word anymore
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I do not believe that Everything Is Fine and Everything Will Absolutely Work Out - I am absolutely an incredibly bleak pessimist at heart - but I also really, really *hate* declaring defeat and doom way before we know what’s going to happen.
You might want to paint this onto a sign. You may well be tapping it a lot between now and November.
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Here’s the thing about the Vance pick: it’s probably unhelpful in electoral terms. But, in terms of governance, it’s further evidence that they’re Going For It. Trump 1 was hobbled in his authoritarian attempt by the admin and GOP. Trump 2 will be aided by both. They’re gonna go for it.
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It’s almost like the pundit class wants the wrong things out of this campaign season
Yeah I don't think this new "I will unite our nation" schtick is gonna work out for him.
New rule for today. If you're using "we" to describe the actions of the England football team, I'll be expecting you to take personal responsibility. After all, you admit to being involved.
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I know a lot of white Americans keep calling Twitter the Nazi bar and lament people still on the app, but Twitter has been integral to the current Kenyan protests. the individualist approach of leaving and judging everyone who remains doesn't do anything.
Check this from Rolling Stone. At this point, I enjoy rap as an art form a lot, but am not heavily invested in pop culture, but I'm handing Kendrick the victory on this. He dethroned the abuser Drake successfully, & his music is inspiring Kenyan popular resistance.
How Kendrick Lamar’s ‘Not Like Us’ Helped Young Kenyans Lead a Successful Protest in Their Young Kenyans protested a proposed tax hike in their country by using a hashtag and a rap song that sampled Kendrick Lamar's 'Not Like Us.'
To be fair, when the Lightning Seeds sang, "it's coming home" they didn't specify that it wasn't a Spanish home.
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When I was 12 I went to Danny DeVito’s New Year’s Eve party. I’d found some girls my age, but wanted my little sister to have fun, too. Then I saw this woman on the dance floor squat down to my sister’s height, say “Hi, what’s your name? I’m Shannen!” and take her by the hand to dance with her.
Why does football have post-match analysis? It's kicking a ball! What's there to analyse? How many different ways are there to say, "our team didn't kick the ball enough. They need to kick the ball more"?
What we're learning over the past 24 hours is that if there's one thing the MAGA crowd find appalling and unacceptable, it's violent rhetoric in politics.
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Just done an emergency podcast. I’d give it five minutes, if I were you.
I don't know why you're all watching the Euros. It's all political and they won't vote for us because they hate us for Brexit.
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Something that should be - but evidently is not - obvious: No one knows what happens next. Disregard people who pretend otherwise and revel in the empty self-aggrandizement of “historic” proclamations. The key lesson from “history” right now is that contingency reigns supreme.
Yeah it would be easy to mock up this image. I'll wait for something more concrete.
It is moving to the vicinity of the property. It is moving to the vicinity of the property. The kicky ball sport is moving to the vicinity of the property. Am I doing this right?
The Tories expended so much political capital over this stupid and immoral scheme, and as soon as it's gone, people barely blinked an eye.
Only 20% of Brits disapprove of Labour's move to scrap the Rwanda scheme, new polling shows It finds widespread support for the new government's asylum and small boats policies and suggests many would support the creation of humanitarian visas
UK government urged to offer ‘safe and legal’ route for asylum seekers as poll shows Survey finds support for proposal that would allow in up to 40,000 a year with strong asylum claims and ties to Britain
Oh, it's Kate Andrews. She works for the Institute of Economic Affairs - one of those astroturf hard-right "think tanks" that are all based out of the same small building in Tufton Street, London. As a Brit I can say that a couple of weeks ago her boys took a hell of a beating.
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What do you mean "today"? The Spectator were always MAGA and worse
The worst people advancing their agenda.
I don't mean to be all "haha look at what the centrist dads are doing" but I recall a while back that some of them took to Xitter to say that people should stop being mean on social media about Kate Andrews, because she's quite delightful at dinner parties.
Counterpoint: no we are not.
Counterpoint: we are not in fact all MAGA.
Over on the Bad App, various people are claiming that that a tweet by David Aaronovitch triggered the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. I mean, Aaronovitch is an absolute bellend but COME ON!
Though the funniest reaction on social media is the one where people are claiming a tweet by David Aaronovitch is what caused the Trump assassination attempt.