
This must be one of them non-activist sets of judges I've been hearing so much about
No arks this time either.
do we really want the youtubers living on their multimillion dollar yachts to repopulate the earth?
so the catholic church just came out and advertised they abuse kids on purpose and don't see it as a problem? got it. at least they are telling parents they are going to hurt their kids rather than pretending they don't
The conclusion I draw from this protection of pedophiles is that the LA SC likely consists of some pedophiles.
Would it surprise you to know that the judge who wrote this opinion protecting the Catholic church is Catholic?
Say whaaaaaa? So “property” then?
I do hope this gets appealed. LA has French laws but this is untenable.
There's no one to appeal to. This is a decision about the Louisiana Constitution, not the federal one, so the Louisiana Supreme Court has the last word.
SCOTUS has the last word.
Not on Louisiana law, it doesn't
In what sense does the US Constitution not have supremacy over a state constitution, when they are deemed to be at odds with one another?
If they were at odds, the US Constitution would be supreme. But here's no US Constitution issue in this case. The plaintiffs aren't arguing that the federal constitution guarantees them a right to hold the priests liable, which the Louisiana Constitution has taken away.
If memory serves, since Louisiana has Civil Law, this is not binding precedent for any future lawsuits. But it is precedent so it would have some force of law until a law is passed covering the subject.
Seriously, did pedophiles rule this?
Can Catholics commit suicide or is that against god's property rights?
And people ask why I'm so angry. It's all slave vs slave owner. Dominion begets providence. They, and subsequently, we in practical reciprocity, turn into angry gods ourselves.
I'm such a mental midget waste of space, time, oxygen, and water.
the conservative ethos, in short those above have an absolute right to do what they want with those below and an absolute right to be protected from the consequences of what they do
Can’t speak for Catholicism (wouldn’t want to) buy it’s not so far from Greek Orthodox, and can confirm they refused to bury my father on consecrated ground for this reason.
Suicide is considered a mortal don for Catholics.
I know. My paternal grandmother was a Catholic nun on the border, and her son went to seminary in San Antonio.
also *loUiSianA sUPreMe cOurT*
I encourage people to read the article, as "property right" here does not mean what most of the comments here are taking it to mean. Even so, seems like a shitty ruling.
It seems like they determined that a law that specifically allowed filing a suit that would normally be barred by statute of limitations, is impermissible because it violates the right to plead the statute of limitations.
The difference between this and other Louisiana laws that have successfully granted opportunities to retroactively apply laws is apparently that the right to not be sued for decade-old abuse is absolute and so abridging it in any way is a violation of due process.
I am glad someone posted this. I mean, there is plenty of real awful stuff to be upset over with how abusers are protected by the system. No need to resort to gross misrepresentations
The "property" in question here is money that the priest/diocese would have to pay out in a lawsuit. The actual nonsense part of this ruling is that temporarily removing the statute of limitations deprives them of due process.
It is saying their right to that property outweighs the right for victims of abuse to receive compensation. It is in meaning as people describe. There's just some hidden extra steps.
Yes on the first part, but a lot of people seemed to be reading this as the courts saying that the victims themselves are the property.
The fact that this removes legal accountability can be seen as retroactive permission that ignores the human rights of children and therefore means they are being treated as objects. IE property.
Who said qualified immunity only extends to fuckface cops? Pathetic ass country
This is such obviously irrational reasoning. The point of suing is to get compensation for victims but also to make a spectacle of doing finically damage to the perpetrator and discourage future crimes. To assert a property right to not get sued is to deem the entire civil justice system moot.
to be clear, they are referring to money, as in damages. they are saying you have a right not to pay people in court if you knew there’d be a statute of limitations when you attacked them
Going to bat for chomos and the institutions that protect them because you don't want to give ordinary schmucks the idea that they can expect justice from powerful entities is a hell of a stance to take in a country where a high-powered, semi-auto rifle costs less than a month of rent.
It won't change anything, of course, but I'll be sure to flip off the Court when I walk by it today.
Not enough churches get burned to the ground over this shit.
Pedocon theory is a "theory" in the same way gravity is a "theory".
It's the pedophile protection party now.
The one I read about and I used to measure how the catholic adults around me were full of complete and absolute two faced bullshit leading me to become an athiest, would be flipping tables in that court room. Hell he'd pick up the tables and beat them with them.
The dissent sums this up pretty succinctly.
Well, it seems the judge is a pedophile as well and is just protecting his likes.