Premee Mohamed

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Premee Mohamed

Writer, scientist, bug. she/her. #yeg. 🇨🇦 🇬🇾 Winner of a Nebula, World Fantasy, and Aurora award! Hugo, Ignyte, BFA, Locus, Crawford award finalist. 📚🪲 Rep: Michael Curry. Find me at
Also, speaking of word of mouth, may I please remind you that - Isabel Yap's collection of short stories NEVER HAVE I EVER is very good, and - Nadia Bulkin's collection of short stories SHE SAID DESTROY is also very good (And they are good in QUITE different ways)
Well I haven't eaten one but they're Dried! And sold as cat snacks And they have terrible little faces, like such:
Anyway, happy Adoption Day to the terrible little guy who lives in my house! I adopted Fiasco on July 7, 2022 and on his very first day in a strange new house he was the BRAVEST BOY He settled right in, ate a full bowl of food, and let me cuddle him
Secondary peony update: Mom sent me a pic of one of theirs (much more fragrant but it never produces very many blooms!)
They are also next to some purple stuff I do not know what the purple stuff is The contrast looks nice!
Peonies doing PEONY STUFF Indecent
OK there it says it's GRITTY YET POETIC that's good right
HAPPY FRIDAY my people, today is a good day to pick up a book by a HUGE LARGE BUG! "WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY BOOKS OUT" I don't know, do we want a little guide or something?? I can do that!
Thank you Saskatchewan!! (Also ignore me rubbing my hands together and crooning in my evillest voice, "Yes, yes, yessss... my corruption... spreads across the land...")
Would a local Apex Predator help
Ahahaha I may have accidentally found a way to keep the cat off the desk... I had to record a video this morning for one of my publishers so I went digging through my gadgets for my (very infrequently used) tripod to hold my phone The cat Does Not Like It
Okay who was on peony watch with me A whole bunch of then went FOOF!!! in a dramatique fashion! (Lots of buds left, like probably two dozen.)
REMINDER! If you're working on memoir or creative nonfiction (especially science!) you're very welcome to attend our free, virtual event with two powerhouse authors tomorrow night! 7 pm MT, July 3, bring your questions!
I ended up at Craft again but NEXT time I will find somewhere EXCITING probably maybe (At least I have a nice strawberry lemonade!)
Have you also considered Fiasco? (So many KITTY BELLIES)
have you considered Tarragon
OKAY ALL DONE (no you don't get an open door shot, stop being perverts). I do think it would be fun to... do something with this door though? Maybe a trompe l'oeil mural or some patterned wallpaper or something. I could get just a wallpaper *sample*, y'know?
Can I have my arm back
Wehhhhh Fiasco was so little when I adopted him and I did not even REALIZE (the shelter estimated that he was an adult and I was like "So this is as big as he'll get?" and they were like "Oh definitely") (He CANNOT fit like this in this space now, he can just sorta... crouch)
I sadly do not! 😭 But here's a pic from a few weeks after I adopted him in 2022... he was in between being a lint ball and being a Big Grown-Up Man!
Doing edits today and occasionally shaking my head at Past Me 🦶
Anyway did you know that if you are procrastinating and you have a drawing program on your cheap little Android tablet you can just... draw anything you want
Well I am very suspicious of this because SURELY the only thing you should do when you accomplish something is immediately berate and flagellate yourself for not doing it better, and then get started on the next thing
Ahahaha it is wet and blowy today but there are SO MANY magpies outside! A whole little teenage gang. (This isn't all of them, there's another five or six on either side of the frame that I couldn't fit in.)
"A bird in the bush is worth... wait, where did Dave go" "Dave?" "Daaave?"
OKAY THERE we got all the books up now for the year SO FAR Still one more to go! I hope people are excited for my MINI-COLLECTION in the fall! 💀
PHEW waiting for an invoice to be paid and it came in right when they said it would Hey it's SO NICE that the Federation is still paying me even though I'm in the brig! :)
If you see this post your pets! A pet losing his last marble over the TERRIBLE TRANSPARENT FORCEFIELD that SEPARATES HIM from the rest of the WORLD (the other door to the living room is wide open as it always is, he is not trapped)
If you see this post your pets!
Unrelatedly, yesterday's 'KEEP IT IN THE GROUP CHAT' and 'WHY CAN'T GROUP CHATS BE NORMAL' discourse confused me a bit because I'm like "Wait, are everybody else's group chats not about Azhdarchids, or"
OKAY BUT LISTEN there are pens I occasionally lust after and I'm like "What could it cost, Michael, a hundred and seventy dollarbucks?" and then I go click on it and