
Biden does not need near-flawless execution to win. You made that up, you offered no support for it, and it's not true.
What's really disturbing about the debate fiasco is there's no way to be confident that Biden has it in him to pull off the near-flawless execution he'll need to win at this point. At a minimum, the Bidens owe us a real conversation about that. My take:
What Joe Biden Really Owes the Country Right There's no sugar-coating the debate, which was a disaster. At a minimum, he and Jill owe the country an honest conversation about whether he can still do this.
it's an extraordinary claim. Biden is solidly within MoE of a win *right now in the polls* and there are good reasons to think that the snapshot polls are structurally underestimating Biden relative to where he'd be if we were voting.
i like Greg and I've been reading him for a long time but he can piss his pants on somebody else's timeline
it's also just totally unnecessary for the argument he wants to make, which is that Biden isn't up for the task ahead of him. you don't need to fabricate difficulty for the task ahead of him to make that argument.
I mean, you need to when: 1) You fear the actual argument isn't that strong, and 2) your argument's coming from your reptile brain
If we need perfection, it doesn’t matter who the nominee is anyway
Yup. If the country is so precarious that a single off night for a presidential debate (come on) pushes us into permanent tyranny, then we were already on the wrong side of the knife’s edge. We can’t proceed for decades with any one wrong move spelling doom.
This is all so very stupid, and underscored by how the Supreme Court has already overtaken most headlines in, what? 15 hours? (8 of which most people were asleep)
You do when you can’t make that argument with actual reasoning.
My favorite is the "and Jill" portion of the explanation he is requesting. completely unhinged
It’s June!! Biden is the incumbent! The other guy is a felon!
I tend to think that this, btw, is 80% of an entire winning message. Say Trump is a felon. Don’t need to say for what. Repeat until November, and also message about how the felon took away abortion rights. Biden vs. the felon who took away women’s rights, who ya got, etc etc
i genuinely think a dog with biden’s war chest could beat trump and not a particularly kind dog either. i really don’t get where the idea comes from that he’s some unassailable opponent that only a perfect campaign can defeat
Hello yes. It's my damn host. BOATLOADS of 2016 trauma in this man's brain.
I also don't get where the idea comes from that Biden should step aside and therefore deprive the Democrats of incumbency advantage, which is one of the major things he has going for him
Trump has cash, but he's not spending any of it(or much). Biden appears to have less cash because he's actually spending it quickly.
The latest salvo from the Trump campaign that “they would prefer to face Biden over any other lib” sounds too coordinated and false. They would absolutely love the lib chaos of naming someone else
I think it's close because the 2020 election was kinda close-ish, and this is a rematch. Plus people really don't like inflation, as shown by the troubles of incumbent parties worldwide.
And national totals were close in 2022.... but that's surprisingly better than expected for Dems. And if you still trust polls at all, the national ones are close.
Liberals really want a knockout blow against trump and there just isn't one.
We had one! It was the Access Hollywood tape. But it was up to the GOP to decide that it stuck, and they went the other way. So there’s no such thing as a knockout. Just convictions & losses in courts & at the ballot. (Chanting, ritualistically) Fuck Mike Pence. Could dropped support. But: coward.