And George Wendt

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And George Wendt

Writer of unmarketable scripts and unlikeable skeets. Cohost of the Movie Memory Machine podcast.
Workers AND Resources? In THIS centrally planned economy?!?
15 years ago I exchanged two emails with Robert Towne. I mentioned that I was living in Universal City, trying to find inspiration living in the shadow of the NBC Universal building. He responded, "Try to find a better source of inspiration; I've always thought it looks like a big coffin."
The thing that's telling and exasperating about the centrist "Biden must drop out" calls is that... this was their guy! They act like the left insisted on him! But Biden was the guy they were saying Democrats should instead rally around when it looked like we might pick Bernie!
maybe I’ve just lost the plot but biden has like a 40 year history of needlessly kicking his own ass in various goofy new ways then popping out the other side giggling like the caddyshack gopher so I dunno what I’m supposed to do as far as freaking out that he’s up to it yet again
This is the way.
A June debate will be completely forgotten in two weeks but the clips from it will live forever amongst the campaign who can afford to put them up on the TV
"I've ALWAYS thought Lara Croft was a smokin' hot babe."
love watching Gamers (hard r) finding reasons why its gay to find lara croft hot
if you want to see this for yourself you can find it in the overseer's office in Vault 45 next to two skeletons wearing birthday party hats. you have to fight a bunch of feral ghouls and hack a computer to get in but there's a plasma rifle in the safe under the desk
Uranium glass biscuit barrel, circa 1880-1920. Label stuck to bottom: 'Mrs Geo Brown, Sth Riv. 77 [or ??]' To create the distinctive green colour uranium, usually in oxide diuranate form, was added to a glass mix before melting. Ref RI.W2001.469 Te Hikoi Museum
I have a podcast about major wide release movies that society collectively forgot. This week we talked about Barnyard, a 2006 animated children's comedy featuring Kevin James, Sam Elliott, and Shaggy which led us into extended discussions of "Animal Farm" and cow afterbirth. I think it's a banger.
A forgotten children’s film or an updated Orwellian parable about Bush-era politics? You decide! It’s Barnyard. Filmsky
quote skeet with one of your fav films that isn't a hit
quote skeet with one of your fav films that isn't a hit
While we're talking about reasons young people might move rightward, a few months ago someone noted that for a lot of kids, rage against successful anti-bullying initiatives stopping them from bullying queers like their dads want is effectively their political identity. That's the Republican base.
sam alito in tuxedo gets recorded incognito
forget about packing the Supreme Court or impeaching justices; just ban them from getting married and you'll take a lot of the worst actors out of the equation
holy SHIT John Oliver
This painting of a 20-something twink from 1596 made one man say “seeing this painting has made me so gay I need to go to the hospital”
National Treasure but it's Gonzo trying to breach the government's top secret chicken stockpile
totally forgot about the secret strategic national chicken/egg stockpile, which is seriously important! here’s why: from
All the boys are trying To get to the yard They're brought to the yard By Kelis's milkshake
Less flippantly: if your job is to be in meetings where anything said or done could be handled by a set of d100 random tables, then you do not have a job, you have the most woefully inefficient form of UBI
imagine watching Succession and thinking "I could fix him"
Rupert Murdoch, the media mogul who retired from the boards of Fox and News Corporation last year, married Elena Zhukova, a retired molecular biologist, on Saturday at Moraga, his Bel Air vineyard estate in Los Angeles.
Rupert Murdoch Marries for the Fifth Mr. Murdoch, the 93-year-old media mogul, married Elena Zhukova, a retired molecular biologist, Saturday at Moraga, his Bel Air vineyard estate in Los Angeles.
Microdose witnessing the collapse of society by watching a staff wide meltdown behind the counter of a fast food restaurant
this is a really exciting development*! *I am excited by the prospect of Joe Manchin losing whatever race he's about to run by a wide and hopefully humiliating margin
Manchin registering as independent in West A longtime Democrat, Manchin’s decision comes ahead of a deadline for filing as an independent in West Virginia.
"if I was on that jury it wouldn't have gone down that way"
ahh yeah here he comes, big donny wriggles, the t man himself, looks like he packed a bag lunch, smart
The only people who've ever held Trump meaningfully accountable over the last nine years have been ordinary Americans and they've spent that entire time being lectured to and berated by elites who've failed to do anything.
At some point Democratic elected officials will notice that when Donald Trump has a personal setback the majority of the population literally celebrates in the street, I hope.
The timeline right now looks like an Ewok party after the Death Star exploded
Trump broke the rules and was convicted on 34 counts, Google "Donald Trump rule 34" for more information
It's so funny to read 60s-70s fantasy/sci-fi by men where there will be these beautiful women characters who are just psychotically bent on betraying or destroying the protagonist and it's like "oh right right you're the first widespread cohort of Divorced Guys"
walking into a room full of the weirdest, most hostile reflexively contrarian freaks on earth and telling them to forget all that and follow me instead. should go fine
the incredible defensiveness of one of the world's richest and most prominent tech companies basically going "our shit would work fine if you meanies would quit trying to break it!!"
@NBCNews: Social media has been buzzing with examples of Google’s new, “experimental” AI tool going awry. A Google spokesperson said the company believes users are deliberately attempting to trip up the technology with uncommon questions.