
Things I would really like all videogames to stop doing, immediately: having wolves as enemies making you fight wolves making you hit wolves and they make that dog whining noise and why, just why, what's wrong with you that you're making us do this
starting a new Skyrim file and immediately sprinting up the mountain to get the dragon shout that makes the wolves fucking chill out oh my god
For PC, I usually install a wolf behavior mod that makes them skittish around humanoids unless you (stupidly) enter into their wolf dens and bother their cubs.
I am a console player but I always like hearing about mods, people have done cool shit with the game
It is an entirely different experience, highly recommend if you ever get the chance
yeah bethesda games are really best played on pc for this reason
But absolutely no shade on folks playing on console/without mods, modding those games can be A Trial
The Moonlight Tales mod that overhauls/expands the werewolf stuff has an option to make wolves leave you alone if you're a werewolf. It's nice.
enjoy that wolves in the vanilla game will just hang out if you're in werewolf form
The option I'm referring to make them chill even if you're in human/elf/furry/scalie form as long as you're a werewolf. Also one of the new werewolf perks lets you summon wolves to fight with you.
They should have you protect wolves and fight poachers.
Yeah, the villainization of random animals is messed up
yeah, it’s why I bounced from TLOU2… who wants to hurt dogs for fun? I don’t get it
Related: While Hotline Miami was a great game, I really hated that you attacked the dogs. And it wasn't like you knocked them out, either. They didn't deserve that, I don't care who their masters were!
Agreed! I would, however, be down with a plotline where you have to make a treaty with the wolves to stop them from stealing people's chickens...which they're doing because the Dark Lord has killed all the game.
Or any canine. Just let me pet them like Dogmeat or Scratch.
Games need more boars. In the first Red Dead game they messed me up.
While on surveys, boar tracks/scat/spoor was the one thing that got the crusty old redneck surveyors nervous. Snakes? Gators? Nah. Boars tho, let's just go to the hotel bar...
Most everything else can be reasoned with, Boars just want to kill you and stomp your remains into paste then eat the paste then break into your widow's house and poop the you paste all over. No I'm not completely terrified of boars why do you ask
i don't disagree but I've never played a video game where a wolf attacks, although I admit that it would liven up Rory McIlroy Golf
i second this motion and would like to add BATS 🦇 to the proposal just leave them alone they LIVE in those caves/dungeons and they're never gd aggressive like that 😭😭
I like MHWorld where you can't hurt bats, you can collect them and have them as pets in your house though
i love how Stardew Valley gives you a little cave where fruit bats live and bring you fresh fruit... but then ofc in the mines bats are real aggressive and have to be killed :(
I really need to sell my series to a studio so we can spin off videogames. There's an alien species who resemble wolves, even get called wolves. And they're with the good guys. (Hunter gatherers until the planet's invaded. Then they're all like, "So how do these metal tubes that throw lead work?")
I remember in Call of Duty 4: MW, if you shot the feral dog in "All Ghillied Up" a whole pack if his friends would come out and eat you ass, violently.
definitely the worst part of AW2!!
right???? they mad dog whining noises every darn time!
I appreciate that Alan Wake II at least acknowledges that they wouldn't be malevolently hunting you like that if they weren't possessed by the Dark.
yeah that Dark Presence is a bit of an asshole, isn’t it
God i hated this in the Witcher 3
I need more games where you can have a pack of wolves hangout with you and pet them. I don’t need to fight animals, I just want to be friends with them!!
It is an immediate, oh I am role playing an evil character. Sea of Thieves had an interesting terrible idea where you could have a pet dog who would make scared noises when things like cannons or fireworks went off, in a game about setting those things off
I'm playing FF16 and I hate every time they make me fight a pack of wolves because on my side is a very good doggo and in the heat of combat it's confusing and even if I can't actually hurt my boy it still bothers me!
There's a bonus in Township where you can send a dog with a stick of dynamite to blow stuff up. WHY??? I have never used it so I've just got this dog who walks around with a lit stick of dynamite in his mouth.
ahhh what! a dog suicide bomber? why!
Steel reeling from Final Fight Streetwise encouraging you to "sneak attack" sleeping guard dogs. TW: that thing I just said:
Something I like about the MOTHER games is that, while some actual enemies like zombies will die, normal ones like snakes/bats/wolves/stray dogs etc. will instead "return to normal" or "regain all senses", and it's established that it's abnormal for them and they're being controlled by evil forces
I always mute/take my headphones off. I fucking hate that as well.
Fr wolves don't even really bother people like that
I have been playing Baldur’s Gate 1 and the wildlife just doesn’t leave me alone! I’m just here for the bandits!
Yes! Wtf this is fantasy just let me run around with them in peace. I hated that BOTW did that and then gave you meat from them, ew
exception: i will always take a second to hit rahzar after he turns back into a baby wolf in turtles in time on super nintendo so he makes the dog whining noise