Ralf W

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Ralf W


Peripatetic pessimist-optimist.
Hanger on at Balloon Juice, also too.
they're not even this cool
The NYT is as unhappy about this as one might expect. It turns out polling & predicting got it wrong, so now the narrative they're going for is 'months of chaos.' Maybe that will be, but, see above for how bad they are at predicting.
But mah Orbán-crush 😢
Peter Barca, WI-01 candidate, was parading in district (Whitewater)
I'm still hopeful for our democracy. This was just a small part of our Walworth Co. Democrats presence in the July 4th parade today
Also love this entirely non-political entry in the parade
Join me in corresponding with the Times. [email protected] is the only way to request a correction or retraction for such egregious lying in print.
Correction (I own that I made a copy error above). That's the only way to request a correction on the opinion side. News has their own process. FTR I do not for one second buy that the Times, esp. Times Opinion, has any commitment to ethics at all.
The NYT is such a rag now, I see "ethical responsibility to promptly correct all factual errors" and think 'total bullshit.'
Got to meet former & future US Rep. Peter Barca in Whitewater, Wisconsin today. Let's go Dems! Beat Bryan Steil #WI-01.
Here's the thing about this passage. Roberts didn't fail to pull the sides together. I think he's been full of merde this whole time. He's played the game of saying he's not partisan and that the Court isn't either. But it's not credible, hasn't been since Bush v Gore, at least.
Given the Epstein phone logs that just dropped, I'd be a bit careful with that, WJS
Like the time, ohh, yesterday that Trump may have had his "Loretta Lynch tarmac moment", but with one of Vlad's charmers?
Oh, well. The dude the think tank is named after was an advisor to a fascist Austrian Chancellor. Huh.
This Court -- these six -- just make things up. It's not originalism. It's not textualism. It's not even emanations and penumbras. It's right wing Calvinball, and it's a pure, political power play. We (citizens, not spec. law profs) have to stop responding to political power with legal issues.
Heather Cox Richardson's full post overnight about this extreme, radical Supreme Court is a must read. open.substack.com/pub/heatherc.... "Today the United States Supreme Court overthrew the central premise of American democracy"
Biden or Harris. That's the binary choice. I'm good with either, but even after this bad NYT poll, I think the chaos of changing the ticket is too great.
If you see this, post a picture from your phone if you like, but don't explain it
If you see this, post a picture from your phone if you like, but don’t explain it.
Not quite as swank, but you can dine in nearly the same aesthetic tomorrow, if you drive to Thorpe, WI and have a meal at The Thorpedo. (2hrs from here, east of Eau Claire)
GOP donors can fly Justice Thomas private in a Gulfstream to Bali, but in Milwaukee, they want price cuts on menus during the RNC. Just the worst people in the world. (screenshot of part of a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article)
Stare Indecisis might need a whole new section, 2020 - onwards (I haven't read it, dunno if the book is at all worthwhile, tbh)
Thank you, yes. I am not one of the panic people who thinks Biden should exit the ticket. But *if he does* he needs to resign his office as well. I laid that out yesterday
Needs to cool before taste testing, but I hope this GF rhubarb custard cake (super easy, box mix + fruit+ cream) is delicious
I know Democrats have to also fight harder (they are fighting, I do see that), but the press failures in these dark days are so fucking glaring that I just about go spare. (I wish that last phrase was in more common use here. Also I'd say angry AND worried, not or)
I feel like there's a coded message in how Fox makes Ham Rove's skin tones look so weird. (Reminder of why he's called Ham Rove)
As a side note, it's a bit remarkable to see how the NYT was not nearly as afraid of their own shadow back then. Fast forward to now, I think that article would be so namby-pamby it'd be, like: Commenting on Rally Illustrating National Divide on Replacement Theory, Trump Might Have Misspoken
Gregory León, 2X James Beard nominated chef/owner of Amilinda, is increasingly concerned the RNC is a poorly planned mess, isn't meeting the hype for economic activity, and may actually HARM local restaurants since most locals will flee downtown MKE. www.therecombobulationarea.news/p/special-re...
So the $1,000,000,000 that the oil industry gives to Trump will just be a gratuity for past services, ehh? Asking in advance is just "free speech" (but very expensive).