Cleric of Celine

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Cleric of Celine

I crave grease. He/Him 🌈
DnD lover, videogame and movie inhaler.
The Biden administration announced expansive new protections on Friday for gay and transgender medical patients, prohibiting federally funded health providers and insurers from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Biden Administration Restores Health Protections for Gay and Transgender The Health and Human Services Department finalized a rule prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, reversing a Trump-era policy.
So far this week... The FTC banned the use of noncompete clauses. The DOL strengthened overtime rules. The FCC restored #NetNeutrality. The DOT expanded protections for airline passengers. This is what it looks like when the government works on behalf of the people.
On Wednesday, the right-wing Supreme Court justices really preferred the safe world of legal abstraction, where they could pretend that Idaho’s abortion ban—which only has an exception to save the woman’s life—won’t inevitably leave women to gruesome suffering.
Conservatives Weave Anti-Abortion Fantasyland To Allow Emergency Room Abortion Prolapsed umbilical cord. Septic shock. Ruptured amniotic sac. Hysterectomy.  These, the gruesome...
you: please act normal you need these people to like you people: hello Spike nice to meet you me: in the 1940s/50s a elderly Black coal miner in Kentucky named William Johnson pretended to be an escaped, still-alive Hitler to bilk countless Americans out of thousands of dollars to build UFOs
you: please act normal you need these people to like you people: hello Ed nice to meet you me: pad thai was invented in the 1930s by nationalist Thai politicians who wanted to promote a stronger sense of identity in a country that loved Chinese rice noodle dishes
Yesterday, the Office for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced a final rule that strengthens the HIPAA medical privacy rule for people from states that ban abortions who seek reproductive health care in states that permit them.
move to make “ozowned“ a verb, all in favor
If you ever get sick of working for a living you can always just fall back on telling conservatives they're the ones who are oppressed.
Here's what everyone needs to know* about climate change: 🌍 It's real 👥 It's human-caused ⚠️ It's serious 💡 With immediate action, it's solvable ⌛ Later is too late * social science shows these msgs increase acceptance of the issue, awareness of the risk and, most importantly, willingness to act.
"To date, the administration has canceled about $146 billion for nearly four million Americans, and these new plans could increase the number of recipients to north of 30 million -- if they are implemented."
Biden announces more student loan relief plans in battleground President Biden announced new student debt forgiveness plans in battleground Wisconsin on Monday that could impact over 30 million Americans if implemented.
Say it again: Republicans don't need the votes to ban abortion nationally, they just need Trump
As a result, it would be near-impossible to end a pregnancy—even in a pro-choice state. These aren't predictions I'm making, but tactics that conservatives have explicitly laid out *in writing* Republicans don't need the votes to ban abortion nationally, they just need Trump
Avatar is an excellent podcast that thoroughly documents and debunks Alex Jones's insanity, cruelty, dishonesty, greed and lies.
Biden said Israel had to, one, better protect aid workers, two, better protect civilians, and, three, reduce humanitarian suffering. "President Biden made clear that U.S. policy with respect to Gaza will be determined by our assessment of Israel's immediate action on those three steps."
Biden warns Israel to protect civilians, aid workers in Gaza or risk losing U.S. President Biden is warning Israel that U.S. support for the war in Gaza depends on new efforts to protect civilians and aid workers. Biden spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in a phone call T...
I just donated.
We all stand against book bans in theory, but 4 librarians in Prattville, Alabama lost their jobs standing against them. Please join me in donating to the GoFundMe that will help them make ends meet in this tough time. Show me a receipt, I'll give you a compliment
Protect Prattville Library Staff and Patrons, organized by EveryLibrary Institute The Autauga-Prattville Alabama Library board has fired the lib… EveryLibrary Institute NFP needs your support for Protect Prattville Library Staff and Patrons
“Trump’s campaign has deflected questions from the media concerning who, exactly, would ‘get out.’“ But records show that “20 of the 27 January 6th inmates charged w/assaulting law enforcement officers have already been convicted at trial (10 inmates) or pleaded guilty (10 inmates) to that charge.”
Trump wants himself and cops to be less accountable for crimes while the average citizen is given harsher citizens in the most incarcerated country in the world. You paying attention, leftists that claim you'll sit out the upcoming election?
Trump attends wake of slain New York officer, calls for 'law and order,' to show contrast with Donald Trump attended the wake of Officer Jonathan Diller, a New York City police officer gunned down in the line of duty.
underneath all "every disaster is actually a conspiracy" schtick lies an unquenchable hunger for there to be some identifiable Bad Guy to whom we can point when things go wrong, a need so genuinely infantile that it'd be endearing if we were in fact talking about infants
For those who have forgotten how this went down, which is definitely not how it would have gone down under Trump:
In case you didn’t know, abortion pills are the most common form of abortion and are generally safer than Tylenol or Viagra. The MAGA plan is for them to be as illegal as heroin by the end of January 2025.
IVF ban exposes GOP No limit to Republican attacks on reproductive freedom in 2024
There’s a big audience on Bluesky for viral posts that distort reporting or research in a simplistic, purportedly progressive way. But they don’t actually help anyone or serve a progressive agenda — they just make people feel helpless and angry.
This post is wrong twice: (1) The study finds that large grocery chains raised prices in sync with—but faster than—inflation caused by real supply chain issues, and (2) the study exists only because the government is *trying to prevent this from happening again* by blocking major grocery mergers.
Headline aside, it’s clear from the text of the story that Trump will back any abortion ban, at any time during pregnancy, if he’s told he can get away with it (gift link)
Trump Indicates He Would Back a 15-Week Federal Abortion The remarks on a radio show came after he had been privately expressing support for a similar ban, at 16 weeks.
Republicans already have a plan to rapidly privatize Medicare if Trump wins. Tucked deep into Project 2025 is a call to “make Medicare Advantage the default enrollment option.” This would be a historic handout to the insurance industry. And the death of Medicare as we know it.
Step 1) In 2016, stay home in even when warned re: SCOTUS stakes b/c not happy w: candidate Step 2): come up with some drastic idea that cannot be implemented without having supermajority D in Congress Step 3): Blame Dems and those who warned people in 2016 for not doing step 2. Lose even more 😣