yup: here with paul manafort and lee atwater
Our information channels have been flooded to the point that they have been largely drowned out Not a Republic if we can't keep it Neil Postman here:
Her capitulation beyond embarrassing it only the female Presidents that were called to testify or only the female Presidents who agreed to testify? I don't know enough about that but makes me suspicous... Adding Minouche to this list
Yes. We must recognize fascism when it manifests Ignoring it or laughing it off gives it room to grow and strangle
Putting students in danger and trampling on free speech principles by maligning peaceful protesters in order to justify heavy-handed force in an attempt to save your job and please your donor-masters
Hitler killed his dog Blondi One day b4 his death he expressed doubts about the cyanide capsules he'd received from Himmler's SS Hitler ordered his Dr. to test one on Blondi She died
Looks like they've taken the link down, but this is the article. It's findable
Identifies two major forces endangering democracy Neil Postman here:
Yes. Also Neil Postman here:
Related: Too few Americans understand that every single member of the Republican supreme court majority is a Catholic ideologue are the two latest departures Kennedy and Scalia Too few Americans understand why:
Must-read profile of the creepy pedophile 1864 Arizona House Speaker who presided over the old-but-new-again Arizona law banning abortion
MSM too afraid of being accused of being anti-Catholic so have avoided covering one of the biggest threats to our democracy. This article from the National Catholic Reporter shows how deep the roots of this go and how real the threat is.
airports are SO good for people watching Cancun Cruz can never ever be beat
These fuckers arrived long before Trump
Remember when these horrible people were widely touted as moderating forces?