
Senior Editor, MSNBC Daily. Priors: Daily Beast, Business Insider, The Week, et al.
The UnPopulist
The UnPopulist
Defending liberal democracy against authoritarianism in the U.S. and around the world.
Mauricio Sellmann Oliveira
Mauricio Sellmann Oliveira
PhD Latin American Cultural Studies UoM... “and world peace.” Neurodivergent. Tire suas próprias conclusões e os pratos secos do escorredor.
Bart Bonikowski
Bart Bonikowski
Assoc Prof of Sociology and Politics at NYU studying nationalism, populism, and radical-right politics using surveys, experiments, and computational text analysis. Affiliate Faculty at NYU's Center for Data Science.
Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast)
Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast)
Freelance Writer, Academic, anti fascism, authoritarianism,modern propaganda, weaponized unreality whisperer on the dystopia beat. iwwfju member
rheumatic, garmenta, economist, technologist, bookbinder, fiberartist, tricoteuse, couturier, flâneuse, gentlewoman, enigma
Andy Pearlman
Andy Pearlman
Faculty at School of Visual Arts, Painter. Teach Photoshop for Coloring - comics & illustrators. He/him. Likes puns.
Wajahat Ali
Wajahat Ali
I'm just a boy standing in front of a social media website asking it to not be run by a deranged billionaire who supports white nationalists
Maker of things. You probably use some of them.

Former historian, current stay at home dad. just a clod of the common earth

Posting plant pics on Insta @ctznbotany
Douglas Michael Massing
Douglas Michael Massing
Academic editor—impatient advocate aka @T2DRemission—ADCES paraprofessional certificate—🌎's skimpiest bimodal (science/humanities) pub list. Queer hemidemi, political, old, tired. Likely undiagnosed this'n'that.
2nd/3rd IYKYK
Unit, 1 (One), Bang.
Unit, 1 (One), Bang.
Bagged Milk Evangelist. Tubular Meat Glutton. Booze Raccoon.

A Baconator you eat for breakfast is technically a Breakfast Baconator.
Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra
Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra
Sociologist at UC San Diego. Author of Automating Finance (2019) & The Quantified Scholar (2022) Director Latin American Studies (2023-25) and the International Institute (2024-26) at UC San Diego.
Formerly “Deep State Jezebel” on that other site who’s name shall not/cannot/should not/can’t make me/I’ll bite you if you try to get me to/nah nah nah…be mentioned.
BLM, human rights, women’s rights,, dem, AF veteran. Lapsed ceramic artist & painter.
lex Maria
lex Maria
Took a long hiatus from sm after the last place was ruined. Nice to be back
Werewolf Bar Kochba
Werewolf Bar Kochba
Elected Official. Anti-Fascism. T1 Beetus. Inactive in 3 bars. Could do without sea lions. #AbolishTheSenate He/Him
The gorgon formerly known as Jessica
The gorgon formerly known as Jessica
Previously @MercurialMiss on Twitter

Reluctantly Straight

My safeword is: Banana🍌

Anti-war unless its against the rich.

She/Her in love with books & goth stuff.
If you follow me you endorse my skeets.*

*legally binding
Chris Miller
Chris Miller
Just like zis guy, you know
Heart in Mpls, currently Seattle-ish
Osita Nwanevu
Osita Nwanevu
Contributing Editor | The New Republic
Columnist | The Guardian
Newsletter |
Michelle Goldberg
Michelle Goldberg
New York Times opinion columnist; MSNBC contributor; author.
Jack Hutton 🇺🇸
Jack Hutton 🇺🇸
San Francisco.
John Hook
John Hook
Left Twitter, now Post 📫 this is my new home. CNC If you can dream it I can ream it or beam it! USN TRADEVSMAN...T2 & A4 aircraft..I carve wood and paint it! No MAGATS
#expostie 🏳️‍🌈💯liberal Tar Heel for Life/Chicago/Rancho Mirage CA. #Biden/Harris ‘24
Alan Rozenshtein
Alan Rozenshtein
Assoc prof at the University of Minnesota Law School. Senior editor at Lawfare. Co-host, Rational Security. Former DOJ.
"I am aware of all internet traditions."
Goodie Howell
Goodie Howell
2nd Amendment absolutist — we should absolutely repeal it and enshrine the unfettered right to abortion instead
Dave Levitan
Dave Levitan
Currently: Deputy editor, Splinter. Previous: The Messenger/Grid, bylines all over before that. Author: NOT A SCIENTIST: How politicians mistake, misrepresent, and utterly mangle science (2017, WW Norton). Puppy dad. NBA junky. Davelevitan{at}
Will Oremus
Will Oremus
Writing about tech and its discontents for the Washington Post. Shitposting about Bluesky on Bluesky. Sign up to follow my work:
Dan Lavoie
Dan Lavoie
Comms and policy. Work for racial justice, social justice, economic justice. Former journo. Current Dad.
James Goodwin
James Goodwin
I'm Policy Director at the Center for Progressive Reform where I specialize in federal regulatory policy. When not analyzing federal regulatory policy, I enjoy silent film, soccer, and running.
Diogenes of Snarkadia
Diogenes of Snarkadia
Wit & one liners about science, pseudoscience & anti-science. Pronouns: Jack/Bub.
The Professional Internet Bum
The Professional Internet Bum
Berkeley gutterpunk turned Graybeard anarcho-socialist.

Don't cite the deep shitposts to me, I was there when they were written.

He/Him, Trans Rights, ACAB.
Emily L. Hauser
Emily L. Hauser
Was: writer, librarian / Now: social justice comms / Always: huge nerd
The once & future verified.
I know I was born & I know that I'll die; the in-between is mine.
Emily, not Em

Want to read my writing?
Michael Artz
Michael Artz
I did not get ejected by the night manager of Waffle House, we mutually agreed to part ways after being unable to come to an agreement

same handle on discord

Dad / sentient sandwich / chronic doomscroller / cishet / he/him/bro
Rob Shearer
Rob Shearer
Pretty sure I’m right about:

- RFC 3339 dates
- ISO 216 paper sizes
- Fahrenheit weather temperatures
- Dot-grid paper
- End-to-end encryption
- Software engineering being about collaboration costs

Less confident about the rest.
I've been online for 100 years. I believe in people power. I want us all to do better.

She/her. Phillyish. Crone-age. So so late.
Maggie Harrison Dupré
Maggie Harrison Dupré
Senior staff writer at Futurism // Writing about AI, media, information, and lots of other things. Send tips (please!) to: [email protected]
Dave Karpf
Dave Karpf
Political Communication Professor at GWU. I write a lot about the history and future of tech and politics. Best known for that one time I made fun of Bret Stephens.
Martha Smith
Martha Smith
More like Aunty Mame every day. Behold fat femme wizardry, bisexual hullabaloo, culinary feats of derring-do, progressive theology, and kitty cats. Probably posting from the bath.

Nashville-->Boston-->SF-->OAKLAND BABY
J. Emory Parker 🏳️‍🌈
J. Emory Parker 🏳️‍🌈
Pulitzer prize winning editor and news developer. Now: Data Project Manager at @statnews
✉️ [email protected] 📸 jemoryparker 🐘 @[email protected]
Test Pattern
Test Pattern
Patrick Cant
Patrick Cant
Ink-stained wretch, raised by copy editors and sheep farmers in the wilds of Sonoma County.
I too miss the 1940s, a time when punching a nazi got you a medal instead of a court summons.

Ethan Zuckerman
Ethan Zuckerman
UMass Amherst, Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure, Global Voices, Berkman Klein Center. Formerly Center for Civic Media, MIT Media Lab.
ariel gordon
ariel gordon
Dog person. Cat person. Now old enough to be a bird person. She/they.
I post for: 1) god 2) country 3) 1995 feature film Virtuosity