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🍊🏴‍☠️ Crew for life baby.
Twitter refugee. Singer, keytarist, plant nerd etc.

Any pronouns
I saw one of those shirts in the wild too. My eyes rolled so hard they probably heard it happen three states over.
Reposted byAvatar Redshift
If you’ve shared this but haven’t read it yet, you should. PEOPLE isn’t pulling punches. Just printing “Christian Nationalism” in relation to the platform of a presidential candidate is more than many pubs have done.
This. Dreams are just your subconscious chewing on things. There’s always something to learn from in them, but not in the sense that what they portray must be some special secret truth. Just that now you’ve become consciously aware of what your subconscious is doing.
I knew I’d really made progress in healing after an abusive relationship when my dreams featuring my ex shifted from “like no breakup happened” or “but go back to her tho” to “telling her to fuck all the way off forever, dream edition”.
Reposted byAvatar Redshift
Biden has done 3 live tv appearences related to the shooting since where he calls for unity. Trump has disappeared and done nothing. The resulting press coverage is covering an imaginary version of Trump as if he had said unity stuff. Like literally they are making up a fake guy to praise.
I have never read anything more credulous than Axios’s thing about Trump this morning. Like…
“He’s never given the barest hint of an inkling of a suggestion that he would ever behave this way, but imagine if he did! And then behave as if that completely imaginary scenario was real life”. No thanks. I find life works out better when I engage with reality.
Reposted byAvatar Redshift
In all seriousness: the very idea that someone can take highly classified documents, store them in a public place, defy any number of requests, subpoenas, etc., and then face NO CONSEQUENCES AT ALL is genuinely shocking, and should terrify anyone who cares about national security.
Reposted byAvatar Redshift
There is never any shame in using the library, and much benefit in doing so. They are the closest thing to an unmitigated social good that we have in these United States, which is why the hard right is gunning so fervently for them these days. A world without libraries and librarians is a poor one.
My book-buying budget is not what it once was, which is precisely why I’m using the library more. It also gives me the opportunity to read books that I’m not sure I want to add to the home library (not that there’s a lot of room to do that anyway).
Reposted byAvatar Redshift
The America I want to live in is the one where we take all those soaring promises about equality and opportunity and freedom in our sacred texts and do the work to make them real and make them apply to fucking everyone, not just the rich white men who wrote them.
The person I initially replied directly to.
The guy who replied to you saying that.
Yes, it’s more complicated than can fit in one skeet. But by reducing housing costs across the board, more people will be able to be housed immediately (and without being financially crippled by having to spend so much of their income on housing that not enough is left over for other needs).
There are at least SOME vacant housing units everywhere. More will still continue to be built, no matter how hard people who think in absolutes cry about “disincentives”, because that is also a complex thing.
And there are *some* people who will move to wherever they can get housing. There are others who would like to live in specific places that are more broadly seen as “undesirable” for personal reasons, but can’t bc moving is unaffordable. Some of the distribution would sort itself out if allowed.
Reposted byAvatar Redshift
Guy literally had secrets in his bathroom, selling them to foreign nationals. Calls people to steal votes. Sends a mob to keep himself in office. This country pissing all over its history to bend over backwards for this guy? This is the guy we bring down the whole experiment for?
Reposted byAvatar Redshift
I work at Rockin' Stickers! We're a small business in the PNW and our stickers and our little crew are amazing (I print my own stickers in-house, too)! I love us so much, please consider ordering your stickers from Rockin' Stickers! 💛
Sticker Mule is Tr*mp trash. Use StickerApp or Sticker Robot or Zug Monster or literally anything else
There’s literally no way this leads to a housing shortage unless by the intentional, malicious action of landlords to withhold housing from access in retaliation. If they do so, they are to blame for their malice.
Like come on. At least make basic sense! The number of houses and apartment units that exist is currently higher than the number of people who need housing. The “shortage” is in affordability, not the existence of units.
Therefore: controlling prices will help resolve the ACTUAL shortage by enabling people to afford to acquire places to live. If landlords sell off properties rather than accept lower rents, even better.
Truly it is shocking and counterintuitive!
Reposted byAvatar Redshift
Check out this, the just-announced policies from Yellen, the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, the direct pay energy tax credits, 45L, and the new HUD/USDA minimum standards for affordable housing energy efficiency. It all adds up to more safe, resilient, and affordable housing (& lower energy bills).
Honestly, my dream scenario is the evolution of English to have no gendered pronouns as well, personally. It’s just efficient! But I’m not willing to hurt people to push that agenda, so, gotta work with the current reality of the language and how people use it.
This is about my vibe too. I can’t imagine laying down quietly just because I think the people who want me dead might get their wish anyway. They’re gonna have to work for it.
Reposted byAvatar Redshift
Reminder that St*ckerM*le has ALWAYS supported Trump. It's okay if you didn't know (they got pretty quiet after 2016) but I'd recommend not using them!
I found out last week that SM are Trumpets, and despite me using them once a month for years, it was a really easy decision to say nope, never again. And I would then to tell them exactly why they lost my business.
Have been a strong supporter of resting when tired for a few years now and I’m not always good at living my values on that but when I manage it, it’s been consistently good.
Reposted byAvatar Redshift
Read this. Hell of a kicker
This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
It’s all-purpose in the sense that it’s fine to use it for anyone whose pronouns you don’t know, and in the sense that anyone of any gender can choose to use it for themselves as a neutral option. For example, I have a cis friend who uses he/they because he wants to help normalize the usage of they.
But, it’s not all-purpose in the sense of always being inoffensive no matter what. If you know someone uses a binary pronoun and that person hasn’t explicitly claimed “they” as well, you should use the relevant binary pronoun.
Reposted byAvatar Redshift
Reposted byAvatar Redshift
of course the MAGA line is going to be that the shooting guarantees Trump’s election — creating a story of inevitability lays the groundwork of a story of stolen election in the event of defeat
At Heritage event, Tucker Carlson sees rightness of VP pick because of who opposed Vance: conservative war mongers and anti-Christians Also says Trump’s response to shooting guaranteed election victory #RNC2024