
Dems: it's fine that every single news outlet is run by conservatives also Dems: why doesn't our messaging break through?
NEW: Daily Beast editor in chief Tracy Connor is stepping down, according to a staff memo from CEO Ben Sherwood. Hugh Dougherty, formerly of NYPost, Daily Mail, Telegraph, will be the new executive editor. (via Max Tani, Semafor)
a major issue for the left in general is that we have correctly identified that billionaires are very bad and should not exist and, unfortunately, the only way to run any sort of major news outlet these days appears to be "billionaire largesse"
to clarify: it is not that people are explicitly saying this is fine, it’s that - by their actions - the Dem establishment has made it clear they don’t see it as a major issue worth putting time and resources into meanwhile the right built multiple propaganda networks and is buying everything else
Genuinely curious, who is saying the first line?
And as a result, I don't consider Democrats left wing since all they do is enable Republicans
Well, we know we know for sure - no matter what - that "dems" are at fault.
But Micah, all they need to do is reach across the aisle to the Good Republicans who are Good and they will win!
It would be so cool with we had a National Public Media that we could direct more funding to as a counter weight. They might even have a radio and TV network???
(Seriously we need to throw money at our existing public news sources as a counter weight)
tbf the BBC was badly compromised when conservatives took power; the platform needs to be in partisan hands for the same reason as Manch-ema
The major issue with the left is that these guys ⬇️ effectively choose who runs and who gets elected, and they supplement those choices with at least 2 Supreme Court Justices as failsafes in case something doesn’t go their way the first time legislatively or electorally
"Dimon, Peltz, Schwarzman, Griffin, and others like them are drifting back to Trump for only one reason: They want to keep the tax cuts that Trump gave them in 2017, which are all due to expire in December 2025."
For Wall Street Billionaires, This Election Is About One Plutocrats like Jamie Dimon would have you believe they’re leaning toward Trump because of inflation or immigration or antisemitism, but they’re all full of it.
At this point, if I could go back in time, second after killing Hitler would be stopping Bill Clinton from signing off on media deregulation. It did untold damage starting immediately (anyone else remember "Al Gore is a pathological liar?") Not to mention nonpolitical stuff like destroying FM radio.
Someone on here was arguing for a Democratic party media network and paper as a better investment than dumping the next $100 million into political ads in Presidential election years and I agree it's time. Capital and the right are nearly done consuming for-profit media in this country.
bewildering to me that this hasn't been seen as the concerted effort it obviously is when clear channel's 30 year campaign to buy all local broadcast media in the US is Right There. ~So Strange~ that conservative rags never seem to get the Private Equity treatment, too.
Glad the First Amendment preserves a marketplace of ideas and avoids something terrible like the government regulating that news outlets not be 24/7 fascist propaganda
What Dems are saying that? Come on.
The Mail and the Telegraph ffs
They won't let the facts get in the way of a shock ,horror.
It's so hard to choose a "worst" British newspaper, and neither of those is even owned by Murdoch.
Bloody hell, imagine the poor wretches having to read them all to do the rankings. This has been the business plan for Murdoch though, dive to the bottom and drag the rest down with you.
I haven't heard any democrats say it's fine to have conservatives run every news outlet. I for one have been in a panic about this for years, ever since Sinclair bought our local ABC affiliate several years ago. Who is saying that?
In my admittedly limited experience, the Daily Beast has been going downhill for years.
Time to make bumper stickers that say “I DON’T BELIEVE THE CONSERVATIVE MEDIA”
Our media environment was already bad but we are headed towards it being like the UK.
I don't recall hearing any Dems say that, but there's not much they can do that SCOTUS wouldn't strike down
Genuinely curious, who is saying the first line?
leftists: Dems are so bad at messaging!