Rob Pilkington

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Rob Pilkington

writer of copy, #comics, and screenplays

📌 los angeles, ca //
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A popular front between liberals and leftists. Seems like something to think about, I dunno.
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We can do this. I truly believe we can.
Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
failed to protect my sanity, now must avenge it
currently watching televised baseball like a complete sicko
Reposted byAvatar Rob Pilkington
you can't eavesdrop in this country anymore without taking like 40 pts of psychic damage
Reposted byAvatar Rob Pilkington
This, I believe, is the actual reason for Biden’s weak numbers relative to 2020. We were told democracy was on the ballot and he would solve the threat, only for us to be in even greater danger 4 years later, with no answer except the one he gave us before
Every four years, American voters have to vote like there's a "Thanos level" threat to US democracy, but when American politicians get into office, they don't approach politics like democracy is on the line. They don't show respect for that democracy that so many voters came out to "save."
if joe biden goes on hot ones now, there's no way he can drink the milk, too vulnerable
Reposted byAvatar Rob Pilkington
Joe Biden refusing to take advice from people who have been wrong about everything for decades could be seen as an indication his brain is still working
free speech man strikes again
This is the editorial view of the guy who controls which posts get shown on Vichy Twitter and which get buried. Insane that journalists continue to use it as a source of information and contribute to its legitimacy
Reposted byAvatar Rob Pilkington
propaganda’s fuel is repetition pass it on
Reposted byAvatar Rob Pilkington
nyt is funnier than the onion
Lmao they just changed the title of the piece from “Why I don’t vote” to “Why I won’t vote” rather than tell readers that the guy actually does vote
it's that time of year again 🇺🇸
your general reminder that if voting didn't matter, they wouldn't try so hard to stop non-white ppl from doing it 🇺🇸
NY Times officially abetting the end of American democracy by publishing this shit. What the ever loving fuck
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there's a certain irony that liberals who have spent four years yelling at leftists who criticize Biden at all for any reason have now, in one week, done more damage to Biden's candidacy than all those leftists combined
I think the freakout has been absurd and overblown and far more damaging than the debate itself, which would have been survivable if everyone had been willing to circle the wagons and push back on it I am, from a purely pragmatic standpoint, extremely concerned that the damage cannot be overcome
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On Independence Day, note our progress towards energy independence & a sustainable future for generations ahead. Thanks to 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure & 2022 Inflation Reduction laws, U.S. companies are accelerating in grid batteries to make solar+wind scalable. That's not all...
Reposted byAvatar Rob Pilkington
“American Flag, 1977,” by Robert Mappelthorpe.
let us not forget the reason for the season
Reposted byAvatar Rob Pilkington
when you vote for President you are voting for a coalition rather than a person. the right understands this very well, which is why evangelicals lined up behind Trump.
starting to feel like we're installing a dictatorship bc one candidate's senility made him talk faster and louder than the other's one time on tv
finally hit Infinite ranking in SNAP, with the first deck i ever built too! 🏆
Reposted byAvatar Rob Pilkington
there is no better exposure to the median american voter's brain than working for a big company. someone asked for local restaurant suggestions and multiple people have chimed in to suggest applebee's. and they vote
hey sorry boss, can't make it into work tomorrow i'm despairing
joe biden announcing to a terrified nation that, in light of his new powers, he will be joining the x-men
my compartmentalizing muscles… so tired…
Reposted byAvatar Rob Pilkington
Thinking about all the libs who lectured antifa for years.
it's actually us who has the chance to do The Funniest Thing
frankly, the first defeat that we can hand them, in November, is the easiest possible one we are going to be offered, and we'd be fools not to make it happen.
when you're the president, every day is the Purge
The president can legally order the Purge