Robert Rhodes

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Robert Rhodes

Fantasy author, Servant of the Secret Fire. Gen-X and among the last to grow up in the pre-internet age. Author of SHADOW, LIGHT, & STEEL and FURY tales.
Still here; just easing out of flu, holidays, and sinus infection. All’s well, and I’m loving playing Baldur’s Gate 3. A tension not to feel guilty about it, but I will write a great story in the near future. #balance
A belated Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and bodacious Boxing Day to all!
Exciting news! GG also publishes TALES FROM THE MAGICIAN’S SKULL, the current forum of my FURY tales.
Goodman Games Inks Exclusive Distribution Deal with Diamond Book Distributors|Goodman
Icon. Rest in peace.
Breaking news: Sandra Day O’Connor, the first female U.S. Supreme Court justice, whose independence on a court that was often ideologically divided made her the pivotal vote in numerous closely contested cases and one of the most powerful women of her era, has died.
Sandra Day O’Connor, pathbreaking woman on Supreme Court, dies at The court’s first female justice was known for her independence on the bench.
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." Galileo
Let's go! #badmoonrising
We have funded! We are immensely grateful and honored by the outpouring of support for our little magazine! We could not do it without you, dear readers! Here's to another year of Old Moon! And now, we're off to feverishly email our contributing authors and artists!
Reposted byAvatar Robert Rhodes
Reposted byAvatar Robert Rhodes
we fixed acid rain! we fixed the ozone layer! we beat polio! we’ve rescued scores of species from the brink of extinction! the despair many of us feel about climate change isn’t that it’s too big to fix. it’s that we know it is fixable but we’re being thwarted by greedy ghouls at every turn.
The other day I was like “you know something we heard a lot about as kids was acid rain, why don’t we hear about it anymore” TURNS OUT we fixed it???
Reposted byAvatar Robert Rhodes
All good tales are true tales, at least for those who read them, which is all that counts. — Javier Cercas, Soldiers of Salamis Now there’s a quote that could engender a long night's conversation.
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The world’s richest 1 percent generated as much carbon emissions as the poorest two-thirds in 2019, according to a new Oxfam report that examines the uber-wealthy’s lavish lifestyles and investments in heavily polluting industries.
Reposted byAvatar Robert Rhodes
To everyone who wants Bluesky to be a success, especially now that Elon is going further down the antisemitism hole, a few tips. A short thread 🧵 1. Repost other people’s posts. This is essential. Please. 2. Also like other people’s posts. 3. Over-follow lots of people 1/n
Reposted byAvatar Robert Rhodes
The irony of every panic that TikTok is turning the kids into transsexuals/CCP agents/terrorists is that everything we know about who is susceptible to misinformation and propaganda online suggests the kids are not, in fact, the problem
I'm utterly disappointed by a new novel for which expectations were high. Didn't even care to finish it. Plot, characterization, style ... all lacking. Sigh. So it goes.
Reposted byAvatar Robert Rhodes
Kurt Vonnegut, on 11 November.
Happy birthday to ! A creative genius and, as we have the pleasure of seeing here, a kind and generous soul. Cheers and 'Endless' dreams!
Reposted byAvatar Robert Rhodes
Hey Americans, feeling politically powerless? You have an election tomorrow. Fascists are targeting those boring state and local positions and using them for everything from abortion restrictions to book bans to criminalizing trans healthcare. It's up to you to stop them.
Objectively, one of the funniest monikers lobbed in ye olde culture war.
Moms for Liberty, basically….
Pleased to have just backed this worthy project. Let's fill the tavern and our tankards and honor the night with tales of dread and glory!
Old Moon Quarterly's Kickstarter is live! Back us at Backers in the first 48 hours at physical tier and above get an EXCLUSIVE bookmark designed by Mark Jarrell !
Old Moon Quarterly A magazine of Soulsborne-inspired weird sword-and-sorcery and dark fantasy fiction!
Reposted byAvatar Robert Rhodes
Old Moon Quarterly's Kickstarter is live! Back us at Backers in the first 48 hours at physical tier and above get an EXCLUSIVE bookmark designed by Mark Jarrell !
Old Moon Quarterly A magazine of Soulsborne-inspired weird sword-and-sorcery and dark fantasy fiction!
Done! I just finished drafting "The Fury's Vow," the 4th tale of Gabriela de Quetar. 9,700 words. "The Martyr's Cloak, The Fury's Blade" - Tales from the Magician's Skull #8 "The Fury's Rune" - TFTMS #14 "The Fury's Hunt" - TBA ~37k words of swashbuckling down. Vamos.
Reposted byAvatar Robert Rhodes
The GOP is proposing an aid package to Israel that is paid for by cutting IRS funding -- IRS funding that lets the IRS pursue rich tax cheats. Cutting IRS funding COSTS us money. No matter WHAT the issue, the GOP has one focus and one aim only: protect the rich. That's it. That's their only mission
Reposted byAvatar Robert Rhodes
Ohio voters: The extremist GOP Secretary of State is canceling vote, purging thousands of names recently from the voter rolls, right before this important referendum on abortion rights. Make sure you were not among them! Check here for your status:
Reposted byAvatar Robert Rhodes
140,000 people have been locked down for days because of one man with a gun, so tell me again how guns make us free
24 hours later, it's almost 140,000 people
Reposted byAvatar Robert Rhodes
Waking up to the news of another mass shouting… Once again, mental health issue is a problem in every country, not just the US. It's the guns.
Reposted byAvatar Robert Rhodes
It was a bright cold day in October, and the rejected-speaker-candidates counter was striking thirteen.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a Republican party no longer in possession of a its senses or values, must be in want of a speaker.
Reposted byAvatar Robert Rhodes
Reposted byAvatar Robert Rhodes
Apparently there’s an influx of far right nazi arseholes. Remember the rules. Do not engage. Do not quote post to dunk. Block early, block often. Starve them of oxygen.
Congratulations to on the release of his new novel, the second in this dynamic series. Check it out! But only after reading the first, on pain of gladiatorial conscription.
Reposted byAvatar Robert Rhodes
Book launch day! I'm posting all day to boost the book: “With A Stranger In The Citadel, Tobias Buckell writes to the moment we live in, with a clarity and urgency that only fable can provide. Read it.” —John Scalzi, author of The Kaiju Preservation Society
Which is why citizen-responsive governments must always have more power than corporations, i.e. the power to take meaningful action when corporations' self-interested overreaching threatens the public good (e.g. pollution and climate change).
This quote has kind of rewired the way I see stuff happening