Rebecca WB

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Rebecca WB

she/her. I'm into sewing, fashion, costuming, museum design & curation, history, sci-fi/fantasy, film, archaeology, anthropology, linguistics, space, dinosaurs, and travel. I don't auto-followback. Always punch Nazis, healthcare is a right, eat the rich.
So much this! Watching it, I just kept saying 'I don't understand why he's doing ANY of this, it makes no character sense'. None of it had any reason for happening other than to prep for something else, but I don't know/care about that yet, and suffering through this made me less likely to watch it.
It really helps. I did wait too long to bring mine over, check on how long after becoming a resident you have to bring your belongings in without paying import taxes, but formal residency in my experience takes a while anyway.
Truth! And I always tell people when they contemplate a big move, if you don't like it, you can always move again. I put almost all of my things in storage and rented furnished when I moved to the UK, so the move only cost flights and visas until I was sure it was going to be permanent.
Does Amazon show you an initial relevant dozen? It only ever shows me audiobooks or kindle (even though I've never once bought either of those) with titles similar to but not the actual title I serached for, or books I already own that I 'might like to buy again'.
This must have been really difficult for you, I'm sorry that you had to go through that. I hope that your new path is a good one for you.
I for one welcome our crab overlords.
I mean, my grandpa said 'welp' and to my knowledge he was never even on the internet (I tried shortly before he passed and he was NOT having it), unless it means something new on the internet now I think it's just garden-variety slang. Not sure if that helps?
Is THAT what that's about? I went on there to check on someone who isn't anywhere else, and my feed was mostly a bunch of no-context subtweets that made NO sense. Unhinged.
It's so sad to me that people think this way, because what I like about the people I follow is that they DO contain multitudes. I followed you because of the rice truck, and now I've learned something about cricket and am looking forward to your next book, and that's awesome.
Ever since I read the reddit creepy-pasta about them I've been waiting for an author I like to do something with the idea, so I'd read the heck out of that!
Oooh... that's exciting news!
Absolutel truth, no notes.
Thank you! Lots of work that I am very glad someone trustworthy is doing.
Yeah, but from the pictures it looks absolutely horrifying, the walls and curtains and furniture all in the same chintz floral pattern so they all blend together into a weird not-camo camo-effect, it can't be pleasant to live in. Unless Rishi's wife spent her own money to fix that?
Never read her replies, it's just a cesspool in there.
Also, ventilation and filtration help with so MANY other things! Other viruses, allergens, air pollution in general, high carbon dioxide levels from small rooms with lots of people, just tons of things we don't want to breathe. It's stunning that no one has done anything about this.
I love your parents, this is pure genius on every level.
Avatar above-ground bunker? I guess he wanted the bunker window-free aesthetic without having to worry about ventilation or damp?
I think you might need this guitar.
Just, ffs. No other poison would ever have been developed if we could murder people with mentrual blood, which is free and easy to acquire. That reivewer should not be allowed to work at a university, let alone teach at one: who knows what other absolute nonsense they are making students learn.
Or big clicky buttons, our first remote had the biggest, loudest, shiniest buttons.
It's not as tittilating as, for example, stories like my friend who found out that her husband had lied about why he "couldn't" come to her mother's funeral by going through the data dump. The coverage was very focused on the ones who actually met women and what exactly they did, in prurient ways.
Congratulations! That's so cool.