Kevin Schmidt

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Kevin Schmidt

Born in Kansas 🌻🌪️
Lives in Mexico 🇲🇽☀️
USN Veteran & Liberal AF & Married
ADHD + PTSD = ABBA(Yes the Supergroup)
“Getting old is a terrible thing.” -Grandpa
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Schmidt
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Schmidt
"Buy a few bags of pet food for a shelter instead of fireworks. Make a difference instead of noise." #fireworks #petfood #pets #FourthOfJuly #July4th
New republican action figures coming to stores now! New old stock discovered for their target audience(baby boomers).
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Schmidt
"Hey, guys. I know I've made this place even more of a cesspool of vitriol and hateful rhetoric, but I'd really dig it if you posted more vapid, empty content. Thanks for being real, you guys."
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Schmidt
CPR classes, Stop the Bleed classes, and other higher order medical training emphasize one thing initially. If you feel yourself getting wound up, check yourself. Pay attention to your heart rate and your breathing. That intentional act can keep you and others from reacting badly, making it worse.
I'm saying that IN A CRISIS (and we're all in a crisis folks) you don't listen to the person losing their shit, or you die. You don't listen to the person screaming about fire regulations when the building is BURNING AROUND YOU. You need to use DISCERNMENT.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Schmidt
Avatar I hope you are right.
Friendly reminder that Ronald Reagan was called senile so often it became a running gag on SNL and the late night shows. He then won 49 of 50 states in the 1984 election.
Joe Biden has one subpar debate, and the New York Times calls for him to drop out. Donald Trump got convicted of 34 felonies, and the New York Times said nothing.
Avatar WE HAVE A NEW OFFICIAL CANDIDATE. Qualifications are obvious and succinct👇. Oh btw 🖕NYT
I tried all 87 burgers at Disneyland Resort and ranked them. Don’t ask why, just TAke a look yall. All reviews and rankings available for free on my page. (damn, Ass and hell allowed as that is mild, generic profanity)
All Burgers at Disneyland Resort Ranked | The Disneyland Loser's Get more from The Disneyland Loser's Guide on Patreon
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Schmidt
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Schmidt
“When Hospital Prices Go Up, Local Economies Take a Hit - Companies lay off workers to make up for health-insurance costs after hospitals raise prices, research finds.”
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Schmidt
HEY IT'S TIME TO ANNOY THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ON BEHALF OF FARMWORKERS! Everyone can join in but New York residents especially should! UFW & SEIU made it easy for you, just hit up and select whether or not you want future emails from UFW before sending!
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Schmidt
Publisher of ‘2,000 Mules’ election conspiracy theory film issues apology “2,000 Mules” has been widely DEBUNKED by law enforcement officials and the media the film and book had a widespread following among supporters of the FALSE Claim that the 2020 election was stolen.
Found the perfect jail cell for Trump Cc thank you for the idea, sorry no bees nest.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Schmidt
The first time an infomercial announcer said “But wait, there’s more!” people must have freaked the fuck out. “WHAT?! HOW”
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Schmidt
Holy shit, he was convicted on Covfefe Day
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Schmidt
🚨🇺🇸New Alito Flag 🇺🇸🚨
🎶 “Ding-Don, the wicked bitch is guilty Wake up, you sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed Wake up, the wicked bitch is guilty! She's gone where the prisoners go below, below, below, yo ho! Ding-Don, the wicked bitch is guilty!”
Ding Dong the Witch is
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Schmidt
it just occurred to me...will Trump not be able to vote for himself in the election as a person with a felony conviction in Florida
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Schmidt
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Schmidt
Also, Sinatra died in 1998 so no, Trump didn’t tell him “I’m a politician”
if a parent of yours started blurting out sentences like this you’d call a doctor and take their drivers license away