Dan (now in 3 dimensions!)

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Dan (now in 3 dimensions!)


Professional nerd, amateur comic, very amateur cryptid. Check out Alterside! https://linktr.ee/altersidelarp?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=a18252f8-b384-45c8-b20e-0a67c51e3e25
There is never any shame in using the library, and much benefit in doing so. They are the closest thing to an unmitigated social good that we have in these United States, which is why the hard right is gunning so fervently for them these days. A world without libraries and librarians is a poor one.
If I look warm, it's because I was very warm. Alterside colors, chainmail, leather bracers. One of the straps on my leg armor broke so unfortunately I couldn't get fully geared up. Great day though!
We've been watching kids get slaughtered in school with guns, I fear every goddamn day I drop my kid off at Kindergarten. WTF are you talking about, assholes?
WTF are you smoking, BBC?
"The left wants to destroy the family unit" She said to her son in law, who is a staunch leftist with a cookie cutter family and is well aware that the left wants freedom to love who they want and not christofascist bullshit where everyone is forced to be straight and go to church.
Popping on to say: A lot of rumors are about to fly about this rally. Trump's team is 100% going to try and take advantage of this situation. So will malicious foreign actors/bots/etc. Please don't auto share. Check your sources, and vet their wording/sourcing carefully.
I successfully name dropped Chris Pratt as Crisp Rat in the podcast and I'm very proud of myself.
I can't help but laugh about a certain politician getting punched in the face while I'm editing this podcast episode, not a real politician, unfortunately, but we can dream.
I'm the posterboy for listening to music too loud in your teens and not being able to hear very well later, so when I'm editing the podcast I I miss A LOT of stuff I should edit out if I'm just listening in my right ear. I'm finding that I'm now able to see the spots in the soundwaves to catch them.
Kathryn: is *this person* the voice actor? Dan: *furiously typing trying to get the information so we have everything correct* Future Dan: *having to edit out furious typing noises*
Me: I don't want to spend 8 hours editing this episode of the podcast Also me: I'm going to edit 40 minutes of me breathing like a serial killer out of this even if it takes me 8 hours
I don't know if I've shared this here yet because I've been so out of it. But Jests and Journeys is out now! You can only listen on Spotify for now. Let us know what you think, or just share this post for me and spread the word. It's a retrospective RPG podcast and we're playing Mass Effect!
A member of the Alberta NDP did something really shitty and seeing people praise them on Facebook all the time drives me fucking nuts. I wish I could talk about it openly, but fuck them.
If you see this, you have to post a picture from your device without explaining it.
If you see this, you have to post a picture from your device without explaining it.
We need to record our episode on Noveria for a third time because of audio difficulties, if it wasn't for Kathryn thirsting over Matriarch Benezia I would just toss the episode. 😂
I just learned the word compersion and I'm very happy to have learned it.
See also: why you should actually do the research and vote for school board. The people who end up on boards have immense power over the lives of children. The far right knows that education can reshape a whole society. You should see that too!
This is almost word for word what I tell students. Even if you’ve been disillusioned by what’s happening at the state and federal level, you need to get out and shore up your local politics.
I've been on a major Jurassic Park kick lately and bought Jurassic World Evolution 2 when it was on sale. Last night I was like "LINDSEY COME HERE I'M RELEASING MY FIRST APATOSAUR" and I've been fucking beaming playing this.
As an education advocate I feel like it's my job to fight for schools to not force kids to learn the Cadillac ranch dance in gym class. This has gone on long enough
Dr Disrespect seems like the type of dude who would make a tiktok of him drinking a non alcoholic beer at the park and trying to pass it off as a regular beer to piss people off. He also seems like a pedophile
Hey, I have an update coming out soon, so now is a good time to sign up for my newsletter! You get a free short story ☺️💗
It took less than a week for Nenshi to reveal himself as an oilfield shill and I'm sad he didn't even wait like 2 weeks.
As much as I hear Dopamine by Sum 41 I just can't get into it, it doesn't feel like an honest try at a good song so much as a "hey we're also releasing new music too! Look at us!"
This is like one half of "the creation of Adam"
Jimmy Fallon being in Jurassic World but not being eaten by a dinosaur is a crime.
It's like a science that kids sleep in on school days but wake up an hour before they normally do any other day.
No spoilers, but holy fuck dicks did the Acolyte get dark.
I bought the wrong light bulb for the kitchen so now when I'm doing dishes I feel like the main character monologuing in the spotlight at the end of a sad play.
thinking about my dog and how he makes sure i get my daily mental health outings for #makeaterriblecomicday2024