
New results from another completed basic income pilot. This one was in Cambridge, MA where 130 people got $500/mo for 18 months. Did they work less? No. They worked MORE. Recipients went from 36% FT employed to 40%. Those who didn't get it went from 30% to 28%.
The pilots will continue until one fails so it can serve as the single solitary anecdote to kill the policy forever.
They keep doing these studies and they keep getting positive results but it never seems to translate to any policy outcomes.
That’s because “socialism is BAD” as everyone knows. And “handouts will make people lazy and entitled”. I think this is like when “religious” people believe that atheists are incapable of morality and will automatically do all manner of atrocities without fear of a god to keep them in line.
What scares me most about those people is that they obviously need god/church in their lives to stop *them* from doing bad stuff.
It’s yet another case of “every accusation is a confession”
For those asking "why keep doing these experiments": the researchers know. The repetition of these studies is 1. their version of throwing a binder at policymakers going IT WORKS YOU CHUCKLEHEADS FUND IT ALREADY and 2. helping people who could benefit from UBI by giving them "experimental" UBI
The pilots are great; huge fan. How about support for scaling up, though? Some back-of-napkin figures... $500/mo to the ~165m Americans making < median income = ~$990bn annually (if I'm reading numbers that big accurately). In the long-term, Medicare, etc. costs go down, but how to get started??
Nah. Everyone gets it, and we all pay a progressive tax.
While I’m not personally a fan of *U*BI, $990 billion is less than what we currently pay out in interest payments on our fiat currency and receive nothing in return Set the interest rate to zero, forever, by law
Government interest payments are just basic income for people who already have money Kill it, destroy it with fire 🔥 ZIRP forever 🤘🏼
The interest payments are what enable our endless deficit spending and why we haven't run into the fiscal crisis the doomers keep forecasting. We pay reliably, keeping demand up, keeping rates down, allowing more deficit spending.
Huh? No, we, the government, the Fed, decide how much interest to pay and we can decide *today* to pay 0% The interest rate has nothing to do with deficits, my friend
Ok, I suppose this is just the misconception that investors “fund” the government Our government funds itself by issuing and taxing its own money; US bonds are just a holdover from the gold standard as is most of our monetary thinking
That's why states can borrow money.
Look we've got hard data that an increase in billionaires is bad for people, planet and jobs. Why is that experiment continuing?
It's kind of amazing how much mainstream economic wisdom of income substitution effect is just pure theory, completely unmoored from actual data on human behavior.
It's almost as if investing in the workforce makes it better or something.
That's fascinating and encouraging. With a.i on the rise it's on, our govt better warm up to the idea of basic universal income quickly or there will be a massive hole in our economy. Amazing results tho here especially considering $500 in Cambridge is equal to like $20 anywhere else lol 😆
I can already hear the irate masses. "State benefit scroungers are stealing our jobs!"
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Simply put they had money to fix cars get medical help earlier so life gets easier and work is more feasible
I never thought much about basic income as I was moreso focused on ways to deal with capitalism from the top down, but this is very comforting to hear
Is UBI cheaper than the administrative cost of welfare?