Georgia Z

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Georgia Z

artist of silly comics, lab rat in Boston, trans ally, ace, she/her, Gen X. Trying to follow ppl who will converse.
More of my silly comic. F**CK TR**MP Look at my silly comic! I'm working hard here. I'd like to live past November.
Reposted byAvatar Georgia Z
I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
Reposted byAvatar Georgia Z
Drop the most powerful image in your gallery with zero explanation
Drop the most powerful image in your gallery with zero explanation
Reposted byAvatar Georgia Z
Companies decided to sink billions of dollars of new investment into manufacturing plants in the U.S. after the CHIPS and Inflation Reduction Act boosted incentives for U.S. production, Check out that spike in manufacturing plant construction. It dwarfs all prior increases. 📉📈 #️⃣#️⃣
taking a break from the news to work on my silly comic
I forgot about this! Here's a reminder.
Hillary headlines in 2015. Don't let the media fool you again. Image Courtesy of angry_staffer.
My boss: what's social media saying about the SCOTUS decision? Me: That's so two days ago. Yesterday was all military tribunals, overshadowed by the guy with a worm in his brain ate a dog. My boss: is that how the worm- Me: Try to keep up. Today it's Epstein papers showing DT is a pedo monster. VOTE
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Reposted byAvatar Georgia Z
Celebrating the last day of Pride Month. May we have more.
GD#@%^* it! The Holderness family always gets me. always. Maybe this is why:
Me trying to finish up my cartoon All. The. Time.
Reposted byAvatar Georgia Z
Thoroughly enjoying one of my favourites, Mr David Tennant, being extremely relaxed about saying things which are true.
Celebrating the last few days of Pride Month!
Reposted byAvatar Georgia Z
The Democratic Party’s reaction to their candidate having a bad debate substantially outpaces the Republican Party’s reaction to their candidate being convicted of multiple felonies, held liable for rape, and owing judgments in the hundreds of millions for defamation and fraud.
I don't think I ever posted this. Arboretum Boston April 2024
🌸 it’s #PinkWednesday If you see this Post or Re Post something Pink
You know the drill! If you see this post! Add something pink to the feed! 🌸🌺🦩🌷 Wooo! #pinkwednesday!!! I scrolled through my feed and this was the first pink photo I saw! Sandhill Cranes at sunrise over Salton Sea📷🪶
Reposted byAvatar Georgia Z
If you just drop your trash bag so it blocks the entrance to the dumpster area again, I'm gonna ...pick it up and throw it in the dumpster myself. Because that's how I roll, bitch. (Oh that's not what you meant by trash Tuesday.)
goooooooooood morning campers and welcome to trash tuesday. just like a comet it’s here now and who knows when it’ll be back again so give it all you got show me those brain worms and let’s have some fun
You don't intimidate me, you're not a self serve car wash.
You don't intimidate me, you're not my therapist.
I know I'm new to social media and I'm also old (mid 50s) but are you kidding me? Someone has a relationship issue irl, talks about it on here (eh, maybe not the best idea) and then ppl just disappear? That just makes me sad. 😞
Reposted byAvatar Georgia Z
Thread! STAR is such an amazing program--it saves lives, helps people with their real needs, and costs so much less than the endless cycle of awful cops.
Here in Denver, you're now seeing STARs vans everywhere - "Support Team Assisted Response." It's a medic and a social worker, both trained in mental health and addiction support, showing up instead of police. They offer support to homeless folks, people in crisis, and folks in altered states.
Bangor Pride festival this weekend! Make mine Maine!!
I now own a fc#$$#ng car! It only took two weeks and three people .. and there was a moment when I feared I might have to drive two cars at once, but, yeah! (BTW, Massachusetts RMV has been cyber attacked I believe.)
When are we going to see the 285 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition in the schools? Why can't we support children with a belief system they can use?