Wayne He/Him

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Wayne He/Him


Youth at Risk worker on leave long COVID. Homeless kid & adult. Ex addict. CSA & Suicide survivor. PTSD ADHD. No bigotry. Lost my Twitter account calling out religious bigots. Gamer, movie lover, books and really REALLY badly thought out quip maker.
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Donald Trump is a rapist. Donald Trump is a pedophile. Donald Trump is a fraudster. Donald Trump is a failure. Donald Trump is a liar. Donald Trump is a cheater. Donald Trump is profoundly stupid. Donald Trump is the worst president we've ever had Why the fuck would you let him win?
Went to bed about 8pm last night and woke up at about 11am this morning and I'm still exhausted.
Almost did something very stupid. B T S fan said they "paved the way". I almost corrected them saying The Monkees were the first major manufacturerd boy band and B T S (Yes the spaces are on purpose), didn't pave anything. It would be the sincerely asking "Why Troy Sivan?" on YouTube debacle again.
We noticed you use our website how about our app for your convenience? Downloads the app....And it lags 3 times longer than the website.
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Calling beer IPA is harkening back to old colonialism and wankery douchery of the highest order. Millennials need not respond. Thank Christ it didn't really take off except for the wankers here in Australia.
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Oh good god. More episodes of The Flash. I adore these kids, but the things we do.
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If you're worried about brevity in your writing, don't. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say fourteen words.
How is it right that when you order something the delivery instructions automatically default to dump it wherever and not deliver to door? I've had so many packages lost because of negligent policies like this.
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If you’re going to mention in your headline news that, ‘President Biden struggles to stay in the race’ but not mention dick about the wannabe dictator who’s a rapist, pedophile, and so much more… please kindly go FUCK yourself!
It's rare this happens these days because of the long COVID and not being able to work, but I'm 2 weeks ahead of my bills. I feel like a millionaire.
What the fuck kind of name is Colter?
Okay, so that was fun. Someone singing the praises of Space Karen on YouTube so I asked them what was wrong with their phallus. Elon's fans are not at all toxic and hateful. Seriously, it was a legit question.
Decided to treat myself and had Indian delivered from my favourite place for the first time in months. They included cat food. I am not owned by a cat because I'm allergic. Why did my local Indian take away shop give me cat food? And why is there a QR code for a review?
This is the hat I wear when I'm on BlueSky.
This is the hat I wear when I'm on BlueSky
I think I truly messed myself up. School holidays start in NSW today. I promised a neighbour kid she can watch the last 2 seasons of The Flash at my place because her mum can't afford streaming. We just watched two episodes and I really screwed...Nah I fucked myself up. OH MY GOD!! DC do better!!
Okay, the Tories are out in the UK which is great. Now Labour has won can you work on turfing that transphobic prick Starmer out and getting an at least semi-decent human as PM? You know, an actual left leader that won't marginalise the disabled and ignore people of colour about race. He's a cunt.
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The reason the media couldn't really cover this lawsuit extensively is because she dropped her lawsuit on November 4, 2016, just four days before the election, and her real name was never revealed. She had received death threats, according to her lawyer, despite never being named publicly.
Looks like something useful is happening on the Nazi site - this court document about Donald Trump’s involvement in the Epstein case is going viral This is a disgusting read
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With “allies“ like these who needs enemies
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christian rock is so funny bc they’re all singing about being in love with the same guy
Reposted byAvatar Wayne He/Him
Please neuter and vaccinate your Minions.
Found one of the Minions in my trash and got animal control to take it away. They're actually really dangerous and have a lot of diseases
Reposted byAvatar Wayne He/Him
so great that Europe's doing this again with the diseases
Reposted byAvatar Wayne He/Him
Robert Downey Jr calling Chris Pratt dipshit in Infinity War is what I'm here for. He made me want the dinosaurs to win in those Jurassic movies.
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Taint got none!
Sitting here in Australia reading about the SCOTUS ruling and it scares the shit out of me. I can't even fathom what rational people in America are thinking of feeling.