Shaun Richman

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Shaun Richman

Labor guy in higher ed. Author, "Tell The Bosses We're Coming" (Monthly Review, 2020) & "We Always Had a Union" (U. of Illinois, 2024). Contributing writer: In These Times, Jacobin, American Prospect.
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Every day proves Thaddeus Stevens right: there should've been big Nuremberg-style public trials of leading Confederates, accompanied by seizures of the assets of all pro-Confederate large landowners and businessmen, which should then have been distributed to freed slaves as compensation.
These guys are traitors to the republic just like their heroes Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee
The best argument for Biden to step down as candidate, but serve out his term is that the fascists clearly intend to try to seize power regardless of the vote count. We need a President who will resist the coup without the appearance of a self-serving attempt to stay in power for himself.
Oh shit. They're scrambling to get Kamala Harris on MSNBC, like, NOW.
Another rebus in the crossword. I don't have time for this shit.
"The statue's crying too, and well he may."
Some excitable rando is liking all of my reviews on Goodreads. It's such an inactive website that my settings are to email me about every interaction. My inbox is being flooded and I'm just wondering, "How the hell many reviews have I written?"
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I personally want to congratulate Donald Trump for finally winning a popular vote
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Reposted byAvatar Shaun Richman
there's a fuckin *ocean* of money sloshing around at the top of society. one reason why we see so much investment into AI or crypto magic beans, it has nowhere sane to go (because the masses haven't had the spending power to justify investment in regular business until very recently)
The Massachusetts "millionaires tax" has vastly surpassed projections, bringing in more than $1.8 billion in revenue so far this fiscal year — with the prospect of a surplus of hundreds of millions of dollars to spend on transportation and education
State’s ‘millionaires tax’ has already generated $1.8 billion this year, blowing past state projections - The Boston The estimated haul is already $800 million more than what Governor Maura Healey and state lawmakers planned to spend from its revenue in fiscal year 2024.
The course is "U.S. Unions Since the 1960's" so one of the main points of the entire course is that major labor law reform never happened. A student could half-read the book, mostly not understand it and scribble some half-baked opinions and still get a better grade than ChatGPT.
I actually had one hallucinate comprehensive labor law reform, signed by Richard Nixon, with footnotes to an article by Erik Loomis. I had to have my library chase down Loomis' encyclopedia article (which was excellent, may assign) and of course nothing of the sort is in there.
I actually had one hallucinate comprehensive labor law reform, signed by Richard Nixon, with footnotes to an article by Erik Loomis. I had to have my library chase down Loomis' encyclopedia article (which was excellent, may assign) and of course nothing of the sort is in there.
This, exactly! I tell my students "don't use ChatGPT because it will produce garbage that you will receive a failing grade for."
This, exactly! I tell my students "don't use ChatGPT because it will produce garbage that you will receive a failing grade for."
It's actually much better than old-fashioned plagiarism, because it's much easier to spot, and because you don't have to accuse them of anything. You just say, this gets a low grade because it doesn't do any of the things that I asked you to do.
Great book. It was very useful for making sense of the govt's anti-Communist deportation drive of 1947 when I was drafting "We Always Had a Union."
Colleagues: If you're teaching in the fall, let me know if I can help. Happy to talk with students about War on Terror, immigration, free speech, Cold War/McCarthyism, ideological exclusion/deportation & conducting archival research for Threat of Dissent. 🗃️ Threat of Dissent: A History of Ideological Exclusion and Deportation in the United States: 9780674292352: Julia Rose Kraut: Threat of Dissent: A History of Ideological Exclusion and Deportation in the United States: 9780674292352: Julia Rose Kraut: Books
In the future, people are going to think that "brain worms" as an insult/meme, etc. was inspired by RFK's revelation, huh?
Never forget that the FBI named the group that protested the DNC and RNC as the biggest terrorist threat to the country the summer before 9/11.
Never Forget that email from the fbi deputy director that compared the George Floyd protests to 9/11, six months before the bureau completely whiffed on preventing J6
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I don't understand what the administrator class at major universities even think they're achieving anymore. I can't come up with a Machiavellian "perfectly rational on its own evil terms" explanation. They're flailing from crisis to crisis and appear to have no centering values.
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Some useful context as you watch law enforcement on all these campuses is that even when universities have a student very credibly accused of rape, they almost never contact law enforcement.
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It's so wild that the NY Times is treated as the most serious paper of record in the country and it's run like the royal family, with weird little fuck-up princes pretending to do real people work for a bit before sliding into their hereditary leadership jobs
But, also, let’s be honest: we’re going to keep pitching our own NYT Op-Eds because being in that space Matters.
It’s nice that I don’t have to make the Jamelle Bouie exemption in these posts shitting on the horrible ass New York Times anymore because we all know and we all know Jamelle agrees with it.
Funny, Ted. I think that’s the start of my next book too. 🗃️
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Raymond Chandler (1888-1959) made detective fiction into a literary form. He worked hard on his throwaway remarks, keeping lists of sharp comparisons, similes and gags. Many of them never made into his works, but if they did, he marked them and added the title of the novel in which he used them.
Having raised the question that local sanitation departments may not accept shredded paper recycle, is it asking too much for the New York Times to ask the Department of Sanitation of New York what its policy is?
How Do You Get Rid of Shredded Paper? Think Twice Before PSA: Putting shredded paper in the recycling bin could do more harm than good.
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A PERFECT album from the 1990's that ISN'T Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden or Alice In Chains
A PERFECT album from the 1990's that ISN'T Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden or Alice In Chains
GOOD. This piddling nonsense, low-key, was the sort of thing pushing a subset of students towards using AI to avoid the work. It had no basis in principles or ethics; just an arcane set of rules that could ding your grade and hold up your production.
In bibliographies, place of publication IS NO LONGER REQUIRED! Copyeditors around the world are rejoicing. #ACES2024
A PERFECT album from the 1990's that ISN'T Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden or Alice In Chains
A PERFECT album from the 1990's that ISN'T Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden or Alice In Chains
Reposted byAvatar Shaun Richman
A terminology proposal:
Outraged that the Communist Party USA would charge $300 per image for reproduction of archival photographs in an academic book published by a university press. 🗃️