Dr. Johnathan Flowers, Blade Wielding Bisexual (Lordean arc)

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Dr. Johnathan Flowers, Blade Wielding Bisexual (Lordean arc)


Martial artist, motorcyclist, pragmatist, comics philosopher, queer phenomenologist.

Assistant Professor @CSUN. Japanese philosophy, race, gender, disability, tech/AI. Inquiries: [email protected]

Rider of the mind shaitan. He/Him/His 🏳️‍🌈
Judging from her tail and the floof coming from her ears, I’m thinking there’s a high fluff chance.
My roommate has one who is about two months old. We’re slowly introducing them to one another.
Oh absolutely. I’m always worried that she might get stuck somewhere because she is super curious about EVERYTHING.
I am so happy with her energy, It's such a joy to watch and I am over the moon. Especially when she takes a break to walk over to me and nuzzle my hand.
This has 42 reposts and we’ve only gained 5 signers. Please take a second to do this if you live in CA. It’s important.
Speaking of, if you live in California, please text “Sign PGHZOY” and “sign PHQICF” to 50409 to encourage your reps to join calls for an independent investigation with public disclosure into allegations against BH city officials colluded with antiabortion extremists to prevent a clinic from opening.
How Beverly Hills became an unlikely battleground for the future of abortion rightswww.yahoo.com The campaign by an antiabortion group to block the opening of a specialized clinic in Beverly Hills may offer a playbook for similar efforts in other cities and states.
My god, this kitten has ENERGY. Y'all, I was unprepared for how energetic torties are. She is going all the way off with this toy.
okay so this is really urgent. tomorrow's my last chance to remedy the breach. please give what you can 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 paypal.me/thelongestroad
this has not been met unfortunately & i'm facing eviction right now, so i'm uncertain about where i'll go my landlord is still harassing me for the money, so i'm assuming i can still remedy the breach if i pay the full $1620 asap. if you can spare anything, i'd be so grateful 🙏🏽
I was all like “please help me afford to stay on the chemo pills insurance won’t cover so I won’t end up on IV chemo.” So anyway here’s me yesterday. WAY more expensive so if you can spare it please help. Venmo/CashApp TinuWrites PayPal.me/TinuWrites
it's getting a lot messier on here with the "cis Black v white trans" framing that things are taking, and I feel like this could be rectified by listening to Black trans people on the matter. People are speaking -about- Black trans people in what I'm seeing, but I'm not seeing a lot -from- us.
I did some research and discovered a thing called “Tortitude,” and I cannot wait.
She looks at me when I call her “Aster,” but I’m gonna test it out tomorrow when she’s more settled.
Testing out names for my kitten by putting "Queen" in front of them. "Queen Aster" seems to be winning the name competition so far. I considered "Iris" and "Rafflesia," but Iris is a little too tame for how energetic she is (sorry to all the Irises), and I'm not naming her for a corpse flower.
One of the first things I did when I moved to CA was google the local issues in my area, and hoo boy... I have never tried to get into local politics as fast as I did.
I'm taking a moment to do this. If you're in CA you should also be doing this.
This has 42 reposts and we’ve only gained 5 signers. Please take a second to do this if you live in CA. It’s important.
The "cultural, political, and social legacy that built this country" is racism and genocide. It needs more than denigration: it needs repudiation, rejection, and recognition of exactly what it is and what it continues to be.
JD Vance took part in the "National Conservative" conference. "He later speculated that a “post-white America” would denigrate “much of the cultural, political, and social legacy that built the country” and spoke of a need to “reform” civil-rights laws." nymag.com/intelligence...
The Authoritarian Plotnymag.com At the National Conservatism Conference, Republican senators mix with racists ranting about “post-white America.”
denigrating what built this country (genocide, human trafficking and enslavement) sounds good to me!
JD Vance took part in the "National Conservative" conference. "He later speculated that a “post-white America” would denigrate “much of the cultural, political, and social legacy that built the country” and spoke of a need to “reform” civil-rights laws." nymag.com/intelligence...
The Authoritarian Plotnymag.com At the National Conservatism Conference, Republican senators mix with racists ranting about “post-white America.”
My kitten has taken to running up to me and rubbing her face on my hand when I put it down for her. She always makes a point of nuzzling and pushing her body against my whole hand and it just makes my heart melt. She's also taken to yelling for me when I leave the room for too long.
She'll also mewl just to make sure I know she's around or when she needs attention. I think this might be the famed "Tortitude" that the internet says that torties possess, and like... I get it. The more comfortable she is in the space, the more energy she's showing.
I have a bunch of toys left from the end of Rose's life, I let my kitten pick from a couple and now she's playing with one of the last toys that Rose enjoyed: a multicolored ball with a rattle inside. I'll admit I had a little bit of a moment when I saw that.
Speaking of, if you live in California, please text “Sign PGHZOY” and “sign PHQICF” to 50409 to encourage your reps to join calls for an independent investigation with public disclosure into allegations against BH city officials colluded with antiabortion extremists to prevent a clinic from opening.
This is a really good time if you're not already connected to local groups and organizations organizing around particular issues to find ones in your communities that could use your talents and skills.
How Beverly Hills became an unlikely battleground for the future of abortion rightswww.yahoo.com The campaign by an antiabortion group to block the opening of a specialized clinic in Beverly Hills may offer a playbook for similar efforts in other cities and states.
She is so FIERCE. I thought she was chill when I met her, but now she’s just cutting up.