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Pissed off🖕 Paralegal,Wildlife Rehabber,TNR,Hedgewitch,♏,Dem,lover of Sci-Fi&Horror.
Succulent Smartass &up to my ears in Squirrels 🐿️ #ExPostie #HexThePatriarchy #FrellTheGOP #BlessedBe 🧹
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Today should be Emmett Till’s 83rd birthday
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“But wait, there’s more! Another election plot twist”, #EditorialCartoon by David Horsey on The Seattle Times. Please support the publications that employ Editorial Cartoonists. Link to original cartoon, as found online: seattletimes.com/opinion/but-wait-theres-more-another-election-plot-twist/
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Legendary labor icon Dolores Huerta endorses Vice President Harris: “I’ve known Kamala Harris for a long time—and I’ve seen firsthand how she fights relentlessly for Latino communities, working families, and for every American.” thehill.com/latino/47924...
Labor activist Dolores Huerta endorses Harris: ‘She fights relentlessly’thehill.com Latina civil rights leader Dolores Huerta endorsed Vice President Harris’s presidential run on Thursday, adding a powerful progressive voice to her growing base of support. “I’ve known Kamala Harri…
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#Trump knows #KamalaHarris is smart and good! Otherwise why would Trump write a check to her campaign?
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On Sunday night, 44,000 women gathered with Win With Black Women to support Kamala Harris, and they raised over $1 million. It’s our turn to show up. So that’s what we’re doing. All are welcome. Tell your people. Register now at AnswertheCall2024.com
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White Women for Kamala Harris call had so many people I think it may have broken ZOOM.
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Okay, stop selling! I’m already voting for her
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THIS is the ENERGY - right here. ↘️🔥
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I guess we were getting too enthusiastic.
Here's Harris' statement on 'unpatriotic protesters and hate-fueled rhetoric' (people exercising their first amendment rights to oppose Netanyahu) in DC yesterday as hosted on the White House website. No mention of the INVITED families of hostages who were arrested.
Statement by Vice President Kamala Harris | The White Housewww.whitehouse.gov Yesterday, at Union Station in Washington, D.C. we saw despicable acts by unpatriotic protestors and dangerous hate-fueled rhetoric.   I condemn any
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the same people who brought you project 2025 openly admit they will use KOSA to attack people who need abortions & LGBTQ people. if you’re suddenly hopeful because kamala’s running, please put that energy to use **today** & call your reps about KOSA. click into the thread. please call!!!
**HEY, IT’S TIME** the senate votes on cloture for KOSA (the misleadingly named “kids online safety act”) today at 2:15est. it probably goes right to the floor. it may pass the senate, but we can 100% stop it in congress if people speak out *today* please. one more call. click for resources.
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VP harris’s stepdaughter ella emhoff just posted this on IG:
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So weird that a campaign finetuned to win over every incel in America wasn't prepared to face a woman who laughs at them.
Why Trump and Vance are flailing against Kamalawww.theframelab.org Has Trump's luck run out?
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🚨🚨 ANDREW TATE IS PROTECTED ON X, BANNED POSTER REVEALED A leaked showed a list of protected/untouchable X users leaked. The leaker was immediately banned, suggesting it's legitimate. It featured Tate, a self-confessed sex trafficker. (1/2)
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when you're doing great and definitely didn't fuck a couch
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Almost as if they had all these stories already written #followthemoney
when you're doing great and definitely didn't fuck a couch
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This is the only contraception conservatives will allow
When JD Vance practices safe sex
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Trump's plan to cut the corporate tax rate to 15% would give: -The top 5 Wall Street banks a $4.1B tax cut. -The top 5 drug makers a $3.1B tax cut -The top 5 US oil companies a $2.5 billion tax cut. In total, it's a $50B giveaway to the largest 100 US companies. Atrocious.
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Whatever the state check your right to vote. They're going to try to cancel it on you. Play their game don't let them. i.redd.it/hp4z8f386hed...
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JD does look like the kind of guy who would jerk off to an Ikea catalog
And I said, Recliner? I don't even know 'er!
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Love this. White women are organizing to help elect Kamala Harris as President. The virtual event is July 25th, 8:30pm EST. Register at the link. www.answerthecall2024.com
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what definition of "extremism" are we working with here
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Absolutely doubling-down on "JD 'Lay-Z-Boy' Vance"
when you're doing great and definitely didn't fuck a couch
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There once was a dude from ohio Who made up some shit for his bio But this i can vouch That bro fucked a couch Now trumps gonna say bubye yo
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