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I do skateboarding for the government
Homelessness is a choice; everyone can always find themselves a friendly billionaire who will give them a house, trips on a superyacht, and vacations to a private resort. Just ask Clarence Thomas.
The right wing majority on scotus legalizes bribery and criminalizes homelessness because to them, rich people deserve rights and poor people deserve nothing. If they were deserving they’d be rich.
One of the things I can’t get my head around watching the Biden/Trump debate prep from afar is everyone in the media treating it as normal. Just another Presidential debate. The first debate between a sitting president and a felon and insurrectionist is not normal. It should be watched with horror.
It's increasingly clear that the people who make generative AI don't like films, don't like books, don't like art of any kind, and don't understand why anyone else does.
My wife, an avid amateur vexillologist, loves flying controversial historical flags at our various properties and I am powerless to stop her. I hate my flag bitch wife.
Why isn’t anybody talking about how the tires on a car are completely unnecessary. Metal is much stronger than rubber, idiots. We 👏do 👏not 👏need 👏tires
I’m looking for a Lady in the streets and a FlagWife in the sheets
Can’t wait to hear Trump’s real thoughts on this situation at 3:45am while he’s taking an extremely loose shit on the toilet
I cannot control my wretched flagwife. Anyway here’s my ruling on abortion: no one can have one.
Go search Clippy on Google.
billions being spent on AI to answer only common questions
@NBCNews: Social media has been buzzing with examples of Google’s new, “experimental” AI tool going awry. A Google spokesperson said the company believes users are deliberately attempting to trip up the technology with uncommon questions.
Fuck Elon Musk. This is why right-wing billionaires sue people reporting on them. They know they can't win these lawsuits. But they also know legal fees will cripple the little guy reporting on their lies and crimes.
Bad News: I’ve been laid off from mmfa, along with a dozen colleagues. There’s a reason far-right billionaires attack Media Matters with armies of lawyers: They know how effective our work is, and it terrifies them (him).
Breaking News:
With our new Apple Pencil Pro, forget everything you knew about the Old Apple Pencil Pro! You nothing. You imbecile for buying the old Pencil Pro. Did you enjoy scratching on the walls of your cave with it for four years? Here’s a squeeze gesture for you - squeeze your head in a car door
I don't want to keep being that guy but imagine how the media would react if in 2012 Obama was on trial for election campaign fraud involving a sex with a porn star. Literally every oped in America would be calling for him to drop out.
I’m frequently wracked with insecurity and self-doubt, but never about despising Bill Maher.
Me and my colleagues at Microsoft Research have developed a groundbreaking technique to generate audio and video of a person consenting to immediate liquidation of all their assets using a custom LLM, but we pledge not to release it until we are assured it cannot be used for ill purposes!
Execs like Sundar Pichai and Google Search lead Prabhakar Raghavan, as well as Instagram head Adam Mosseri and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, are craven villains that have destroyed global communications platforms as a means of making shareholders rich.
Every time I see somebody posting “anti-woke” talking points about video games or comics I always ask myself, “where have I heard of these guys before?” And the answer is always “nowhere.” They do nothing. They make nothing. They write nothing. They accomplish nothing. They’re just mad about it
it’s telling that everyone with a computer has had the ability to make infinite pieces of AI generated art for more than a year and there are literally zero AI images that anyone gives a shit about. same with music. same with prose. the fundamental meaningless of it all is an intractable part of it
you should not waste one iota of your day fretting over imposter syndrome when there are actual CEOs posting things like "movies are going to become video games."
AI company: we trained this dog to talk. It doesn’t actually understand language, but it kinda sounds like it’s having a conversation by mimicking the sound of human speech. CEO: awesome, I’ve fired my entire staff, how quickly can it start diagnosing medical disorders
AI feels like a real mania, a genuine collective break from reality among the ruling class. They might as well be pouring billions of dollars into an attempt to replace all jobs and knowledge with a large bronze idol of Dagon.
AI-generated art (if you wanna call it that) is like Google Glass and the Metaverse. It’s not that most people don’t want it in their lives, they actually actively despise it. It’s a product that generates feelings of loathing rather than delight; dismay rather than joy.