
"Strategists and pollsters say that, much like McCammon, many uncommitted voters don’t perceive Trump’s language to be jesting or ironic, nor do they view a potential power grab as a joke." Many uncommitted voters have more sense than Beltway "experts"
A Hidden Variable in the Presidential Race: Fears of ‘Trump Forever’ Undecided voters are concerned that if Donald Trump returns to the White House, he’ll never leave.
Ordinary people have the superpower of not being afraid they’ll “sound hysterical” if they acknowledge something that’s right out in the open
I just don’t understand being (rightly) concerned about something this serious, but still being undecided.
"Biden old, Trump vibrant (loud and angry)" is a thing they still believe
Also a lot of undecideds are just "haven't paid attention since last time"
They want you to believe there are still undecided out there.
let's hope they truly get the threat.
Similar to column today
"In a large part of American political discourse, overt cynicism is the currency of sophistication...The disturbing truth is that there’s probably more sincerity than not in American politics. We may not want to believe it, but most of the people in charge say what they mean and mean what they say."
Opinion | Justice Alito Is a True It is comforting to think that the red meat is for someone else.
I wonder if people are misunderstanding what “uncommitted” means What if it’s not “doesn’t know who one’s voting for” and instead means “refuses to act like a diehard fan of a particular political team”
It's easy to tell he isn't joking because he has no detectable sense of humor
The only thing that brings him joy is cruelty.
People who’ve benefited from this system are going to go on pretending it’s fair and respectable no matter what, in spite of all the evidence.
Then why the hell are they still "uncommitted"?
After Trump's coup failed, many people got the message "okay good the system does work"; it doesn't help we're being told Biden can't do anything to help abortion/protect trans people because he's just a powerless president Basically, they're uncommitted because they think Trump can't succeed
because biden has made it clear that he doesn't want votes from anyone other than republicans
Some of them will be Republicans who hate Biden too. If they just stay home, that also helps. Not as much, but it helps.
I believe there are no 'uncommitted voters'!!! We saved the Union in 1865 We saved the world in 1945 and We'll do BOTH in 2024!!!!
Yeah, the uncommitted voters are basically right to notice this, given what Trump and the rest of the Republican Party indicated on how they'd govern, and short answer, they want to just perpetually hold power. They are correct in all of their assessments.
A little confused about what the screen was for "uncommitted." I mean that McCammon lady in the kicker seems pretty committed.
Trump himself is not long for this world by dint of age alone. The terror is of the kakistocratic gerontocratic plutocratic kataskopocratic theocracy he'll usher in enduring a thousand years.