Mommy, a real person

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Mommy, a real person

Real person
I guess the president could do it since he apparently has carte blanche but I think it's past time we reform the Supreme Court. This court is absurd and has no legitimacy. They can't be taken seriously any more and shouldn't be.
Thinking about the Death Star like the Cybertruck. The boss kills anyone who tells him why space stations aren’t moon sized. Weeping with shame, an engineer designs a reactor vent straight to the surface because otherwise it melts down instantly.
Can't spell Logan Paul without multiple Ls.
Ah, I see everything is still terrible
I know it's a controversial take, especially because so much effort went into stealing him, but if world events keep escalating I think we should return Timothee Chalamet to the Fae. They're obviously still super angry
Sexiest Man Alive implies there’s an even sexier corpse that needs to be excluded from consideration
The problem with my family is that they never want to talk about the Star Trek Voyager episode "Threshold". They want to talk about video games
It’s so cool that cities are like “pweeease only turn your AC on if you’re actively dying and don’t go below 79 🥺🤘🏻💗” while the AI nobody asked for is slurping up the power grid to make 1 image of a girl with 5 tits
i want people who are consistently self-deprecating to realise how tiresome and draining that behaviour is. someone says something nice you'll be happier accepting it rather than putting yourself down until everyone runs out of energy to keep saying the nice thing
Compliments are gifts from other people, and accepting a gift is good to do even if you don't internally like it. Constantly verbalizing to other people how shit you are also plays in other reinforcing harmful behaviors, and it's relentlessly abusive to yourself.
{slaps head} This baby can hold so much awe
Online shopping for cute sundresses to not get railed in
after you die Guy Fieri weighs your heart against a rack of ribs to see if you will be admitted into Flavortown
Controversial new EULA from Adobe
Pretty big expectations for this edible and ice cream in the ol fixing the evening department
life would be dramatically easier if we never had to pick things up or put them away and frankly it is unreasonable that we have to do this
Today I got a mani-pedi and it made me cry because I'm normal
Libraries are also one of the few community third spaces left that don't require participation in commerce to justify your presence. That's worth protecting.
Libraries and librarians are under attack in so many place in so many ways and I wanted to do something, so I made this image in support of them. You can download it or print it up to let folks know you support your libraries!
Libraries and librarians are under attack in so many place in so many ways and I wanted to do something, so I made this image in support of them. You can download it or print it up to let folks know you support your libraries!
Seen on Facebook: Help your neighborhood cicadas feel calm and at home by dressing up like them and sticking yourself to the nearest tree.
I know it's weird to post my own low performing tweet the bluesky, but I'm looking for the Washington Post Chief Tech officers mailing address, so I can send this to them, does anyone know where to find that?
hentai can't come close to the horny of the natural world there are cathedrals everywhere
just like cops, “AI” can’t be reformed. theft, misuse and deception isn’t just embedded in the architecture, it IS the architecture you can’t “add morals” later
NPR tech reporter Bobby Allyn obtained this statement from Scarlett Johansson regarding OpenAI's ChatGPT voice that sounds like her role from the 2013 movie "Her"
but doctor, pagliacci is out of network
My latest cartoon for New Scientist.
When I was 7, my teacher told us to write an article about “world cultures” for school over the weekend. I remembered it late on Sunday so in a panic I made up something called the "Icelandic Fish Festival", figuring said teacher wouldn’t know either way.