
If for any reason Joe Biden can't complete a 2nd term, we know who will take over. Her name is Kamala Harris and America already voted for her once. If Donald Trump can't complete a 2nd term, we have no idea who will take over because he TRIED TO HAVE HIS LAST VP MURDERED.
Was trying to murder his VP an "official act?"🤣😱💀
Apparently, it is because it was done as President. Imagine assassination plots, Coup's, stealing US Top Secrets, trying to steal an election and usurp voters votes and install fake electors all legal; even though the US Constitution says otherwise. And there is ... 1
But Justice Roberts said that WOULD be a crime. He lent lie would he?
Why not? He is a Republicon and his wife is steering cases to him that are favorable to their unhinged and evil cause against America; and getting rich doing so. Bribes are good for SCOTUS judges; they even changed the laws to say so.
I was being sarcastic. Of course he would lie and in fact he did in this case.
I got that; I just added to your sarcasm with a little truth or the situation.
no immunity for crimes, even if president. And no immunity for those the president would order to do his dirty crimes. ...2
First, considering Jan. 6, let's step back and consider the stunning amount of self-delusion necessary to not only consider being Trump's VP pick, but to actively bootlick for the position. Second, I stand by my belief Trump will not declare a running mate.
He’ll pick a running mate, but will let everyone in the GOP kiss his ass as long as possible. Then he’ll pick Don Jr.
I'm stuck on the idea that, since he has no plans to give up the office if he's elected again, in true dictator fashion, he'll say he has no need of a VP because how dare anyone assume he'd share power.
VP plays an important role in the Senate, but he probably doesn’t know that…and he’ll abolish the Senate anyway.
Get in the car, Mike. We know about the scaffold but do we really talk about that particular moment when the VP didn’t trust the USSS?
Maybe he'll just have disposable VPs like Spinal Tap drummers
Taking a whole ass bottle of them.
You mean the VP he was supposed to announce at the debate?
He’s almost certainly fighting with party insiders to get one of his kids as VP