Zoomer Antimillenarian

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Zoomer Antimillenarian


Staunch liberal, hopeful Georgist, moderate intuitionist. Hoping to one day pass on an even better world than the one I inherited. Retweet =/= Endorsement
The unreasonable effectiveness of meme-stock plays in one image. We're this close to investors routinely *demanding* aggressive plays to the r/wallstreetbets crowd.
In the piece below, @earlymodjustice.bsky.social finds precedent for the insane Trump v. US ruling. Naturally, it's the ruling that James II of England used to make himself an absolute monarch. Three years later, he was overthrown.
Me when I hear every other country adopting our dumb culture war disputes:
I’m not generally an Academie Française type (she confidentially asserts about a language she can only just read & barely speaks) but “le wokisme” is the most stupid neologism ever invented.
Pretty sure the actual results will be closer to this.
It's amazing how many members of "the Blob" (both expert and mere pundit, military and civilian) are wedded to the fantasy that the US is going to massively increase its defense spending anytime soon. Yeah, we *should*. But no one will accept the taxes for it unless and until we're at war.
Is there some sort of rule where ppl who want to deny the real advancements in AI recently are forced to adopt arguments that, if taken seriously (and they don't actually take them seriously), would classify humans as non-sentient? Current AI is drastically below humans. You don't have to do this.
Macron's bet the farm that Bloombergian centrism is what's needed to get the budget under control in a time of high interest rates, but right now there are only two models having any success at this. (1) A socdem-lead broad coalition like the US Democrats. (2) This lunatic:
Thanks to @rincewind.run I've started reading the Discworld series and it's actually pretty great. It's a very rare example of light reading that actually leaves you with something. Anyone care to guess which place on the reading order diagram I started?
This is going viral on Twitter rn. And unlike Google, Domino's still has an excellent main product. Seriously, they're on a higher price-quality tradeoff curve than like 90% of the competition. (ht: [at]MichaelAArouet)
Another for the "American Free Speech Extremism is very, very good" archives. Russian immigrant to Canada condemns Russian war crimes, Russia files charges against her to blow up her naturalization, Canadian officials match it to similar Canadian speech code, and deny her naturalization.
parts of the left might be developing a teensy tiny little antisemitism problem
Somewhere, far beyond the Outer Darkness, he waits, biding his time and planning his terrible return.
Thanks for the reminder that Kissinger is dead.
With our next generation generative AI, we have now brought "the Debate Hall Where You're Always Right" into existence.
The AP deleted this 10 seconds after posting probably the most debasing thing a news organization has posted in 8 years
This is what I’m doing to pass time (along with several other books). Freshly arrived today.
This isn't just a good metaphor. It very literally happened.
Don’t count Ecuador out of this one. Say what you will about ugly traditional uniforms, but it’s hard to beat dictator chic in a contest of ugliness and poor taste.
The Ancient Egyptians literally had a goddess of sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll:
This @thebulwark.bsky.social review of @noupside.bsky.social's work doesn't actually suggest much in the way of new stuff. The notable traits of our info ecosystem the *review* is glomming onto here are very old, close to the human norm (vs an unusual period of highly reputable news in the US).
Hamas rape apologists are still at it:
The American legal system is a slow and ungainly beast but it is not to be trifled with.
Very Online right-wingers will now only tap women with inhuman waxy skin, six to eight fingers per hand, fifty-plus teeth, & boobs big enough to shatter a spine. In other words, the "Zero HP Lovecraft" username totally checks out. The OG HPL definitely wanted to bang some of his abominations, too.
This story of people buying shares in Truth Social has some absolutely hilarious quotes, but the real winner is: “I think he truly cares about the people that support him... Because if you look at it, that would be kind of like stabbing everyone in the back. And I don't see him doing that.”
Dr. "Death Recorded" has now moved onto New Testament analysis. It is her understanding that the original language of it is Hebrew.