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Keyboardist and vocalist. I've been alive forever and I wrote the very first song. Baseball fanatic. Decent cook. Animal lover. I prefer dogs to people. Sorry people.
I'll take Beshear in the Barbecue Challenge.
I don't know. I'm watching the same broadcast on Sling's free preview of MLB.TV and there hasn't been any issues. Other than our weak offense. 🫤
Reposted byAvatar Synthaholic
Amazing to see panicked Democrats and drama-horny journalists and crazed Trumpers whipping themselves and each other up about how a guy who has never touched 50 percent approval in his life, is unbearable on the stump, and awaits criminal sentencing is rolling toward a historic landslide victory
That ain't gonna fly. The entire African-American population will stay home. And I wouldn't blame them, even if it is self-defeating. If not Biden it must be Harris. Find a VP for her, to satisfy the White billionaires. Beshear, Shapiro, Newsom, even Whitmer.
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It was better before interleague play when it was a yearly novelty. Most matches make sense but there will always be Braves or Mariners who really have no natural rivals.
Yeah, but the Royals are the Cardinals' natural opponent, not Boston. And who would the Braves play?
Reposted byAvatar Synthaholic
The most decent, patriotic thing you can do at this point is not subscribe to any national media organisation's. Local if you must, the internet will give you more honest analysis than any of these access hacks funneling propaganda for their fav billionaire
In fact, cancel your NYT subscription.
Reposted byAvatar Synthaholic
The FCC just announced that it has voted to cap phone & video call rates for incarcerated people. The cost of a 15-minute phone call will drop to $0.90 from as much as $11.35 in large jails and, in small jails, to $1.35 from $12.10.
FCC Caps Exorbitant Phone & Video Call Rates for Incarcerated
I haven't turned on my personal desktop yet today. I'm assuming I shouldn't until this is resolved, yes?
King George, after he had totally lost his mind, once spoke non-stop for 72 hours until he was so hoarse he couldn't speak. I thought of this while watching Trump's rambling gibberish at the RNC.
Reposted byAvatar Synthaholic
Anyway my understanding is that Democrats are about to fire their nominee because he's old and gives rambling incoherent speeches
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If Biden drops, in a month Harris's numbers will be similar to Biden's now, Biden's approval will skyrocket now that he's no longer running, there will also be a bunch of spurious but lingering legal challenges to her on ballots, and Dem fundraisers will start leaking about swapping Biden back in.
I feel like Biden is the one to get us past the election. GOP could monkey-wrench Harris. Better to concentrate on turnout, esp. the youngs. There are millions of new voters, just graduated from High School, and 3 class years before them. Gotta mobilize them, and give them something to vote for.
Reposted byAvatar Synthaholic
Republicans have simply worked the news media so perfectly that a never-ending and well-documented list of avoidable deaths, crimes, treasons and rapes cannot stop them from writing that an openly fascist brute incapable of stating a single fact is a heaven-dropped godhead with an augmented heart
Anyone that disconnected probably doesn't make voting a priority. Like, rain could keep them home. Anyway, I hope so.
Do you really believe there are an appreciable number of independent voters who are fine with either Biden or Trump? I don't. I think everything's baked in. I also think people are forgetting that there are millions of new young voters since 2020, and a lot of deceased Trump voters, some from covid.
My position is 'Vote Blue, no matter who'. It really doesn't matter to me if it's Biden, Harris, or George Clooney. I have no angst over this at all. Which Democratic voters, when told Biden is staying in, are claiming they will switch to Trump, or stay home? Anyone? Seems far-fetched to me.
Reposted byAvatar Synthaholic
New in PN: Project 2025 *is* the GOP platform "Trump’s bluster and the lack of specificity in the GOP platform help reel in low information voters. Project 2025 stands ready to fill in all those blanks with brutal reorganization and privatization."
Project 2025 *is* the GOP Don't let them fool you.
"Records show he gave $15 to a progressive political action committee on January 20, 2021—the day President Joe Biden was sworn into office." Maybe he was trying to mitigate his be able to point to a small Dem donation later as 'Proof of Democrat'. Just like Alan Dershowitz!
Thomas Matthew Crooks had Donald Trump signs in his yard— Crooks was registered as a Republican voter but records show he gave $15 to a progressive political action committee on the day Joe Biden was sworn into office.
Trump is an existential threat to the free press, yet you continue with your certainty in your power to run a flurry of anti-Trump stories right before the election to save the day and change the narrative, but in the meantime let's pump Trump up for clicks and drama. It's the most dangerous game. 😠
frame from a non musical movie with a great soundtrack
frame from a non musical movie with a great soundtrack
She's the sweetest dog I've ever owned. A big baby and lover who just wants to play all the time.
No cheating. Post the last photo of a dog you have in your gallery.
No cheating. Post the last photo of a dog you have in your gallery. (I miss them, the best dog ever. Ever.)
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Reposted byAvatar Synthaholic
This person should resign alright
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.