Dr. Tend!

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Dr. Tend!


If there's one thing I could never confess /
It's that I can't dance a single step

my discord can be deduced (-!) and you're welcome to add me if you're not weird
!remindme three months from now
lmao someone spinning up an evangelion themed transphobia labeler? sure fuck it let’s go
large account dislikes when they have to actually read their mentions, news at eleven
the whole pitch of microblogging sites was "people you've heard of might hear of you" and every single person you've heard of has been trying to shut that down ever since
If Jeff Goldblum as the New Jersey Cowboy can't move your heart, nothing can.
this genuinely hurts me deep in my soul and i'm going to have to request a non-fever viewing it won't help but it'll make me feel better
I genuinely put something on our wedding registry because I saw a thread of yours and thought "damn, I should do that"
Do any of these people actually like going to Disney at this point?
goddamn I could go for a chili dog rn
If you haven't watched Blue Eye Samurai, get on that shit. It's gorgeous, it's action-packed, and it's got a healthy dash of gender/sexuality weirdness.
Now that 13 years of ventriloquism lessons have come to fruition, I can finally steal Jeff Dunham’s Achmed puppet and send him videos of it saying stuff like “I was trained by Rrrrronald Rrrreagan””
I can't tell how much of the current rash of big accounts flouncing out is legitimate and how much of it is them throwing a fit because their mentions aren't filtered for the first time in a decade. then again I don't much care either way
Does it fill anyone else with regret and shame when someone else innocuously says they don't understand what you're trying to say? No? Just me?
Japan is the unquestioned #1 in the world for "fun strategy games where you get to make your characters actually bang" and they're fucking geniuses for it. we need to catch up in the West.
Despite everything, it's a videogame-themed #weebwednesday once again! Give me your videogame related hot takes - no racist shit, no inflammatory shit, let's do this!
I am in my mid-thirties and have still never received a good explanation as to why anyone should give a damn about the Dow
if woman evil, then why pretty? checkmate, atheists
They were a *little* simpler - objective reality still existed for the most part
Oh god, I owned that too. And the Onion politics book from the same era.
do not cite the deep magic to me, I owned a Stewart/Colbert '08 shirt
don't question my bonafides, i was a rally to restore sanity attendee
Anyone played around with duelling shields in Elden Ring yet? I keep hearing they're great but maybe I'm using them wrong
that boar guy *does* fuckin suck though
People saying "incumbency advantage" seem to forget that the advantage only works if you're a *popular* incumbent
People tend not to realize to what extent the credit card associations control your life. Virtually every non-cash transaction in the world passes through them at some point. Their regulations are global, change monthly, and must be strictly adhered to if you want to participate in capitalism.
Did we already chase Travis McElroy off of here or am I hallucinating that if so - good
Dangit, my block just lost power.
oh god, i just saw a post mention "kyriarchy". it's 2012 leftbook all over again
I wonder what level of fame you need to be able to make direct dev requests of the Bsky team. I wouldn't have thought "opinion columnist" qualified but what do I know
Almost all of the discourse on this site can be chalked up to new people signing up and not liking how the place functions
it's called the xbox 360 because when you see it you turn around 360 degrees and walk away