
“I will not use my office to the fullest extent allowable but my opponent will” is a really bad takeaway actually. Just pack the court man.
Like, expanding the Court isn’t even an abuse of scope. It’s a precedented remedy.
Too bad it requires congressional approval...
Not anymore it doesn't. Sounds like just having a few people show up in black robes and telling SCOTUS they've been placed there is totally legal now as long as it's an official order.
It isn't subject to criminal prosecution but that doesn't mean it actually will do anything. SCOTUS didn't say they'd rubber stamp anything a president did, just that he can't be prosecuted. Those justices would have no authority and no lower courts or states would listen to them.
Oh I know in all reality you're correct but it's funny to think about like...9 random judges showing up and sitting down like nothing happened.
"Why are there 18 chairs here now?" "Don't worry about it anyway on to the next ruling...."
What do I know about judicial opinions, I guess
Says who? The Court? Congress, who has to get it enforced by The Court? The Court that’s had 7 more Justices seated? Is it criminal he didn’t get their advice and consent? Who’s gonna stop him? The Court?
Arrest 6 of them, install 6 new ones, have them issue an opinion that the POTUS has a fucking scope of official duty that makes defeating the checks and balances on the executive by other branches outside the official scope of office, cite the incident as proof.
Imagine showing up on July 1, 2024 and saying that our leaders should confine the scope of their actions to what the Supreme Court says is legal.
lol. Would be nice, but no. A president is still limited in scope of power by Article 2.
Yeah - SCOTUS needs to get smacked the F back down but this congress wont do it.
He will gladly go down saluting norms that never really existed.
50 years in politics just to be remembered as one of the worst presidents in history
His accomplishments in those 50 years also objectively made everything they touched worse and ceded unnecessary ground to lying fascists he bewilderingly believed were forthright people. He will go down as the prime example of how to foment a reactionary right: feckless, self-defeating moderates.
Oh absolutely! His greatest accomplishment being the "crime bill"? A massive tool of oppression? Trying to meet in the middle with evil people just makes you also evil.
The Democrats can’t do anything because we don’t vote enough, but when they actually have power they just pretend like they don’t have it.
Republicans can be ahead on a razor thin margin and do pretty much whatever they want, but Democrats are perpetually hamstrung without a supermajority.
That is just not fair. They're hamstrung with a supermajority, too. Remember Joe Lieberman and the 2009-10 congress?
Well sure, if they ever actually accomplish any goals what are they supposed to campaign on for next time?
Also the failed ACA repeal. The 2021-2023 D majority was *much* more effective than the 2017-2019 R majority; it’s just that democrats have higher aspirations
All aspirations look high when the GOP is only interested in judicial capture and funneling money to military contractors. I want a party that’ll aspire to jail billionaires and provide universal healthcare.
Lieberman would be a thing of the past, same with Manchin and Senima. No more spoilers in and outside of the party when Seal Team Six is at the door. I need universal healthcare now. Cut the Gordian Knot.
Let's all moral high ground our way to a dictatorship.
And for fucks sake no preparing to defend ourselves!! That would be wrong!!!
"When they go low we go high." That's working out just great.
OR, you know, have the people who work for him figure out a method of unilaterally removing Roberts, Thomas, and Alito. THEN expand the court.
This. Get people thinking & planning. Fast. Now.
The Biden administration is full of professionals who SHOULD HAVE BEEN PLANNING FOR POSSIBLE OUTCOMES, INCLUDING THIS ONE, *FOR MONTHS* It's completely ridiculous that they had nothing better to go with in this scenario than that statement.
Obviously,l they couldn't have predicted the exact wording used, & thus how wide-reaching or ambiguous the final statement could be (THAT will take some time to figure out), but they knew SCOTUS declaring presidential immunity was a likely outcome. It's like they were asleep at the fucking wheel.
And please please let there be a v smart team jamming on how to use these new powers boldly& quickly to defeat Trump & secure democracy.
Seriously. This should not be a surprise.
military tribunal time
Agreed. Fuck this “we go high” shit. That’s why we’re in this mess to begin with.
Send 6 justices to gitmo and forage letters of resignation. Bot are now legalegal for Biden and he has no excuse
I, Chief Justice John Roberts, am a horrible shitstain and I resign... --- I, Justice Clarence Thomas, am a horrible shitstain and I resign... -- I,...
Gitmo seems harsh. Biden needs something like ‘The Tower’ (London) a place to detain goofballs. Maybe an older hotel 🏨 in DC. Lots of video cameras. Shitty food.
As someone who has actually watched myself get left behind for doing what's right while others blatantly cheat in every way This is a very bad take.
I hear you. I've been in that same situation.
This is unilateral disarmament and throwing us all to the wolves. His most important job is to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic and he's announcing that he's going to refuse to do so even with our legal protections gone.
if Biden isnt going to do all he can to stop Trump, why should I?