
Elizabeth Spiers
Elizabeth Spiers
NYT opinion writer, Slate Money co-host, Dem messaging consultant, NYU prof, former EIC The New York Observer, Dealbreaker founder and Gawker founding editor. Brooklyn via Bama. Rednexican. Striver with no chill. Newsletter:
Jack Graham
Jack Graham
Writer, IDSGpod co-host, antifascist, Gothic Marxist-Humanist, Ecosocialist. BLM, Trans Rights, Solidarity with Ukraine & Palestine. He/Him.
Pickle Tiedrich
Pickle Tiedrich
“cherubic white girl.” worlds biggest sinfest fan. Head of DEI at Northrop-Grumman

read my writing:
Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Senior writer, Intelligencer/New York Magazine
Anthea Butler
Anthea Butler
MSNBC Columnist, Penn Prof. Rabid football fan, news and comms junkie, traveler and gin drinker.
Tom Axe
Tom Axe
Moira Donegan
Moira Donegan
Opinion columnist covering gender and politics at The Guardian. Writer in residence at the Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research. Real piece of work.
Eric Brandom
Eric Brandom
Intellectual history, here decontextualized. Especially modern France, history of political thought, and socialism. And Kansas, because that's where I live.
Paul Krugman
Paul Krugman
Corey Rayburn Yung
Corey Rayburn Yung
William R. Scott Research Professor at the University of Kansas School of Law. Former Lisa Goldberg Fellow at the Harvard Radcliffe Institute. He/Him/His.
Guided By Voices lyrics
Guided By Voices lyrics
Lyrics by Guided By Voices, Robert Pollard, Circus Devils, Boston Spaceships, Ricked Wicky, Cash Rivers and the Sinners, The Takeovers, Teenage Guitar and other Robert Pollard bands.

Fan account with no official connection to GBV. Long live Rockathon.
The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper
I am already following you by other means; this is purely social. I don't see why we can't be friends in the interim

Apologies Kissinger took so long, I understand the frustration. Load-bearing evil is tricky to manage

DMs for questions answer publicly
Sam Seder
Sam Seder
Host MajorityReport
Mary Joy
Mary Joy
Teaches (law and society, political theory at SLAC in New England) and bakes. Occasionally writes on all things related to conservative movement.
Victims of Mommunism
Victims of Mommunism
Telling the world of all the EVIL things has done

ran by
US lawyer. Lived in 日本, NL, France, now UK. Motorbikes, cricket, opera, etc. He/him. Jew.
Exposing Andrew Tate and the War Room. Long covid and POTS. Youtuber
Joe Dunman
Joe Dunman
Asst. Prof at Louisville Law (torts, writing, religion, employment)
Former: Managing Attorney @ Kentucky Commission on Human Rights, prof @ Morehead State, and lawyer for KY plaintiffs in Obergefell v Hodges.
I like heavy music. Mistakes are my own.
Monica C. Camacho
Monica C. Camacho
Open Source Investigator @ Lighthouse Reports. Jack of all trades. She/her.
Vituperative Erb
Vituperative Erb
Promote Frederick Douglass Thought
Jay Rosen
Jay Rosen
I teach journalism at NYU, critique the press, try to suggest reforms. PressThink is the name of my subject and my site.
EarthLink Dialup (We’re Still Here)              ☎️
EarthLink Dialup (We’re Still Here) ☎️
Bringing awareness to EarthLink dialup.

Inland Empire and unincorporated parts of Arizona
not the darth u are looking for
Jason O. Gilbert
Jason O. Gilbert
“comedy” writer for “television”
dark n stormy daniels 🥃
dark n stormy daniels 🥃
Carina is a ridge in the sagittal plane of the trachea where it splits into the two primary bronchi. | #BlackLivesMatter | #FreePalestine
Michael Gerber, bon vivant
Michael Gerber, bon vivant
Editor & Publisher, The American Bystander. Grateful survivor of mystery illness. Lover of chicken curry. Called "the unofficial Mayor of Santa Monica, CA."
Marte Blikstad-Balas
Marte Blikstad-Balas
Professor at the University of Oslo, doing research on how digital technologies change how teachers teach and students learn 🤓👩‍💻📔 I love coffee, teaching, books, pencils, writing and reading.
Caitlin Baird
Caitlin Baird
science editor, writer, rescuer of asses. global health expert. professional reviews from men include: "foments rebellion" and "aggressive and unprofessional". PhD, misanthrope. the Statler to your Waldorf. she/her
geeky steven
geeky steven
Making nerdy jokes • writes books • (they/them) • BLM/prochoice/🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️• likes comics, scifi, video games
Here's where to find me elsewhere
Rachel Navarre
Rachel Navarre
Displaced South Louisianan. Associate prof of PoliSci @Bridgewater StateU (MA), studies Populism, immigration policy and other depressing things. Newest book The Age of Discontent is out now.

I miss properly seasoned seafood
the Mountain Goats
the Mountain Goats
marsh gas enthusiast
Robert Black
Robert Black
Constitutional scholar, general law nerd, Izzet mage, bear lover, Mets fan. Most stuff is unconstitutional! Death to Chronos.
Ph.D. student at the NYU Department of Politics
✨️Annie is Undead🪱
✨️Annie is Undead🪱
23/they|them/DE/Queer/Artist/benadryl hallucination come to life/obscure music snob/Court Jester for the Flenser/Art History Freak/BLM/ACAB/93 93 93/🌹⛓️
Opening Arguments Podcast
Opening Arguments Podcast
Opening Arguments is a law show that helps you make sense of the news! Comedian Thomas Smith brings on legal analysts to help you understand not only current events, but also deeper legal concepts and areas!
Charles Louis Richter
Charles Louis Richter
Historian: of American religion/irreligion by training; of science & conspiracy by trade

Podcast research/factcheck: SNAFU with Ed Helms; The Reason We're All Still Here; My Fugitive, more
Haus of Decline
Haus of Decline
Hank of Decline
Podcast & Comics -
Patreon -
Store -
e.w. niedermeyer
e.w. niedermeyer
this gentle soul, cyberbullying elon musk since 2015, author of "ludicrous:the unvarnished story of tesla motors" (2019), and cohost of the autonocast
Jonathan M. Katz
Jonathan M. Katz
Author of GANGSTERS OF CAPITALISM and THE BIG TRUCK THAT WENT BY. Newsletter: Signal: 1-540-999-8238 Avi by
hannah gais
hannah gais
Senior researcher & journalist at Southern Poverty Law Center. Former internet person at The Baffler. Signal: 334-315-8634 Newsletter:
Rick Hasen
Rick Hasen
Professor, UCLA Law; Director,; 2020 CNN, 2022 NBC/MSNBC Election Law Analyst;
Ole Miss
Ole Miss
The official account for the University of Mississippi.
#HottyToddy #OleMiss
Sarah J. Jackson
Sarah J. Jackson
Professor studying the role of Media & Tech in Movements for Justice | Co-director Media, Inequality & Change Center | Currently Writing a Cultural History of African American Mediamakers

Opinions definitely my own.
Sarah McAnulty, Ph.D.
Sarah McAnulty, Ph.D.
Squid biologist
Science communicator
Executive Director of Skype a Scientist
Creator of the SquidMobile
Jamal abu hashem🇵🇸
Jamal abu hashem🇵🇸
Software engineer from gaza trying to survive

Follow me on instagram
We Put the FBI Man Into the Medicine Lodge
We Put the FBI Man Into the Medicine Lodge
Dead earnest, well-dressed, and capable of horrible occult activity.
Thomas Zimmer
Thomas Zimmer
Historian at Georgetown - Democracy and Its Discontents - Newsletter: Democracy Americana - Podcast: Is This Democracy
Abe Goldfarb
Abe Goldfarb
Dirtbag artist and humorless leftist scold. Pronouns: he/him/your lusciousness.

Watch my movie, FIRST TIME CALLER!!
Frances Meh
Frances Meh
minding my own goddamned business

📍Toronto he/him
Emily Gorcenski
Emily Gorcenski
Technologist, writer, activist. Tom Zarek was right. Opinions my own.

Posts autodeleted and privately archived after 2 days.

George Conway
George Conway
Contributor, The Atlantic. President, Soc'y for the Rule of Law.