Mx. Tiffany Leigh

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Mx. Tiffany Leigh

Pop™. Genderqueer game show host, board game memoirist, & secret third thing. She/They. NYC. 🏳️‍⚧️
As soon as we learned that Crooks was a registered Republican it was clear that the assassination attempt was going to be a two-day story.
My "favorite" genre of fetlife post: guys with deep internalized misogyny/transmisogyny immediately struck with a tsunami of shame after they hit "send" on their v first post in a trans group
Nine days left to back the eldritch-tinged fishing card game DEEP REGRETS on Kickstarter. [tentacle emoji unavailable] Well worth checking out the KS page to see one of the best-looking and most well-produced intro videos I've seen for a board game campaign 🐟
Deep Regrets: An Unfortunate Fishing A game about reeling progressively more horrifying things out of the depths, managing your madness and pushing your luck at sea.
The artwork for the game is gorgeous and the game's influences aren't *just* Lovecraft Most Obvious. From their KS page: "Inspired by stories like The Shadow Over Innsmouth, John Langan’s The Fisherman, the Hellboy series and video games like Dredge and Bloodborne (and maybe a dash of Scooby Doo)."
What sold it for me was that they name-checked John Langan and his novel The Fisherman. I find it to be one of the the best modern-day Lovecraft-esque cosmic horror stories ever written & highly recommend it. Especially if you live in or near the NY Hudson Valley area.
The Fisherman a book by John In upstate New York, in the woods around Woodstock, Dutchman's Creek flows out of the Ashokan Reservoir. Steep-banked, fast-moving, it offers the promise of fine fishing, and of something more, a poss...
100%! I also got the Pamela Anderson show V.I.P vibes - JD Vance as a new client who. she has a fling with but then turns out to be the villian
A man who fakes his wealth paired with a man who fakes his poverty. Sounds about white.
We should take The Star Spangled Banner out back and put it down for good. Lyrics by stone-cold pro-slave guy Francis Scott Key, who was so racist the US didn't adopt it officially as a National Anthem for 100 years - and then only after a groundswell of bitchery from Southerners & neo-Confederates
Reshuffling the "worst national anthem performances of all time" list after 2024's MLB Home Run Derby: 🚨 Ingrid Andress 🚨 Roseanne Barr Fergie
I suspect she is used to singing with lots of autotune sweetener/backup, even "live." But for stadium National Anthems you're live without a vocal net. 😬
Reshuffling the "worst national anthem performances of all time" list after 2024's MLB Home Run Derby: 🚨 Ingrid Andress 🚨 Roseanne Barr Fergie
I look forward to everyone being run off of this site because of six people in a Discord with no hobbies and a mistaken belief that posting on the seventh most popular social media site is an activism until all that’s left is one lethargic crab at the bottom of the bucket.
The white supremacy in plain sight like your iffy uncle at Thanksgiving dinner? Definitely baked in back then.
The eight year evolution is pretty standard for a guy who upholds white supremacy, and like Trump sees the monetary opportunity/gift of its messaging power.
JD Vance is particularly odious to me because we’re roughly the same age and from the same part of Ohio and I grew up with a hundred pasty, squishy faced white dudes like him & they’re all convinced they’re marginalized because you can’t smoke at Waffle House or say the n-word anymore
Hey techies, what's a good VPN? I have ExpressVPN, and have for years, but I'm beginning to not trust it anymore. I'm getting targetted ads recently, something it's supposed to prevent, and I've had multiple sites say my ip is banned and one site even said "If you're using a VPN, get a better one"
No clue if Bitdefender is iffy/yikes or otherwise evil but i got their VPN bundled with a mobile/laptop security package and I've had no issues
Two wks after Election Day he met in the NY Times office off-the-record "with news anchors and executives of the nation's leading television networks" and essentially started his negging abuse tactics which jumpstarted the media's 8-year flinch reflex to Trump coverage
Trump Is Meeting With 'The New York Times' After The president-elect had tweeted that the meeting was off because the Times had changed the terms. The newspaper said it was Trump's team that was attempting to alter terms.
And also made Maggie "Access" Haberman's entire career
Even if you eyeroll at "try yoga" coping strategies I think increasing awareness that posting methods and practices can be shaped or driven by one's own trauma, demons, etc is v helpful. I know I still harbor impulses to doomscroll + Post Thru It™ when I am anxious about off-line stuff.
"I don't go to therapy, I shitpost lol" is an old bit but some people are speedrunning Bsky and Discord servers w/zero boundaries, raw and prickly. Seeing dust-ups here from the various tables in the cafeteria it's clear many reject/tamp down the impulse to try to empathize, self-reflect, or heal.
Or, at least their online personas and presences refuse the call.
And yes Mubi is another streaming service, but it's one I would highly recommend because their library is very niche but full of spectacular, harder to find films. I also know they are getting into theatrical releases so I'm hopeful The Fall gets into theaters this year.
I grabbed a physical copy and probably would have regardless of newly streaming availability, because who knows how long that may last
Saw this recently, going in with zero info, and was utterly undone by it.