Scott Tate

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Scott Tate

He/him and not annoyed by whatever your own pronouns are. Books, movies, comics, sci-fi, horror, mystery, whatever pops into my head.
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Reposted byAvatar Scott Tate
I don't trust either party. But only one is *actively* campaigning on making the world more dangerous for anyone not white, anyone who can get pregnant, gay folks, trans folks, etc. And those are the things their base is getting riled up about more than anything.
This might sound to some people like an exaggeration. It's really, really not.
Let's be clear: Who gets to be considered fully human is what's at stake this election. We can have reasonable disagreements about government regulations and taxes, but we cannot have a reasonable disagreement about whether everyone is entitled to be treated as equally human.
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when they named the band Tenacious D they were talking about her
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Wanna get haunted at a discount? Well, hoooooooo doggy is today your lucky day. The ebook edition of Ghost Eaters is available for $2.99 today (7/16) and today only. Primo spookies at rock bottom prices!
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Trump-Vance isn't designed to win over more voters, but ensure the next coup attempt proceeds more smoothly
The Republican Party has nominated a man for Vice President who says he would have ended American democracy if he’d had that role in 2021.
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if you're feeling the need to report a douche, one posted a photo of the shooter's dead body with a pronouns "joke" as a threat. 2nd media down, flagged by "graphic media". link:
I reluctantly acknowledge there is a fair amount of truth in this.
I understand the impulse behind "You shouldn't work at an evil organization," but a) change from the inside is always possible, b) most people don't have the luxury of choosing which jobs to work, c) everybody pays taxes to governments which do bad things, so everyone's hands are dirty.
Are we really so sure that washing machines make individual socks disappear? What if they're actually giving us additional used socks one at a time?
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Larry Hama basically created GI Joe, providing not only the names and character bios for Hasbro, but nearly all of the truly great stories for the characters. In a just world that would have paid his way for life 😔
With all the comic news yesterday I feel like this got ignored. Larry Hama has been struggling with medical problems and, from what I’ve gathered, still really depends on gigs to survive financially. His ability to draw is being taken away. He’s a living legend and badass. Deserves better.
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These early Thor comics are hilarious, and everyone should read them. (Journey Into Mystery #88 - “The Vengeance of Loki!” - Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, Jack Kirby, Dick Ayers, and Artie Simek) #Thor #Loki #pigeons #Marvel #MarvelComics
A tragic haiku: My mouth is sad now My fingers smell like bacon I no longer have
Not really a subskeet, just an observation: There's a distinct feeling that accompanies seeing a reskeet pop up on your timeline and immediately knowing without looking who put it there.
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Top notch idea. Many fantasy/history writers love to do hands-on research for skills and would probably love a weekend or weeklong getaway where they could do something like this and have it be a tax write-off besides.
I would LOVE to partner with a ranch and host a How To Write Horses for (Fantasy/History) Writers where you learn all the horse terms and horse care and also get to learn to ride a bit and pet ponies and workshop.
For my fellow Buckaroo Banzai enthusiasts
Nancy by Ernie Bushmiller July 8,1951
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It's important to note that in France, yes, a fascist majority was prevented, but they still doubled their presence in parliament. The fascists didn't stay home. They went & voted. It's just that enough decent people showed up to beat them back to a significant degree (& make them cry). SHOW UP.
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I see London I see France I see the GOP; no chance
What I look like scrolling social media.
What I look like scrolling social media.
Boo frickin' hoo. It speaks volumes that he considers people putting aside minor differences to work together for the greater good as being "dishonourable."
It's nice to make art for yourself and your friends and your community and maybe no one else. It's nice to make art for the joy it brings to you and maybe a few others if you want. That's plenty.
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DS9 is the horniest Star Trek (complimentary). Enterprise is the horniest Star Trek (derogatory).
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A John Wick movie where he goes around assassinating people whose fireworks are upsetting the local dogs.
Why the hell are so many members of the media using soft language like "the changing legal landscape"? That's like covering 9/11 and headlining it as "the changing New York skyline."
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i think we really need to normalise asking "what does sex look like for you?" instead of just making assumptions and going off vibes during hookups and stuff