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He/him. Jewish. Fan of spaceflight, railroads, model railroads, etc.
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New from the National Security Archive: Declassified 1940s and 1950s documents (mostly) clearly showing that Manhattan Project officials from General Leslie Groves on down knew Trinity test fallout would—and did—expose people downwind to serious health risks yet still did nothing to warn them.
The First Atomic Explosion, 16 July Washington, D.C., July 16, 2024 - On 16 July 1945, 79 years ago, the United States, under the Manhattan Project, staged the first test of a nuclear weapon in the New Mexican desert. The first trial of...
oh yeah, it really isn't fucking great.
like there was a bit a month or two ago involving with my grandmother+my dad on an utter perfect website spoof+phone number, and like my dad is *really* good with those things and it just about got him really needs an utter fucking crackdown on the shit
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Probably bad that they’re doing scams with credit card fraud alerts now
ahhhh I was just trying to go 'okay, which George'
well, there have been a couple of places where you've had it before The Coors International Bicycle Classic was California-Nevada-Colorado, while the Tour de Trump/Tour duPont was the mid-Atlantic and did vary a fair bit. The inaugural one went down to Richmond
and started in Albany from what I recall (and my dad actually remembers watching it when they went through NYC).
tbqh, I think you could conceivably do two and able to vary it a significant amount of like, one for the mid-Atlantic/Midwest, and then the other in the West Coast-Rockies.
if only we had some billionaire who... wasn't crazy and was like 'hell yeah' on making a major US cycling tournament :/
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people get mad if you point this out but Jon Stewart was always like this: it's just that his brand of "can't we just use common sense instead of being liars and hypocrites" moderate populism was the most left thing that was allowed in mass media post 9/11
apparently Jon Stewart figures Bill O'Reilly is what passes for a Reasonable People Can Disagree* republican and is happy to help him sell books *as long as we don't talk about grotesque sexual harassment and toxic workplace abuse
'Find a respectable conservative': Jon Stewart slammed over Bill O’Reilly "The Daily Show" host and comedian Jon Stewart was under fire Tuesday night for having former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly on the popular show to talk about political fanaticism and extreme rhetoric. ...
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never forgave Stewart for holding a giant rally a few days before the 2010 election where the take home message was a weenie centrist metaphor about driving into New York City in your car
people get mad if you point this out but Jon Stewart was always like this: it's just that his brand of "can't we just use common sense instead of being liars and hypocrites" moderate populism was the most left thing that was allowed in mass media post 9/11
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ohhhhh, I was thinking you meant actor and not character and was v. confused tbqh as a character he does... get uh, better in SGA albeit its [gestures hands broadly]
[can't recall on who the hell this is]
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I will pay any reporter attending the RNC one hundred american dollars, cash, to pop a bunch of balloons real quick
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jd vance sounds like a guy the reds call up from the minors when their season is effectively over and they just need a guy to take a roster spot
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*LATEST POLL: 48% OF AMERICANS WILLING TO RAISE HUMAN-ALIEN HYBRIDS (sponsored by the Committee to Colonize Earth, 501c3, Mammoth, UT)
not the Baseball All-Star Game? :V
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blame the Eastern Mediterranean for that, since they were originally from like Greece if I recall :V
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Taylor Lorenz would rather build a parallel universe where everyone has a debilitating immune problem than admit she was trusting the wrong Substack
or the bungals :v (I say this as a Cincinnati person who does not like football)