
Gale Has a Point
Gale Has a Point
Xennial US citizen raised Catholic turned atheist most likely posting from Crown Heights Brooklyn NY

My profile photo & banner are both Gale from Baldur’s Gate 3
Émile Lewis: Air Will Be Bud
Émile Lewis: Air Will Be Bud
Former teen heartthrob, scriptwriter, occasional historian, Witch-King of Angmar, and Professor of Air Bud Studies. they/he/sometimes she? Not consistent about pronouns anymore.
Doomers blocked on sight.
Radley Balko
Radley Balko
Journalist. Author of Rise of the Warrior Cop. Co-author of The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist.

Manisha Sinha
Manisha Sinha
President elect 2024 of Society for Historians of the Early American Republic, author most recently of The Rise and Fall of the Second American Republic, Draper Chair at UConn
Deeply Blue skeptical genX eyeroller. Typos! Patriarchy smashing w/extra anchovies. Dad was D-Day Antifa. Big fan of Earth, trees, oceans, flora and fauna. When in doubt, yes, I'm being sarcastic.
Erika Wittekind
Erika Wittekind
Contributing writer to The Mary Sue. Freelancer. News junkie. Former nonfiction editor. She/her.

Believer in democracy, science, gun control, local journalism, and empathy. Mom to two cats and two teen boys.

Dane County, WI
Lynn Gazis-Sax
Lynn Gazis-Sax
DevOps Engineer, speculative fiction writer in my spare time, Quaker. I enjoy singing in several languages. Used to be in Katie Porter's district till I got redistricted to Young Kim's district.
Eli Holder
Eli Holder
How might we visualize people, fairly and equitably? Data / dataviz / design / psychology / research geek. He / him. Chaotic good. Follows Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane. Design + writing at
Jenny Hayes
Jenny Hayes
Seattle writer, former '80s Berkeley teenager. (she/her)
Sharon Kuruvilla
Sharon Kuruvilla
political theologian at the ministry for the future
Tracy Chou
Tracy Chou
building block party to make the internet safer. new product PRIVACY PARTY available now on chrome web store!

cofounder project include, previously early engineer at pinterest and quora. stanford ee and cs. 2022 time woman of the year.
Aman Batheja
Aman Batheja
Senior Politics Editor, TIME Magazine. Alum of New York Times, Texas Tribune. Dad.
Mel Deans #FBPE
Mel Deans #FBPE
ex maths teacher now studying history. Left of centre, bollocks to Brexit, married, two adult kids and one very demanding geriatric cat.
👻 Androo 🎃
👻 Androo 🎃
Fka Lunasandwichbot on Elmo’s $44b 🔥💩
Mayed, gruntled, and illusioned

"Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!"

Chicago/Savanna, Free State of Illinois

Tw: @CrankLawyer
[email protected]
Dogs, philosophy, curmudgeonly connoisseurship, one of those
grand theft eigenvalue 🔆
grand theft eigenvalue 🔆
economist (alleged) 🛰️🌳🔥😷 | opinions aren't my employer's, mine, or some secret third thing; not sure what they are

Burak Başkan
Burak Başkan
Associate Professor in Political Science and Gender Studies at ETÜ | Alumnus: Middle East Technical University, University of Southampton, The University of Sheffield
Rob Shum
Rob Shum
Public policy (#climate/energy policy, more specifically) & #IR prof (but also ex-🇨🇦-#trade diplomat). PoliSciSky 🗺️, GreenSky 🌱, & EnergySky 🔌💡.
Cf. same handles on birdsite &
Microblogging is not especially convivial to my approach, so I am mostly a reply person here. My main medium is Tumblr.
Nicholas Grossman
Nicholas Grossman
International Relations prof at U. Illinois. Senior Editor
of Arc Digital. Author “Drones and Terrorism.” Politics, national security, and occasional nerdery.
Steve King
Steve King
Politics Editor, Under The Radar Magazine

"Least factual, most accurate"

#ExPostie #ExPost
PhD student, political strategist, woo girl, and Pol Sci researcher: US election laws • voting rights • Latino vote • REP • Pol Psych (intergroup relations) • quant methods
Mike Fragassi
Mike Fragassi
Chicagoan, stroke survivor, dev, moving further to the Left as I get older & more pissed off.

I probably repost too damn much.
And make too many typos.

@refrag on the Twitanic
@[email protected] but barely active
Maker of things. You probably use some of them.

Dan Hedges
Dan Hedges
Sanjay Srivastava
Sanjay Srivastava
I’m a reasonable man, get off my case
Gamer. Software developer, software fixer, occasional software stop bath. he/him
History, politics, JD. CA -> NM
Multidisciplinerdy. Lit & language geek, Comp Sci PhD (AI), teacher of many subjects. Jack of all trades. Jewish hillbilly. 🏳️‍🌈 queer nonbinary she/her/elle. @ewinnz on Threads/Instagram.
Rebecca Schoenkopf
Rebecca Schoenkopf
It's a me! Rebecca!
dave bonner
dave bonner
software developer at the mit media lab, masshole. he/him.

i hate having emotions about reality; i'd much rather have them about Sanctuary Moon.

also @[email protected] on fedi, and @rascalking on twitter
The Mall Krampus
The Mall Krampus
Excel Jockey and Aspiring Quirky Suburban Dad. GrillCath Supremacist. Mostly here for well-read snark. RT = Regrettable Tumescence, Likes = Stochastic RTs.
Gravel Influencer
Gravel Influencer
I ride my bike, get angry at cars, eat baked goods, and make sure Gus is well fed. I hail from the best state in New England.
They said it couldn’t be done and New York got it done. Exceeded my rate limits on Twitter so now I'm here. Sh*tposts and takes on politics, movies, culture, whatever.
The Dark Side of the Posts is a pathway to many replies some consider to be unnatural. This medicine can’t fix stab. Not a real doctor (or Sith Lord).
e.g. Alice Roberts
e.g. Alice Roberts
e.g. Artist, dog-lover, avid reader.
First Wordle Problems
First Wordle Problems
Look upon me! I will show you the life of the mind!

State school office drone. Midwestern sad boi emeritus. Wife guy. Cat dad. He/him.
The Fig Economy
The Fig Economy
Father of five, earnest as shit. He/him.
Ann M. Lipton
Ann M. Lipton
Law prof at Tulane, business and securities. Blogging at
Scholarship at
No longer welcome in the State of Nevada.
Ryan Hassett
Ryan Hassett
Getting people to read this account is an intractable collective action problem.
Amy Hoy
Amy Hoy
- OG web - design - hci - reading - writing - saas biz - edu biz - photos - cats - desert - she
the extra j is for "joe"
L░A░S░T░F░.░F░M░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░
Vikram Saraph
Software engineer. Researcher. Ex-Mathematician. Hybrid Hoosier/New Englander. Brown and Notre Dame. Nerd of sorts. I (mostly) blog non-technically here.

Laura Helmuth
Laura Helmuth
Editor in Chief of Scientific American, Formerly at Washington Post, National Geographic, Slate, Smithsonian, Science. Past prez National Association of Science Writers. Birder
Faine Greenwood
Faine Greenwood
civilian drone mapping technology and GIS/spatial data consultant, sometimes journalist and writer, monitors small drones in the Ukraine war, humanitarian-aid adjacent, always annoying online. they/them
Sara Koopman
Sara Koopman
Feminist political geographer, peace studies prof, solidarity activist. #Colombia.
Alan Scott
Alan Scott
Tabletop RPG, Comics, and queer nerdery in general. Used to put "interested in politics" in bio, but now I'm mostly just terrified. Work a desk job for a Hardware Store.

White, Gay, Male, lives in Sacramento, California, USA.
Vishwam Gurudas Heckert
Vishwam Gurudas Heckert
💗🙏🕊️ Yoga teacher, meditation guide & wellbeing coach

📗🌈 Writer & reader (Le Guin fanboy • ex-academic)

🌿🌸 Permaculture & cooperative communities

🌍 Iowish immigrant in Shetland

🎓 Grinnell College & Edinburgh Uni
Birch Smith
Birch Smith
Philosophy PhD student, working on the role of social and political epistemology in the future of liberal democracy.

Read my public philosophy here: