Eric King

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Eric King

Husband 👫, dad 👨, humanist, atheist, veteran, autodidact 📕, software developer, video gamer, desert dweller 🌵.

formerly of twitter @mr_eking
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See also: "we didn't have all these genders and sexualities when I was a kid!" Yeah, we actually did: we just locked them in asylums (true), tried to electrocute them into straightness (true), or murdered them for living authentically (also true).
Reposted byAvatar Eric King
Seven times between 1801 and 1869 Congress changed the size of the court, going from a low of five justices in 1801 to a high of ten in 1863. In most of those cases, as in 1801 and 1863, the size went up and down in order to fix an imbalance or overreach by the Supreme Court. My latest
The Case for Expanding the Supreme Court Has Never Been Biden has repeatedly refused to endorse “court-packing.” The right-wing justices’ ruling on presidential immunity ought to change his mind.
Reposted byAvatar Eric King
OH MY GOD Y'ALL!!!! WE DID IT!!!! Truly unbelievably grateful and emotional to see this number. This may be the best "How it Started, How It's Going" of my life. Thank you, y'all, for helping us make this happen. Under no circumstances should you fuck with romancelandia.
Reposted byAvatar Eric King
just a casual reminder that Donald Trump got five deferments to avoid serving in Vietnam, then referred to himself as a "great and very brave solider" for avoiding STDs, which he called his "personal Vietnam," and called Americans who died in war "losers" and "suckers."
🚨🚨Lot of news today but this shouldn't get lost. Donald Trump and his advisers are scheming to make military service "mandatory" for Americans. JD Vance appears to be all in too. Get the word out: a #TrumpDraft is coming under #Project2025 👀😳
Reposted byAvatar Eric King
bOth pArTieS aRe thE sAmE
Donald Trump asked oil executives at a private Mar-a-Lago dinner last month to donate $1 billion to his presidential campaign and vowed to roll back climate rules if elected.
At a Dinner, Trump Assailed Climate Rules and Asked $1 Billion From Big At a private meeting at Mar-a-Lago, the former president said fossil fuel companies should donate to help him beat President Biden.
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Reposted byAvatar Eric King
The very concept of “pre-existing conditions” as something not covered by insurance, and therefore solely the patient’s responsibility is immoral and as close an example of institutional cruelty as I can provide. Just fucking evil.
Reposted byAvatar Eric King
The Right (and law school students who are too-smart-for-school, apparently) wants to have it both ways: Blastocysts are full humans but children must obey their cultish parents. Cool, cool. Cool.
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I’ve been lurking in car forums for the last few months and saw reports from drivers of General Motors cars that GM was selling their driving data to LexisNexis. It was resulting in their insurance going up. Can that be true, I thought. Reported it out. Yes. True.
Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance LexisNexis, which generates consumer risk profiles for the insurers, knew about every trip G.M. drivers had taken in their cars, including when they sped, braked too hard or accelerated rapidly.
Reposted byAvatar Eric King
Two problems with the "if Joe Biden is elected, terrible things would happen" is that: a) unlike Trump, Biden is not campaigning on using state power to take out his political enemies b) Biden is President, now, and is not doing this
Reposted byAvatar Eric King
This sentiment is indistinguishable from the fourteen words
Elon said, “An entire civilization is willingly giving away its land and women because the alternative is to be mean.” It’s really hard to overstate how fascist - and dangerous - this kind of rhetoric is. He’s approaching Trump pre-Jan 6th levels of threat. Pay attention.
"... it wasn’t her “civility” that turned “America” off. It was the arrogance she exhibited once elected to the Senate that left the Arizona voters who put her there feeling betrayed." Exactly right. I voted for her but would not have done so again had she run.
America didn’t abandon you, Kyrsten Sinema, you left Arizona Sinema isn’t running because she knew she’d lose, which she ultimately didn’t see coming because she assumed she had managed to make the transition from being a progressive Democrat (before that she w...
Reposted byAvatar Eric King
They worry that boys might become violent if they lost to some girls. So of course they kicked the girls out of the tournament. Pathetic. "What we have worried about is a boys team losing to a girls team (especially in the year end tourney), they may get frustrated and retaliate against a girl."
A girls basketball team kept beating the boys. The league called At the end of the regular season, the 6th grade squad from Wilder, Ky., posted a 7-1 record and was preparing to fight for the year-end tournament title. But they soon found out they were banned becau...
Reposted byAvatar Eric King
The Supreme Court justices offered an object lesson in how originalism actually works in their decision on the Trump ruling, which not only disregarded much of the 14th Amendment but then rewrote parts that made them uncomfortable
The Supreme Court Once Again Reveals the Fraud of The justices did not want to throw Trump off the ballot, and so they didn’t.
Just finished watching the live action Avatar the Last Airbender on Netflix and I have to say, I really liked it. Well done.
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We never ask this about bombs.
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My transphobic sister had plastic surgery and I'm struck again by how easy it is for cis folks to access gender affirming care. She didn't need several visits with a psychologist, a diagnosis for gender dysphoria, or to sit on a waitlist for >1 year. She could do it simply because she wanted to.
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Safety message: Make your coffee before assisting others with their coffee.
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Here’s the deal: We stop shaming the poor for buying things that may not be essential, and start shaming the rich for making a profit off things that are essential.
Upgraded a side project, a #Blazor WebAssembly PWA with an in-browser SQLite database, from net6.0 to net8.0 fairly painlessly. I really do like Blazor.