cuck yrself into christ

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cuck yrself into christ

showerpilled conditioner maxxer
Hey john roberts remember when you talked a lot about jurisprudence? Apparently nobody in the press does, but Peppridge Farm remembers! Peppridge farm has a long memory! Peppridge Farm has connections to the IRA and knows of several locations to dig!
I mean god bless, bro. But damn.
Remember, this is America, the world's greatest democracy. If you're mad at John Roberts, don't protest at his house, focus on defeating him the next time he's up for reelection.
I strongly believe that the Trump era ushered in a truly horrific era of general ethical backsliding and nihilism in the US across all fronts, one that we still can’t even entirely wrap our brains around. (And Trump’s grotesquely evil approach to Covid made it even worse).
one more thing I’ll say is this also feels tied to the loss of consequences & loss of the importance of ‘reputation’. Politics have devolved so much, & this is now impacting the corporate world. Anyone that faked caring about ethics for their reputation feels like that shit doesn’t matter anymore
look at this stupid chonky boy! the absolute unit of nonsensical air travel! he bolted a '50s hilton rotating restaurant to the tail I mean that's GENIUS! look at all the landing gear! I'm in love
I was poking around this, like, "jfc this got funded? VCs lay off the ketamine" and no, it did not, it's not a real company, it's some dude who put out a PR for his completely lunatic youtube video HOWEVER! the same dude also made a video for the NUCLEAR SKY HOTEL and it is beautifully stupid
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continuing to attempt to live by the Sea Monster Ethos
Every day I try to be a real amiable sort of freak, just keeping pace
hoping for a brief comeback of starter pack memes but the kind before it got taken over by incels and associated weirdos
fav lesbian manga about rock n roll finally hit the gizzard era (The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All)(yes the title is garbage but trust me)
“AOC is too mainstream” is not an opinion held by any majority of any electorally viable group in any neighborhood in america, more people believe the moon landing was faked than believe this
”some progressives” are fucking dipshits, we don’t need to pretend these are reasonable people whose opinions matter
AOC's evolution from activist to pragmatist supporting Joe Biden's reelection is roiling some progressives
AOC Is Getting Too Mainstream for Her Progressive New Yorker known as AOC is Biden campaign emissary to young, minority voters.
Your honor, opposing counsel is nuru massaging the witness”
Good summation of the last couple days
I just learned about literally all of this and my word it is a lot.
This should be front-and-center in every “hey why are so many VCs backing Trump this time” article. Joe Biden has spent 3.5 years rebuilding administrative capacity. We now have regulators actually saying “hey knock it off that’s illegal.” The VCs would much prefer autocracy to accountability.
The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil.
this is an all timer folks
(Jean-Nonce Pedeauphile, from the city Coeur d’Antisémitisme, in the sleepy province of Mort-aux-Arabes, taking a break from a participating in the local Easter tradition of re-enacting a 14th century pogrom): those backwards Americaines
i know we've been beyond parody for a while but come the fuck on
Never deleting this app
This website fucking RULES so much. It's like the best thing since the most obscure MSN forum filled with horror days of the internet
From the new Cyndi Lauper documentary 🏳️‍🌈
These Nancies are frightening
"ayy bruh chill out let's all have some good times and good vibes"
Mongoose Figure Late Period or Ptolemaic Period
the federalist society is a conspiracy against the united states constitution, americans' freedoms and our ability to govern ourselves:
This is 100% true and it's happening at Harvard. Brilliant gifted students can't get clerkships but FedSoc members have theirs locked up early. The whole clerkship process is rigged and it is corroding the profession. It's all about adherence to ideology not meritocracy.