
👋 hi bluesky, what do you want to see more of from us here? we're amping up what we share + want to make sure it matches what you all are looking for (and yes, we hear you on the gift links!) what's been your favorite thing you've seen from a news publisher here?
try to avoid giving dipshit 'rational centrists' op-ed bylines and if you're reporting on trans care and trans experiences, interview or better yet have actual trans folk write the shit
I think I accidentally made the Wapo social media mgr the main character lmao
Sorry social media person, we’ve learned a lot from the downfall of Twitter and you’re not gonna get away without answering to this on Bluesky. I get that you’re not authorized to post the requisite response, but get comfortable with this and run it up the chain for an answer
No, it’s not. Seriously. While I agree with everything said above as a criticism, that’s a criticism of the paper/site as a whole. The question was “what would you like the WaPo to do here in this community, Bluesky?” You might as well yell at the Walmart greeter about carbon offsets.
We would like them to be a responsible news organization. A mouthpiece is going to get treated like a mouthpiece, whether you like it or not.
Yes. And remember: They. Asked. A. Question. Answering it with something besides "more gift posts of your excellent content! Uwu!" is not abuse.
The idea that you should give a pass because it's not actually the corporation, but rather a person at a computer REPRESENTING is SUCH a toxic idea. Oh they're 'just following orders', so be nice, and tell them what their bosses want to hear.
I’d like them to be responsible and more representative as well. You don’t get there by berating people who have little say in that. You’re not giving the finger to Jeff Bezos — you’re telling a low-level employee that Bluesky shouldn’t be catered to at all, and is marginal.
Hi Issac, quick question: is condescendingly scolding a bunch of queer people for asking a newspaper to stop cheerleading the increasing genocidal rhetoric against them a part of the queer allyship mentioned in your bio? Because some of us have notes.
as someone who has written for wapo, shut up lol
Hey, I know you mean well but this aint it. The Washington Post has repeatedly published transphobic articles and has been very complicit in normalizing transphobia in this country and done lots of harm to trans people. So please listen to trans people on this one, thanks.
Thank you, Misty. I’ve been listening and trying to learn here. Thank you for addressing me respectfully. I want to learn and be better.
Fuckin narc energy to this post. Yeah let's let WaPo go unmolested because they won't listen to us anyway. They have every right to leave, we have every right to voice our displeasure with their presence. Your greeter analogy is flawed; you'd be on base to yell at a spokesperson about offsets.
"Hey no fair, you're only allowed to tell the WaPo what you think if they specifically ask about that exact thing. WaPo gets to set the agenda here." Are we sure this guy isn't running WaPo social media?
Hey, don't yell at the person hired to be the public face of the company is some stupid bootlicker shit
Yeah and we'll ruin their time here for it.
Common queer ally behavior, honestly. Tone policing those uppity fags when they get too rowdy.
Why are you taking how people are responding to a corporate engagement account for a media outlet so personally? *glances at profile* "Former broadcaster, amateur pundit" Ah.
a company is not alive and thus requires human employees to interact with the public, ergo every corporate representative they send will be just some person, hope this helps
Honest question: why do you afford the powerful informational institution more grace and benefit of the doubt than you do the LGBTQ people asking to to not be harmed? If this post is the most that some employee can do, isn't responding to it as we are just as much all that we can do?
transphobia is a niche issue, a bugbear of a few conservative weirdoes, even former President Trump is disinterested, yet is takes up an inordinate part of media coverage. unfortunately, because it dramatically affects the lives of people, it is more emotionally charged
you can take that ally out of your bio btw
this analogy fails in a lot of ways
I don’t want to worsen the ratio much but you’re directly critiquing my post so I’ll just say this: You don’t get to be a mouthpiece for an institutional juggernaut with the power to inflict or prevent serious harm to a community and then invoke the “uwu smol bean” defense. That shit don’t fly here
Social media teams are part of the communications department whose purpose is to, yknow, communicate. I assume they were genuine in their desire to understand the needs of Bluesky, currently a bastion for trans folks. WaPo is not Carl’s Jr., they don’t get to respond to the feet meme for lolz
My brother in flying spaghetti monster I was just doing a snarky shitpost reply I didn’t expect it to get TRACTION but here we are
I mean if they can't be a responsible news organization I'd like them to fuck off this platform
I don't know how WaPo runs things but I've done social for some big media outlets here in Australia. I was in editorial meetings with journos and spoke to managing editors/content directors daily. Comparing this gig to "greeter at Walmart" is wildly inaccurate (assuming WaPop is well structured).
Isaac… just… no. WaPo peddles viewpoints supporting the oppression and genocide of our trans siblings, and gives oxygen to people who would call us groomers and even worse. Fuck WaPo. Right out of here. But politely (because y’all seem to want politeness when you treat us like that).
Oh that’s easy then. I’d like them to fuck off.
If the Walmart greeter started saying dipshit things, then ppl would probably start yeĺing at them.
in this community, we'd like the WaPo to only publish trans related articles which are written by actual trans folks. As stated above. And also we'd like the WaPo to stop promoting fascism so it can belong to this community.
I would like WaPo to answer the damned questions here on BlueSky.
How about since the bsky WaPo account is the one that asked the question you piss off into the woods with your scolding BS to other people's answers.
A Wal-Mart greeter does not generally ask customers "What would you like Wal-Mart's role in your community to be?" The question is not random or off-the-cuff; it is meant to prompt response. That response is going to be tracked and potentially acted upon, so it's appropriate to speak one's mind.
Nah, people can say whatever they like. Also, no one yelled. There was no harsh language or name-calling. Just a sincere, valid request.
walmart greeters are chill. wapo social media managers just remind me that a dipshit neolib vehicle for manufacturing consent like wapo exists