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I read and I stitch, but more often, I go down ADHD rabbit holes. UK based
@word_geeking on Insta
I am an editor. Some of the Nordic analysts I work with test my grammatical knowledge
Ooh, cool. And I am sorry you had to discover it while trying to fix code about it 🤯
I gotta say, going to bed late in the UK and waking up to a bunch of people geeking out about linguistics in your notifications is way better than waking up to discussions about politics *hugs the Bluesky*
Is that like the thing in German where the words get super long because they are 4 words in a jacket?
I briefly went to an after school shooting club when I was at secondary school. It would have been pre-Hungerford, since one of my friends lived near there, so I very clearly remember that happening It was only for one term and I am pretty sure we only shot pellets, so I guess an air rifle
The Hollywood twist on the "need rich parents" issue is definitely acting families The UK does have nepotism, obviously, but class in the UK is nepotism turned into a system. The 'right' schools/clubs/jobs/marriages over generations
We have companies who only hire from specific universities, and hiring managers who offer interviews based on their own old school being on the CV
Exactly this. And he will draw people from the bar
Half the audience can't even identify the people he talked about. I would not recommend them to someone starting to read SF now. I'm 50 and started reading SF from my dad's collection. He wants to do a memorial for some guy I never heard of
Why did he ever think that Glasgow would prioritise an old-timer over other attendees? He's not published a book since 2011 or something. Let him hold court in the bar and thrill his fans
In the UK, we have a real issue with younger actors all coming from privileged backgrounds, ie having wealthy parents, because the cost of starting out is too high unless someone can support you. The routes older working class actors used have closed
Fighting this fight has been my career for the past 25+ years We used to blame academic writing but now there are so many tech bros who think fluency in [programming language] = being smart = long words
Glad you got through it. And I hope it was still a fun event
Reposted byAvatar Word_Geek
Free public bathrooms More benches Working drinking fountains (Reposting a revised version so we can focus on the benefits aspect of this)
Tempted to propose a nostalgia progressive platform, starting with public pools and libraries being open every day and for reasonable hours. Oh, and keeping national parks, since apparently that's up for discussion. Things that don't cost much and make life nicer. Anything else I should add to it?
I didn't look too closely at people, and dug my nails into my hand to keep going (which is not going to work if you have the fancy nails). And my reading was short. Apparently I still made half the room cry. At a wedding. I dread having to talk at a funeral I am so sorry for your loss
I assume that you are talking at the funeral, if it's just a really badly timed event then, oof. But funerals are meant to help you share emotions with others. So socialising afterwards will probably mean that you get comments that are essentially compliments on doing that part of the job well
I encountered one of them when I had gall stone issues. NHS anesthesiologist, presented with a patient who was breastfeeding at the time, nerded out about how interesting his day had been and found me something that they could use and never waste a drop of BM>>
So that's how we got a stone out of my bile duct. I got the actual gallbladder removed privately by a team who included an anaesthetist (oops, sorry) who cost me extra and the fuckers refused to use the drug the other guy used, so I had to pump and dump for 2 days
That sounds like something out of Hitchhiker's Guide - the bureaucratic planet
@garius.bsky.social how many people have sent you this?
It's absolutely ages since I have been to NY, so maybe it was just that I went there first from living in suburbia. London to Hong Kong it was palpable in the late 90s
There's that hurry hurry hurry feeling you get, which is very much like Hong Kong (admittedly I was there a really long time ago). It's the same feeling you used to get in shopping areas, in the run up to Christmas
I used to have a project I referred to as Project Raise A White Boy To Be A Human It turns out that the project should have been called Project Give Your Trans Daughter The Tools To Come Out I'm ok with the change in scope but the follow-up project (Train The Family) has been much harder
Also I am sorry that happened to you 🫂
My dad was at uni with someone who was a trans woman performing masculinity. I don't know if she knew then that she was trans, but she did mustache and pipe c1960 to be sure she coded properly male She transitioned successfully later
Reposted byAvatar Word_Geek
England are through to the final of Euro 2024. The Tories have been voted out. I’d just like to suggest to the person with the magic lamp that they use their last wish very wisely.
I got one in Oct 2022, but then they decided my illness was insufficient 🙄