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Neurodivergent, Retired Veteran, Mental Health, Psychedelics, PC Repair, Animehead, Podcast Host, Horrible Gamer, Ancient Alien.

my feed here..
Reposted byAvatar Wormhole42
If your entire timeline is dedicated to someone you hate, it might be time to get off social media and breathe some fresh air
Reposted byAvatar Wormhole42
The older you get those monsters that lived under your bed move into your head.
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*unpopular opinion* my whole existence
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He made me laugh so I made him happy
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Link me your favorite post because so many good ones get lost here 🥰
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I did a deep dive on my own TL because at this point in my life, I know what I like
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OF COURSE size matters. Nobody likes a small bag of Cheetos.
Reposted byAvatar Wormhole42
I think some of you put more thought into your replies to me than I have ever put into writing a post
I quit things all the time. Like that time I quit eating pickles for a few months. Well unless they were already in a fast food burger or something. I'm still a quitter so quit trying to talk me out of it! There's no excuse!
I'm supposed to be starting this insomnia CBT app and I kinda just don't feel like it. My sleep paralysis demon does want me to though.
I need better catchphrases to use on the kids if you know any?You know now that they're at the age where they know everything. I gotta keep them on their toes.
If I had vampire fangs I'd bite my own tongue so fucking much I'd probably be pissed the first few hundred years but then I'd be fine I'm sure. So whatever. It's all good.
What level of high as balls is it when you hear voices of people talking?
Ok so if we have all these networks up in our brains. The ones responsible for certain behavioral traits and such, could potentially switch off and on if there's a short in part of the neural network? Or maybe it's on a timer or internal clock type thing that gets triggered at certain times?
It really lives up to its name. I've never seen a bird creature before so yeah. Very interesting and I bet a hoot to party with. 😆
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Bluesky is for the downtrodden to tell little jokes and be horny
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My 8yo was putting sunscreen on my back and said “it feels like I’m rubbing a pig”, in case anyone wonders why I’m drunk later.
You ever just all of a sudden realize like, whoa this is hair that I am eating?
I keep starting to type and get a ways into it and think nah. I do copy and paste these thoughts over into an archive that will only be released upon tod. Along with giant mechanical snakes.
Every once in awhile you just need to stop what you're doin go outside and blast up into the sky.
About halfway through this Travelers show. This last episode reminded me of groundhog day. Glad they don't use that lil time travel gimmick very often or I'd be over it.
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JD Vance is what happens when a McRib goes to Yale
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I’m not depressed, I’m just acutely self aware.
Reposted byAvatar Wormhole42
Her: Hey cutie, how’s your day? Me: The horrors persist.
Reposted byAvatar Wormhole42
so like absolutely not or you would just prefer
El Tormato: Night of the Tomato Tornado
If we meet and start talking and I trail off into the distance just know that I probably died 73 seconds prior. It happens a lot so it's not you. I just can't keep from dying at random times while people are talking to me.
Alright muthafuckas lets manifest the shit out of some,. Oh. Uh.. Sorry. Um, wrong room. Sorry