Adult Human Chaos

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Adult Human Chaos

wouldnt u like to know weather boy
Happy birthday Frida Khalo. Disabled icon and feminist comrade. Born on July 6, 1907.
Literally Hero Forge and Sims and the like are so much better than AI refs. If you send me an AI ref I either have to decode the mess of nonsense that happens with every ai image or the character's face is just literally the same face as whatever ai model you used puts on characters.
Some alternative resources for creating character refs: Hero Forge (free) Picrew character creators (free) Dress-up & doll maker games (free) Photos, photo collages & mood boards (free) Self-drawn doodles (free) RPG character creators (Dragon's Dogma 2, BG3 etc) Character image packs by creatives
Just in case #dawntrailspoiler tho I don't think it really is. I love the scene at the very start where Wuk Lamat takes her hat off, it's the same thing like with Yugiri in Heavensward, "Look guys, we finished the model!!"
Oh. Oh honey no. I'm begging Weird Online Guys to google terms before claiming them.
they keep inventing new guys
I'm stuck in a pit and it's's fault anyway play Lunacid it's great
"you're not gonna need all those loose cables in your drawer, throw them out" o yeah??? how come i had the exact cable i needed to fix my pc today then??? checkmate!!!
I am unironically thankful that the Cybertruck exists what other vehicle can provide us this level of schadenfreude day in and day out art comes in many different forms
I feel like the manga industry in Japan needs to collapse or completely change because I'm sick of seeing creators I admire be hospitalized or die from over work. People are worth more than comics and I love comics.
Pain just hurts. It's not magic or noble it just fucking hurts! Don't throw yourself on your sword for comics! IT JUST HURTS
"we must take power away from these greedy artists demanding money for their work! Anyway, give me money for the word salad I put into the prompt to get something resembling a usable image!"
today on the hydraulic press channel, drusus laverian #warframe
Modern-day Gatsby office AU where Jay Gatsby stares at Daisy’s green dot on Teams
Scarecrow Video has the largest physical media collection in the US. They are on the verge of closing if they can’t put together $1.8M by the end of the year to keep their lease.
SOS | Scarecrow Read our letter to the community.
Hello! It's Juneteenth. It was made a federal holiday in 2021, and commemorates the end of slavery in the US. You can read about it here.
Juneteenth -
out of context warframe spoilers
happy father's day ! 🌸
Using an image or a GIF, show a movie you are sure you have seen more than 10 times.
Using an image or a GIF, show a movie you are sure you have seen more than 10 times.
HECK YEAH But don't forget that Affinity unfortunately has been bought by Canva so keep a close eye on that one
This meme expresses my feelings about Adobe and how they're treating the artists who have supported them for the last four decades.
in the spaced ship. straight up 'yeerking it'. and by 'it', haha, well. let's justr say. my planets.
Russian was a mandatory language in school.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: I sat in the smoking section of a restaurant.
I’m incredibly proud to officially be able to say that our murder mystery farming sim, #GraveSeasons is being published by Blumhousegames 🔪🌾 Still in development, but I’ve never been more proud to be Narrative Director for Perfect Garbo. Horror games 4 Ever.
Golly, I just saw the situation with kindanice vs Terry Brash (AKA: How the latter completely copied the former's game after getting advice and then shrugged it off). I *love* using other games as inspiration. That's not what this is. I truly hope Terry Brash never finds an iota of success in games.
Now this is some amazing news!
Also, Personalized Cancer Vaccines are about to have their biggest human trial every with thousands of recipients. Biotech is entering a period of rapid development comparable to the computer revolution.
Thousands to trial personalised cancer Thousands of people in England are set to get access to a new type of treatment to fight their disease.